Source code for mrmustard.math.backend_manager

# Copyright 2023 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""This module contains the backend manager."""

import importlib.util
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import product
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import binom
from scipy.stats import ortho_group, unitary_group

from ..utils.settings import settings
from ..utils.typing import (
from .backend_base import BackendBase
from .backend_numpy import BackendNumpy

__all__ = [

# ~~~~~~~
# Helpers
# ~~~~~~~

def lazy_import(module_name: str):
    Returns module and loader for lazy import.

        module_name: The name of the module to import.
        return sys.modules[module_name], None
    except KeyError:
        spec = importlib.util.find_spec(module_name)
        module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
        loader = importlib.util.LazyLoader(spec.loader)
        return module, loader

# lazy import for numpy
module_name_np = "mrmustard.math.backend_numpy"
module_np, loader_np = lazy_import(module_name_np)

# lazy import for tensorflow
module_name_tf = "mrmustard.math.backend_tensorflow"
module_tf, loader_tf = lazy_import(module_name_tf)

all_modules = {
    "numpy": {"module": module_np, "loader": loader_np, "object": "BackendNumpy"},
    "tensorflow": {
        "module": module_tf,
        "loader": loader_tf,
        "object": "BackendTensorflow",

[docs] class BackendManager: # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, fixme r""" A class to manage the different backends supported by Mr Mustard. """ # the backend in use, which is numpy by default _backend = BackendNumpy() # the configured Euclidean optimizer. _euclidean_opt: Optional[type] = None # whether or not the backend can be changed _is_immutable = False def __init__(self) -> None: # binding types and decorators of numpy backend self._bind() def _apply(self, fn: str, args: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = ()) -> Any: r""" Applies a function ``fn`` from the backend in use to the given ``args``. """ try: attr = getattr(self.backend, fn) except AttributeError: msg = f"Function ``{fn}`` not implemented for backend ``{self.backend_name}``." # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from raise NotImplementedError(msg) return attr(*args) def _bind(self) -> None: r""" Binds the types and decorators of this backend manager to those of the given ``self._backend``. """ for name in [ "int32", "float32", "float64", "complex64", "complex128", "hermite_renormalized", "hermite_renormalized_binomial", "hermite_renormalized_diagonal_reorderedAB", "hermite_renormalized_1leftoverMode_reorderedAB", ]: setattr(self, name, getattr(self._backend, name)) def __new__(cls): # singleton try: return cls.instance except AttributeError: cls.instance = super(BackendManager, cls).__new__(cls) return cls.instance def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Backend({self.backend_name})" @property def backend(self) -> BackendBase: r""" The backend that is being used. """ self._is_immutable = True return self._backend @property def backend_name(self) -> str: r""" The name of the backend in use. """ return
[docs] def change_backend(self, name: str) -> None: r""" Changes the backend to a different one. Args: name: The name of the new backend. """ if name not in ["numpy", "tensorflow"]: msg = "Backend must be either ``numpy`` or ``tensorflow``" raise ValueError(msg) if self.backend_name != name: if self._is_immutable: msg = "Can no longer change the backend in this session." raise ValueError(msg) module = all_modules[name]["module"] object = all_modules[name]["object"] try: backend = getattr(module, object)() except AttributeError: # lazy import loader = all_modules[name]["loader"] loader.exec_module(module) backend = getattr(module, object)() # switch backend self._backend = backend # bind self._bind()
