Source code for mrmustard.physics

# Copyright 2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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The physics module contains high-level functions for performing calculations on quantum objects.
It allows for objects with different representations to be used seamlessly in the same calculation, e.g., ``fidelity(A, B)`` works whether A and B are in the Fock or Gaussian representation or a mix of both.

All the functions are automatically differentiated and can be used in conjunction with an
optimization routine.

from mrmustard.physics import fock, gaussian

# pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def fidelity(A, B) -> float: r"""Calculates the fidelity between two quantum states. Args: A (State) The first quantum state. B (State) The second quantum state. Returns: float: The fidelity between the two states. """ if A.is_gaussian and B.is_gaussian: return, A.cov, B.means, B.cov) return, B.fock, a_ket=A._ket is not None, b_ket=B._ket is not None)
[docs] def normalize(A): r"""Returns the normalized state. Args: A (State): the quantum state Returns: State: the normalized state """ if A.is_gaussian: A._norm = 1.0 return A if A.is_mixed: return A.__class__(dm=fock.normalize(, is_dm=True)) return A.__class__(ket=fock.normalize(A.ket(), is_dm=False))
[docs] def norm(A) -> float: r"""Calculates the norm of a quantum state. The norm is equal to the trace of the density matrix if the state is mixed and to the norm of the state vector if the state is pure. Args: A (State): the quantum state Returns: float: the norm of the state """ if A.is_gaussian: return A._norm return fock.norm(A.fock, is_dm=A.is_mixed)
[docs] def overlap(A, B) -> float: r"""Calculates the overlap between two quantum states. If the states are both pure it returns :math:`|<A|B>|^2`, if one is mixed it returns :math:`<A|B|A>` and if both are mixed it returns :math:`Tr[AB]`. Args: A (State) the first quantum state B (State) the second quantum state Returns: float: the overlap between the two states """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def von_neumann_entropy(A) -> float: r"""Calculates the Von Neumann entropy of a quantum state. Args: A (State) the quantum state Returns: float: the Von Neumann entropy of the state """ if A.is_gaussian: return gaussian.von_neumann_entropy(A.cov) return fock.von_neumann_entropy(A.fock, a_dm=A.is_mixed)
[docs] def relative_entropy(A, B) -> float: r"""Calculates the relative entropy between two quantum states. Args: A (State) the first quantum state B (State) the second quantum state Returns: float: the relative entropy between the two states """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def trace_distance(A, B) -> float: r"""Calculates the trace distance between two quantum states. Args: A (State) the first quantum state B (State) the second quantum state Returns: float: the trace distance between the two states """ if A.is_gaussian and B.is_gaussian: return gaussian.trace_distance(A.means, A.cov, B.means, B.cov) return fock.trace_distance(A.fock, B.fock, a_dm=A.is_mixed, b_dm=B.is_mixed)