Source code for mrmustard.lab.detectors

# Copyright 2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This module implements the set of detector classes that perform measurements on quantum circuits.

from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from mrmustard import settings
from mrmustard.physics import fock, gaussian
from mrmustard.utils.typing import RealMatrix, RealVector

from mrmustard import math
from .abstract import FockMeasurement, Measurement, State
from .gates import Rgate
from .states import Coherent, DisplacedSqueezed
from .utils import make_parameter

__all__ = ["PNRDetector", "ThresholdDetector", "Generaldyne", "Homodyne", "Heterodyne"]

# pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] class PNRDetector(FockMeasurement): r"""Photon Number Resolving detector. If ``len(modes) > 1`` the detector is applied in parallel to all of the modes provided. If a parameter is a single float, the parallel instances of the detector share that parameter. To apply mode-specific parmeters use a list of floats. The number of modes is determined (in order of priority) by the modes parameter, the cutoffs parameter, or the length of the efficiency and dark counts parameters. One can optionally set bounds for each parameter, which the optimizer will respect. It can be supplied the full stochastic channel, or it will compute it from the quantum efficiency (binomial) and the dark count probability (possonian). Args: efficiency (float or List[float]): list of quantum efficiencies for each detector efficiency_trainable (bool): whether the efficiency is trainable efficiency_bounds (Tuple[float, float]): bounds for the efficiency dark_counts (float or List[float]): list of expected dark counts dark_counts_trainable (bool): whether the dark counts are trainable dark_counts_bounds (Tuple[float, float]): bounds for the dark counts stochastic_channel (Optional 2d array): if supplied, this stochastic_channel will be used for belief propagation modes (Optional List[int]): list of modes to apply the detector to cutoffs (int or List[int]): largest phton number measurement cutoff for each mode """ def __init__( self, efficiency: Union[float, List[float]] = 1.0, dark_counts: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.0, efficiency_trainable: bool = False, dark_counts_trainable: bool = False, efficiency_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (0.0, 1.0), dark_counts_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (0.0, None), stochastic_channel: RealMatrix = None, modes: List[int] = None, cutoffs: Union[int, List[int]] = None, ): self._stochastic_channel = stochastic_channel self._should_recompute_stochastic_channel = efficiency_trainable or dark_counts_trainable eff = math.atleast_1d(efficiency) dk = math.atleast_1d(dark_counts) if modes is not None: num_modes = len(modes) elif cutoffs is not None: num_modes = len(cutoffs) else: num_modes = max(len(eff), len(dk)) modes = modes or list(range(num_modes)) outcome = None super().__init__(outcome, modes, cutoffs) self._add_parameter( make_parameter(efficiency_trainable, eff, "efficiency", efficiency_bounds) ) self._add_parameter( make_parameter(dark_counts_trainable, dk, "dark_counts", dark_counts_bounds) ) self.recompute_stochastic_channel()
[docs] def should_recompute_stochastic_channel(self): return self._should_recompute_stochastic_channel
[docs] def recompute_stochastic_channel(self, cutoffs: List[int] = None): """recompute belief using the defined `stochastic channel`""" if cutoffs is None: cutoffs = [settings.PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF] * len(self._modes) self._internal_stochastic_channel = [] if self._stochastic_channel is not None: self._internal_stochastic_channel = self._stochastic_channel else: efficiency = ( math.tile(math.atleast_1d(self.efficiency.value), [len(cutoffs)]) if len(math.atleast_1d(self.efficiency.value)) == 1 else self.efficiency.value ) dark_counts = ( math.tile(math.atleast_1d(self.dark_counts.value), [len(cutoffs)]) if len(math.atleast_1d(self.dark_counts.value)) == 1 else self.dark_counts.value ) for c, qe, dc in zip(cutoffs, efficiency, dark_counts): dark_prior = math.poisson(max_k=settings.PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF, rate=dc) condprob = math.binomial_conditional_prob( success_prob=qe, dim_in=settings.PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF, dim_out=c ) self._internal_stochastic_channel.append( math.convolve_probs_1d( condprob, [dark_prior, math.eye(settings.PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF)[0]] ) )