# ~~~~~~~ # Methods # ~~~~~~~ # Below are the methods supported by the various backends.
[docs] def abs(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The absolute value of array. Args: array: The array to take the absolute value of. Returns: The absolute value of the given ``array``. """ return self._apply("abs", (array,))
[docs] def allclose(self, array1: Tensor, array2: Tensor, atol=1e-9) -> bool: r""" Whether two arrays are equal within tolerance. The two arrays are compaired element-wise. Args: array1: An array. array2: Another array. atol: The absolute tolerance. Returns: Whether two arrays are equal within tolerance. Raises: ValueError: If the shape of the two arrays do not match. """ return self._apply("allclose", (array1, array2, atol))
[docs] def any(self, array: Tensor) -> bool: r"""Returns ``True`` if any element of array is ``True``, ``False`` otherwise. Args: array: The array to check. Returns: ``True`` if any element of array is ``True``, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self._apply("any", (array,))
[docs] def arange(self, start: int, limit: int = None, delta: int = 1, dtype: Any = None) -> Tensor: r"""Returns an array of evenly spaced values within a given interval. Args: start: The start of the interval. limit: The end of the interval. delta: The step size. dtype: The dtype of the returned array. Returns: The array of evenly spaced values. """ # NOTE: is float64 by default return self._apply("arange", (start, limit, delta, dtype))
[docs] def asnumpy(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Converts an array to a numpy array. Args: tensor: The tensor to convert. Returns: The corresponidng numpy array. """ return self._apply("asnumpy", (tensor,))
[docs] def assign(self, tensor: Tensor, value: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Assigns value to tensor. Args: tensor: The tensor to assign to. value: The value to assign. Returns: The tensor with value assigned """ return self._apply("assign", (tensor, value))
[docs] def astensor(self, array: Tensor, dtype=None): r"""Converts a numpy array to a tensor. Args: array: The numpy array to convert. dtype: The dtype of the tensor. If ``None``, the returned tensor is of type ``float``. Returns: The tensor with dtype. """ return self._apply("astensor", (array, dtype))
[docs] def atleast_1d(self, array: Tensor, dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""Returns an array with at least one dimension. Args: array: The array to convert. dtype: The data type of the array. If ``None``, the returned array is of the same type as the given one. Returns: The array with at least one dimension. """ return self._apply("atleast_1d", (array, dtype))
[docs] def atleast_2d(self, array: Tensor, dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""Returns an array with at least two dimensions. Args: array: The array to convert. dtype: The data type of the array. If ``None``, the returned array is of the same type as the given one. Returns: The array with at least two dimensions. """ return self._apply("atleast_2d", (array, dtype))
[docs] def atleast_3d(self, array: Tensor, dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""Returns an array with at least three dimensions by eventually inserting new axes at the beginning. Note this is not the way atleast_3d works in numpy and tensorflow, where it adds at the beginning and/or end. Args: array: The array to convert. dtype: The data type of the array. If ``None``, the returned array is of the same type as the given one. Returns: The array with at least three dimensions. """ return self._apply("atleast_3d", (array, dtype))
[docs] def block_diag(self, mat1: Matrix, mat2: Matrix) -> Matrix: r"""Returns a block diagonal matrix from the given matrices. Args: mat1: A matrix. mat2: A matrix. Returns: A block diagonal matrix from the given matrices. """ return self._apply("block_diag", (mat1, mat2))
[docs] def boolean_mask(self, tensor: Tensor, mask: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Returns a tensor based on the truth value of the boolean mask. Args: tensor: A tensor. mask: A boolean mask. Returns: A tensor based on the truth value of the boolean mask. """ return self._apply("boolean_mask", (tensor, mask))
[docs] def block(self, blocks: List[List[Tensor]], axes=(-2, -1)) -> Tensor: r"""Returns a matrix made from the given blocks. Args: blocks: A list of lists of compatible blocks. axes: The axes to stack the blocks along. Returns: The matrix made of blocks. """ return self._apply("block", (blocks, axes))
[docs] def cast(self, array: Tensor, dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""Casts ``array`` to ``dtype``. Args: array: The array to cast. dtype: The data type to cast to. If ``None``, the returned array is the same as the given one. Returns: The array cast to dtype. """ return self._apply("cast", (array, dtype))
[docs] def clip(self, array: Tensor, a_min: float, a_max: float) -> Tensor: r"""Clips array to the interval ``[a_min, a_max]``. Args: array: The array to clip. a_min: The minimum value. a_max: The maximum value. Returns: The clipped array. """ return self._apply("clip", (array, a_min, a_max))
[docs] def concat(self, values: Sequence[Tensor], axis: int) -> Tensor: r"""Concatenates values along the given axis. Args: values: The values to concatenate. axis: The axis along which to concatenate. Returns: The concatenated values. """ return self._apply("concat", (values, axis))
[docs] def conj(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The complex conjugate of array. Args: array: The array to take the complex conjugate of. Returns: The complex conjugate of the given ``array``. """ return self._apply("conj", (array,))
[docs] def constraint_func( self, bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] ) -> Optional[Callable]: r"""Returns a constraint function for the given bounds. A constraint function will clip the value to the interval given by the bounds. .. note:: The upper and/or lower bounds can be ``None``, in which case the constraint function will not clip the value. Args: bounds: The bounds of the constraint. Returns: The constraint function. """ return self._apply("constraint_func", (bounds))
[docs] def convolution( self, array: Tensor, filters: Tensor, padding: Optional[str] = None, data_format="NWC", ) -> Tensor: # TODO: remove strides and data_format? r"""Performs a convolution on array with filters. Args: array: The array to convolve. filters: The filters to convolve with. padding: The padding mode. data_format: The data format of the array. Returns: The convolved array. """ return self._apply("convolution", (array, filters, padding, data_format))
[docs] def cos(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The cosine of an array. Args: array: The array to take the cosine of. Returns: The cosine of ``array``. """ return self._apply("cos", (array,))
[docs] def cosh(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The hyperbolic cosine of array. Args: array: The array to take the hyperbolic cosine of. Returns: The hyperbolic cosine of ``array``. """ return self._apply("cosh", (array,))
[docs] def det(self, matrix: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The determinant of matrix. Args: matrix: The matrix to take the determinant of Returns: The determinant of ``matrix``. """ return self._apply("det", (matrix,))
[docs] def diag(self, array: Tensor, k: int = 0) -> Tensor: r"""The array made by inserting the given array along the :math:`k`-th diagonal. Args: array: The array to insert. k: The ``k``-th diagonal to insert array into. Returns: The array with ``array`` inserted into the ``k``-th diagonal. """ return self._apply("diag", (array, k))
[docs] def diag_part(self, array: Tensor, k: int = 0) -> Tensor: r"""The array of the main diagonal of array. Args: array: The array to extract the main diagonal of. k: The diagonal to extract. Returns: The array of the main diagonal of ``array``. """ return self._apply("diag_part", (array, k))
[docs] def eigvals(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The eigenvalues of a tensor. Args: tensor: The tensor to calculate the eigenvalues of. Returns: The eigenvalues of ``tensor``. """ return self._apply("eigvals", (tensor,))
[docs] def eigh(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. Args: tensor: The tensor to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of. Returns: The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of ``tensor``. """ return self._apply("eigh", (tensor,))
[docs] def einsum(self, string: str, *tensors) -> Tensor: r"""The result of the Einstein summation convention on the tensors. Args: string: The string of the Einstein summation convention. tensors: The tensors to perform the Einstein summation on. Returns: The result of the Einstein summation convention. """ return self._apply("einsum", (string, *tensors))
[docs] def exp(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The exponential of array element-wise. Args: array: The array to take the exponential of. Returns: The exponential of array. """ return self._apply("exp", (array,))
[docs] def expand_dims(self, array: Tensor, axis: int) -> Tensor: r"""The array with an additional dimension inserted at the given axis. Args: array: The array to expand. axis: The axis to insert the new dimension. Returns: The array with an additional dimension inserted at the given axis. """ return self._apply("expand_dims", (array, axis))
[docs] def expm(self, matrix: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The matrix exponential of matrix. Args: matrix: The matrix to take the exponential of. Returns: The exponential of ``matrix``. """ return self._apply("expm", (matrix,))
[docs] def eye(self, size: int, dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""The identity matrix of size. Args: size: The size of the identity matrix dtype: The data type of the identity matrix. If ``None``, the returned matrix is of type ``float``. Returns: The identity matrix. """ return self._apply("eye", (size, dtype))
[docs] def eye_like(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The identity matrix of the same shape and dtype as array. Args: array: The array to create the identity matrix of. Returns: The identity matrix. """ return self._apply("eye_like", (array,))