# pylint: disable: no-member
[docs] class ThresholdDetector(FockMeasurement): r"""Threshold detector: any Fock component other than vacuum counts toward a click in the detector. If ``len(modes) > 1`` the detector is applied in parallel to all of the modes provided. If a parameter is a single float, its value is applied to all of the parallel instances of the detector. To apply mode-specific values use a list of floats. It can be supplied the full conditional detection probabilities, or it will compute them from the quantum efficiency (binomial) and the dark count probability (bernoulli). Args: efficiency (float or List[float]): list of quantum efficiencies for each detector dark_count_prob (float or List[float]): list of dark count probabilities for each detector efficiency_trainable (bool): whether the efficiency is trainable dark_count_prob_trainable (bool): whether the dark count probabilities are trainable efficiency_bounds (Tuple[float, float]): bounds for the efficiency dark_count_prob_bounds (Tuple[float, float]): bounds for the dark count probabilities stochastic_channel (Optional 2d array): if supplied, this stochastic_channel will be used for belief propagation modes (Optional List[int]): list of modes to apply the detector to """ def __init__( self, efficiency: Union[float, List[float]] = 1.0, dark_count_prob: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.0, efficiency_trainable: bool = False, dark_count_prob_trainable: bool = False, efficiency_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (0.0, 1.0), dark_count_prob_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (0.0, None), stochastic_channel=None, modes: List[int] = None, ): if modes is not None: num_modes = len(modes) else: num_modes = max(len(math.atleast_1d(efficiency)), len(math.atleast_1d(dark_count_prob))) if len(math.atleast_1d(efficiency)) == 1 and num_modes > 1: efficiency = math.tile(math.atleast_1d(efficiency), [num_modes]) if len(math.atleast_1d(dark_count_prob)) == 1 and num_modes > 1: dark_count_prob = math.tile(math.atleast_1d(dark_count_prob), [num_modes]) modes = modes or list(range(num_modes)) self._stochastic_channel = stochastic_channel cutoffs = [2] * num_modes self._should_recompute_stochastic_channel = ( efficiency_trainable or dark_count_prob_trainable ) outcome = None super().__init__(outcome, modes, cutoffs) self._add_parameter( make_parameter(efficiency_trainable, efficiency, "efficiency", efficiency_bounds) ) self._add_parameter( make_parameter( dark_count_prob_trainable, dark_count_prob, "dark_count_prob", dark_count_prob_bounds, ) ) self.recompute_stochastic_channel()
[docs] def should_recompute_stochastic_channel(self): return self._should_recompute_stochastic_channel
[docs] def recompute_stochastic_channel(self, cutoffs: List[int] = None): """recompute belief using the defined `stochastic channel`""" if cutoffs is None: cutoffs = [settings.PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF] * len(self._modes) self._internal_stochastic_channel = [] if self._stochastic_channel is not None: self._internal_stochastic_channel = self._stochastic_channel else: for cut, qe, dc in zip( cutoffs, math.atleast_1d(self.efficiency.value)[:], math.atleast_1d(self.dark_count_prob.value)[:], ): row1 = math.pow(1.0 - qe, math.arange(cut)[None, :]) - math.cast( dc, self.efficiency.value.dtype ) row2 = 1.0 - row1 # rest = math.zeros((cut - 2, cut), dtype=row1.dtype) condprob = math.concat([row1, row2], axis=0) self._internal_stochastic_channel.append(condprob)
[docs] class Generaldyne(Measurement): r"""Generaldyne measurement on given modes. Args: state (State): the Gaussian state of the measurment device outcome (optional or List[float]): the means of the measurement state, defaults to ``None`` modes (List[int]): the modes on which the measurement is acting on """ def __init__( self, state: State, outcome: Optional[RealVector] = None, modes: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None, ) -> None: if not state.is_gaussian: raise TypeError("Generaldyne measurement state must be Gaussian.") if outcome is not None and not outcome.shape == state.means.shape: raise TypeError( f"Expected `outcome` of size {state.means.shape} but got {outcome.shape}." ) self.state = state if modes is None: modes = self.state.modes else: # ensure measurement and state act on the same modes self.state = state[modes] super().__init__(outcome, modes) @property def outcome(self) -> RealVector: return self.state.means
[docs] def primal(self, other: State) -> Union[State, float]: if self.postselected: # return the projection of self.state onto other return self.state.primal(other) return super().primal(other)
def _measure_gaussian(self, other) -> Union[State, float]: remaining_modes = list(set(other.modes) - set(self.modes)) outcome, prob, new_cov, new_means = gaussian.general_dyne( other.cov, other.means, self.state.cov, None, modes=self.modes ) self.state = State(cov=self.state.cov, means=outcome) return ( prob if len(remaining_modes) == 0 else State(cov=new_cov, means=new_means, modes=remaining_modes, _norm=prob) ) def _measure_fock(self, other) -> Union[State, float]: raise NotImplementedError(f"Fock sampling not implemented for {self.__class__.__name__}")