[docs] def from_backend(self, value: Any) -> bool: r"""Whether the given tensor is a tensor of the concrete backend. Args: value: A value. Returns: Whether given ``value`` is a tensor of the concrete backend. """ return self._apply("from_backend", (value,))
[docs] def gather(self, array: Tensor, indices: Batch[int], axis: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor: r"""The values of the array at the given indices. Args: array: The array to gather values from. indices: The indices to gather values from. axis: The axis to gather values from. Returns: The values of the array at the given indices. """ return self._apply( "gather", ( array, indices, axis, ), )
[docs] def hermite_renormalized_batch( self, A: Tensor, B: Tensor, C: Tensor, shape: Tuple[int] ) -> Tensor: r"""Renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial given by the "exponential" Taylor series of :math:`exp(C + Bx + 1/2*Ax^2)` at zero, where the series has :math:`sqrt(n!)` at the denominator rather than :math:`n!`. It computes all the amplitudes within the tensor of given shape in case of B is a batched vector with a batched diemnsion on the last index. Args: A: The A matrix. B: The batched B vector with its batch dimension on the last index. C: The C scalar. shape: The shape of the final tensor. Returns: The batched Hermite polynomial of given shape. """ return self._apply("hermite_renormalized_batch", (A, B, C, shape))
[docs] def hermite_renormalized_diagonal( self, A: Tensor, B: Tensor, C: Tensor, cutoffs: Tuple[int] ) -> Tensor: r"""Firsts, reorder A and B parameters of Bargmann representation to match conventions in mrmustard.math.compactFock~ Then, calculates the required renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial. """ return self._apply("hermite_renormalized_diagonal", (A, B, C, cutoffs))
[docs] def hermite_renormalized_diagonal_batch( self, A: Tensor, B: Tensor, C: Tensor, cutoffs: Tuple[int] ) -> Tensor: r"""First, reorder A and B parameters of Bargmann representation to match conventions in mrmustard.math.compactFock~ Then, calculates the required renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial. Same as hermite_renormalized_diagonal but works for a batch of different B's.""" return self._apply("hermite_renormalized_diagonal_batch", (A, B, C, cutoffs))
[docs] def hermite_renormalized_1leftoverMode( self, A: Tensor, B: Tensor, C: Tensor, cutoffs: Tuple[int] ) -> Tensor: r"""First, reorder A and B parameters of Bargmann representation to match conventions in mrmustard.math.compactFock~ Then, calculate the required renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial. """ return self._apply("hermite_renormalized_1leftoverMode", (A, B, C, cutoffs))
[docs] def imag(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The imaginary part of array. Args: array: The array to take the imaginary part of Returns: The imaginary part of array """ return self._apply("imag", (array,))
[docs] def inv(self, tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The inverse of tensor. Args: tensor: The tensor to take the inverse of Returns: The inverse of tensor """ return self._apply("inv", (tensor,))
[docs] def is_trainable(self, tensor: Tensor) -> bool: r"""Whether the given tensor is trainable. Args: tensor: The tensor to train. Returns: Whether the given tensor can be trained. """ return self._apply("is_trainable", (tensor,))
[docs] def lgamma(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The natural logarithm of the gamma function of ``x``. Args: x: The array to take the natural logarithm of the gamma function of Returns: The natural logarithm of the gamma function of ``x`` """ return self._apply("lgamma", (x,))
[docs] def log(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The natural logarithm of ``x``. Args: x: The array to take the natural logarithm of Returns: The natural logarithm of ``x`` """ return self._apply("log", (x,))
[docs] def make_complex(self, real: Tensor, imag: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Given two real tensors representing the real and imaginary part of a complex number, this operation returns a complex tensor. The input tensors must have the same shape. Args: real: The real part of the complex number. imag: The imaginary part of the complex number. Returns: The complex array ``real + 1j * imag``. """ return self._apply("make_complex", (real, imag))
[docs] def matmul(self, *matrices: Matrix) -> Tensor: r"""The matrix product of the given matrices. Args: matrices: The matrices to multiply. Returns: The matrix product """ return self._apply("matmul", matrices)
[docs] def matvec(self, a: Matrix, b: Vector) -> Tensor: r"""The matrix vector product of ``a`` (matrix) and ``b`` (vector). Args: a: The matrix to multiply b: The vector to multiply Returns: The matrix vector product of ``a`` and ``b`` """ return self._apply("matvec", (a, b))
[docs] def maximum(self, a: Tensor, b: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The element-wise maximum of ``a`` and ``b``. Args: a: The first array to take the maximum of b: The second array to take the maximum of Returns: The element-wise maximum of ``a`` and ``b`` """ return self._apply( "maximum", ( a, b, ), )
[docs] def minimum(self, a: Tensor, b: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The element-wise minimum of ``a`` and ``b``. Args: a: The first array to take the minimum of b: The second array to take the minimum of Returns: The element-wise minimum of ``a`` and ``b`` """ return self._apply( "minimum", ( a, b, ), )
[docs] def new_variable( self, value: Tensor, bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]], name: str, dtype=None, ) -> Tensor: r"""Returns a new variable with the given value and bounds. Args: value: The value of the new variable. bounds: The bounds of the new variable. name: The name of the new variable. dtype: dtype of the new variable. If ``None``, casts it to float. Returns: The new variable. """ return self._apply("new_variable", (value, bounds, name, dtype))
[docs] def new_constant(self, value: Tensor, name: str, dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""Returns a new constant with the given value. Args: value: The value of the new constant name (str): name of the new constant dtype (type): dtype of the array Returns: The new constant """ return self._apply("new_constant", (value, name, dtype))
[docs] def norm(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The norm of array. Args: array: The array to take the norm of Returns: The norm of array """ return self._apply("norm", (array,))
[docs] def ones(self, shape: Sequence[int], dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""Returns an array of ones with the given ``shape`` and ``dtype``. Args: shape (tuple): shape of the array dtype (type): dtype of the array. If ``None``, the returned array is of type ``float``. Returns: The array of ones """ # NOTE : should be float64 by default return self._apply("ones", (shape, dtype))
[docs] def ones_like(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Returns an array of ones with the same shape and ``dtype`` as ``array``. Args: array: The array to take the shape and dtype of Returns: The array of ones """ return self._apply("ones_like", (array,))
[docs] def outer(self, array1: Tensor, array2: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The outer product of ``array1`` and ``array2``. Args: array1: The first array to take the outer product of array2: The second array to take the outer product of Returns: The outer product of array1 and array2 """ return self._apply("outer", (array1, array2))
[docs] def pad( self, array: Tensor, paddings: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], mode="CONSTANT", constant_values=0, ) -> Tensor: r"""The padded array. Args: array: The array to pad paddings (tuple): paddings to apply mode (str): mode to apply the padding constant_values (int): constant values to use for padding Returns: The padded array """ return self._apply("pad", (array, paddings, mode, constant_values))
[docs] def pinv(self, matrix: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The pseudo-inverse of matrix. Args: matrix: The matrix to take the pseudo-inverse of Returns: The pseudo-inverse of matrix """ return self._apply("pinv", (matrix,))
[docs] def pow(self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Returns :math:`x^y`. Broadcasts ``x`` and ``y`` if necessary. Args: x: The base y: The exponent Returns: The :math:`x^y` """ return self._apply("pow", (x, y))
[docs] def kron(self, tensor1: Tensor, tensor2: Tensor) -> Tensor: r""" The Kroenecker product of the given tensors. Args: tensor1: A tensor. tensor2: Another tensor. Returns: The Kroenecker product. """ return self._apply("kron", (tensor1, tensor2))
[docs] def prod(self, array: Tensor, axis=None) -> Tensor: r""" The product of all elements in ``array``. Args: array: The array of elements to calculate the product of. axis: The axis along which a product is performed. If ``None``, it calculates the product of all elements in ``array``. Returns: The product of the elements in ``array``. """ return self._apply("prod", (array, axis))
[docs] def real(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The real part of ``array``. Args: array: The array to take the real part of Returns: The real part of ``array`` """ return self._apply("real", (array,))
[docs] def reshape(self, array: Tensor, shape: Sequence[int]) -> Tensor: r"""The reshaped array. Args: array: The array to reshape shape (tuple): shape to reshape the array to Returns: The reshaped array """ return self._apply("reshape", (array, shape))
[docs] def round(self, array: Tensor, decimals: int) -> Tensor: r"""The array rounded to the nearest integer. Args: array: The array to round decimals: number of decimals to round to Returns: The array rounded to the nearest integer """ return self._apply("round", (array, decimals))
[docs] def set_diag(self, array: Tensor, diag: Tensor, k: int) -> Tensor: r"""The array with the diagonal set to ``diag``. Args: array: The array to set the diagonal of diag: The diagonal to set k (int): diagonal to set Returns: The array with the diagonal set to ``diag`` """ return self._apply("set_diag", (array, diag, k))