[docs] class Heterodyne(Generaldyne): r"""Heterodyne measurement on given modes. This class is just a thin wrapper around the :class:`Coherent`. If neither ``x`` or ``y`` is provided then values will be sampled. Args: x (optional float or List[float]): the x-displacement of the coherent state, defaults to ``None`` y (optional or List[float]): the y-displacement of the coherent state, defaults to ``None`` modes (List[int]): the modes of the coherent state """ def __init__( self, x: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.0, y: Union[float, List[float]] = 0.0, modes: List[int] = None, ): if (x is None) ^ (y is None): # XOR raise ValueError("Both `x` and `y` arguments should be defined or set to `None`.") # if no x and y provided, sample the outcome if x is None and y is None: num_modes = len(modes) if modes is not None else 1 x, y = math.zeros([num_modes]), math.zeros([num_modes]) outcome = None else: x = math.atleast_1d(x, dtype="float64") y = math.atleast_1d(y, dtype="float64") outcome = math.concat([x, y], axis=0) # XXPP ordering modes = modes or list(range(x.shape[0])) units_factor = math.sqrt(2.0 * settings.HBAR, dtype="float64") state = Coherent(x / units_factor, y / units_factor) super().__init__(state=state, outcome=outcome, modes=modes)
[docs] class Homodyne(Generaldyne): """Homodyne measurement on given modes. If ``result`` is not provided then the value is sampled. Args: quadrature_angle (float or List[float]): measurement quadrature angle result (optional float or List[float]): displacement amount modes (optional List[int]): the modes of the displaced squeezed state r (optional float or List[float]): squeezing amount (default: ``settings.HOMODYNE_SQUEEZING``) """ def __init__( self, quadrature_angle: Union[float, List[float]], result: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, modes: Optional[List[int]] = None, r: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, ): self.r = r or settings.HOMODYNE_SQUEEZING self.quadrature_angle = math.atleast_1d(quadrature_angle, dtype="float64") # if no ``result`` provided, sample the outcome if result is None: x = math.zeros_like(self.quadrature_angle) y = math.zeros_like(self.quadrature_angle) outcome = None else: result = math.atleast_1d(result, dtype="float64") if result.shape[-1] == 1: result = math.tile(result, self.quadrature_angle.shape) x = result * math.cos(self.quadrature_angle) y = result * math.sin(self.quadrature_angle) outcome = math.concat([x, y], axis=0) # XXPP ordering modes = modes or list(range(self.quadrature_angle.shape[0])) units_factor = math.sqrt(2.0 * settings.HBAR, dtype="float64") state = DisplacedSqueezed( r=self.r, phi=2 * self.quadrature_angle, x=x / units_factor, y=y / units_factor ) super().__init__(state=state, outcome=outcome, modes=modes) def _measure_gaussian(self, other) -> Union[State, float]: # rotate modes to be measured to the Homodyne basis other >>= Rgate(-self.quadrature_angle, modes=self.modes) self.state >>= Rgate(-self.quadrature_angle, modes=self.modes) # perform homodyne measurement as a generaldyne one out = super()._measure_gaussian(other) # set p-outcomes to 0 and rotate the measurement device state back to the original basis, # this is in turn rotating the outcomes to the original basis self_state_means = math.concat( [self.state.means[: self.num_modes], math.zeros((self.num_modes,))], axis=0 ) self.state = State(cov=self.state.cov, means=self_state_means, modes=self.modes) >> Rgate( self.quadrature_angle, modes=self.modes ) return out def _measure_fock(self, other) -> Union[State, float]: if len(self.modes) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Multimode Homodyne sampling for Fock representation is not yet implemented." ) other_cutoffs = [ None if m not in self.modes else other.cutoffs[other.indices(m)] for m in other.modes ] remaining_modes = list(set(other.modes) - set(self.modes)) # create reduced state of modes to be measured on the homodyne basis reduced_state = other.get_modes(self.modes) # build pdf and sample homodyne outcome x_outcome, probability = fock.sample_homodyne( state=reduced_state.ket() if reduced_state.is_pure else, quadrature_angle=self.quadrature_angle, ) # Define conditional state of the homodyne measurement device and rotate back to the original basis. # Note: x_outcome already has units of sqrt(hbar). Here is divided by sqrt(2*hbar) to cancel the multiplication # factor of the displacement symplectic inside the DisplacedSqueezed state. x_arg = x_outcome / math.sqrt(2.0 * settings.HBAR, dtype="float64") self.state = DisplacedSqueezed( r=self.r, phi=0.0, x=x_arg, y=0.0, modes=self.modes ) >> Rgate(self.quadrature_angle, modes=self.modes) if remaining_modes == 0: return probability self_cutoffs = [other.cutoffs[other.indices(m)] for m in self.modes] other_cutoffs = [ None if m not in self.modes else other.cutoffs[other.indices(m)] for m in other.modes ] out_fock = fock.contract_states( stateA=other.ket(other_cutoffs) if other.is_pure else, stateB=self.state.ket(self_cutoffs), a_is_dm=other.is_mixed, b_is_dm=False, modes=other.indices(self.modes), normalize=False, ) return ( State(dm=out_fock, modes=remaining_modes, _norm=probability) if other.is_mixed else State(ket=out_fock, modes=remaining_modes, _norm=probability) )