[docs] def sin(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The sine of ``array``. Args: array: The array to take the sine of Returns: The sine of ``array`` """ return self._apply("sin", (array,))
[docs] def sinh(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The hyperbolic sine of ``array``. Args: array: The array to take the hyperbolic sine of Returns: The hyperbolic sine of ``array`` """ return self._apply("sinh", (array,))
[docs] def solve(self, matrix: Tensor, rhs: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""The solution of the linear system :math:`Ax = b`. Args: matrix: The matrix :math:`A` rhs: The vector :math:`b` Returns: The solution :math:`x` """ return self._apply("solve", (matrix, rhs))
[docs] def sqrt(self, x: Tensor, dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""The square root of ``x``. Args: x: The array to take the square root of dtype: ``dtype`` of the output array. Returns: The square root of ``x`` """ return self._apply("sqrt", (x, dtype))
[docs] def sqrtm(self, tensor: Tensor, dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""The matrix square root. Args: tensor: The tensor to take the matrix square root of. dtype: The ``dtype`` of the output tensor. If ``None``, the output is of type ``math.complex128``. Returns: The square root of ``x``""" return self._apply("sqrtm", (tensor, dtype))
[docs] def sum(self, array: Tensor, axes: Sequence[int] = None): r"""The sum of array. Args: array: The array to take the sum of axes (tuple): axes to sum over Returns: The sum of array """ if axes is not None: neg = [a for a in axes if a < 0] pos = [a for a in axes if a >= 0] axes = sorted(neg) + sorted(pos)[::-1] return self._apply("sum", (array, axes))
[docs] def tensordot(self, a: Tensor, b: Tensor, axes: Sequence[int]) -> Tensor: r"""The tensordot product of ``a`` and ``b``. Args: a: The first array to take the tensordot product of b: The second array to take the tensordot product of axes: The axes to take the tensordot product over Returns: The tensordot product of ``a`` and ``b`` """ return self._apply("tensordot", (a, b, axes))
[docs] def tile(self, array: Tensor, repeats: Sequence[int]) -> Tensor: r"""The tiled array. Args: array: The array to tile repeats (tuple): number of times to tile the array along each axis Returns: The tiled array """ return self._apply("tile", (array, repeats))
[docs] def trace(self, array: Tensor, dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""The trace of array. Args: array: The array to take the trace of dtype (type): ``dtype`` of the output array Returns: The trace of array """ return self._apply("trace", (array, dtype))
[docs] def transpose(self, a: Tensor, perm: Sequence[int] = None): r"""The transposed arrays. Args: a: The array to transpose perm (tuple): permutation to apply to the array Returns: The transposed array """ return self._apply("transpose", (a, perm))
[docs] def update_tensor(self, tensor: Tensor, indices: Tensor, values: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Updates a tensor in place with the given values. Args: tensor: The tensor to update indices: The indices to update values: The values to update Returns: The updated tensor """ return self._apply("update_tensor", (tensor, indices, values))
[docs] def update_add_tensor(self, tensor: Tensor, indices: Tensor, values: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Updates a tensor in place by adding the given values. Args: tensor: The tensor to update indices: The indices to update values: The values to add Returns: The updated tensor """ return self._apply("update_add_tensor", (tensor, indices, values))
[docs] def value_and_gradients( self, cost_fn: Callable, parameters: Dict[str, List[Trainable]] ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Dict[str, List[Tensor]]]: r"""The loss and gradients of the given cost function. Args: cost_fn (callable): cost function to compute the loss and gradients of parameters (dict): parameters to compute the loss and gradients of Returns: tuple: loss and gradients (dict) of the given cost function """ return self._apply("value_and_gradients", (cost_fn, parameters))
[docs] def xlogy(self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Returns ``0`` if ``x == 0`` elementwise and ``x * log(y)`` otherwise. """ return self._apply("xlogy", (x, y))
[docs] def zeros(self, shape: Sequence[int], dtype=None) -> Tensor: r"""Returns an array of zeros with the given shape and ``dtype``. Args: shape: The shape of the array. dtype: The dtype of the array. If ``None``, the returned array is of type ``float``. Returns: The array of zeros. """ return self._apply("zeros", (shape, dtype))
[docs] def zeros_like(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Returns an array of zeros with the same shape and ``dtype`` as ``array``. Args: array: The array to take the shape and ``dtype`` of. Returns: The array of zeros. """ return self._apply("zeros_like", (array,))
[docs] def map_fn(self, fn: Callable, elements: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Transforms elems by applying fn to each element unstacked on axis 0. Args: fn (func): The callable to be performed. It accepts one argument, which will have the same (possibly nested) structure as elems. elements (Tensor): A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, each of which will be unstacked along their first dimension. ``func`` will be applied to the nested sequence of the resulting slices. Returns: Tensor: applied ``func`` on ``elements`` """ return self._apply("map_fn", (fn, elements))
[docs] def squeeze(self, tensor: Tensor, axis: Optional[List[int]]) -> Tensor: """Removes dimensions of size 1 from the shape of a tensor. Args: tensor (Tensor): the tensor to squeeze axis (Optional[List[int]]): if specified, only squeezes the dimensions listed, defaults to [] Returns: Tensor: tensor with one or more dimensions of size 1 removed """ return self._apply("squeeze", (tensor, axis))
[docs] def cholesky(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Computes the Cholesky decomposition of square matrices. Args: input (Tensor) Returns: Tensor: tensor with the same type as input """ return self._apply("cholesky", (input,))
[docs] def Categorical(self, probs: Tensor, name: str): """Categorical distribution over integers. Args: probs: The unnormalized probabilities of a set of Categorical distributions. name: The name prefixed to operations created by this class. Returns: tfp.distributions.Categorical: instance of ``tfp.distributions.Categorical`` class """ return self._apply("Categorical", (probs, name))
[docs] def MultivariateNormalTriL(self, loc: Tensor, scale_tril: Tensor): """Multivariate normal distribution on `R^k` and parameterized by a (batch of) length-k loc vector (aka "mu") and a (batch of) k x k scale matrix; covariance = scale @ scale.T where @ denotes matrix-multiplication. Args: loc (Tensor): if this is set to None, loc is implicitly 0 scale_tril: lower-triangular Tensor with non-zero diagonal elements Returns: tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalTriL: instance of ``tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalTriL`` """ return self._apply("MultivariateNormalTriL", (loc, scale_tril))
[docs] def custom_gradient(self, func): r""" A decorator to define a function with a custom gradient. """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if self.backend_name == "numpy": return func(*args, **kwargs) else: from tensorflow import custom_gradient # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel return custom_gradient(func)(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] def DefaultEuclideanOptimizer(self): r"""Default optimizer for the Euclidean parameters.""" return self._apply("DefaultEuclideanOptimizer")
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Methods that build on the basic ops and don't need to be overridden in the backend implementation # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @property def euclidean_opt(self): r"""The configured Euclidean optimizer.""" if not self._euclidean_opt: self._euclidean_opt = self.DefaultEuclideanOptimizer() return self._euclidean_opt # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Methods that build on the basic ops and don't need to be overridden in the backend implementation # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def dagger(self, array: Tensor) -> Tensor: """The adjoint of ``array``. This operation swaps the first and second half of the indexes and then conjugates the matrix. Args: array: The array to take the adjoint of Returns: The adjoint of ``array`` """ N = len(array.shape) // 2 perm = list(range(N, 2 * N)) + list(range(0, N)) return self.conj(self.transpose(array, perm=perm))
[docs] def unitary_to_orthogonal(self, U): r"""Unitary to orthogonal mapping. Args: U: The unitary matrix in ``U(n)`` Returns: The orthogonal matrix in :math:`O(2n)` """ X = self.real(U) Y = self.imag(U) return self.block([[X, -Y], [Y, X]])
[docs] def random_symplectic(self, num_modes: int, max_r: float = 1.0) -> Tensor: r"""A random symplectic matrix in ``Sp(2*num_modes)``. Squeezing is sampled uniformly from 0.0 to ``max_r`` (1.0 by default). """ if num_modes == 1: W = np.exp(1j * settings.rng.uniform(size=(1, 1))) V = np.exp(1j * settings.rng.uniform(size=(1, 1))) else: W = unitary_group.rvs(dim=num_modes, random_state=settings.rng) V = unitary_group.rvs(dim=num_modes, random_state=settings.rng) r = settings.rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=max_r, size=num_modes) OW = self.unitary_to_orthogonal(W) OV = self.unitary_to_orthogonal(V) dd = self.diag(self.concat([self.exp(-r), np.exp(r)], axis=0), k=0) return OW @ dd @ OV
[docs] @staticmethod def random_orthogonal(N: int) -> Tensor: """A random orthogonal matrix in :math:`O(N)`.""" if N == 1: return np.array([[1.0]]) return ortho_group.rvs(dim=N, random_state=settings.rng)
[docs] def random_unitary(self, N: int) -> Tensor: """a random unitary matrix in :math:`U(N)`""" if N == 1: return self.exp(1j * settings.rng.uniform(size=(1, 1))) return unitary_group.rvs(dim=N, random_state=settings.rng)
[docs] def single_mode_to_multimode_vec(self, vec, num_modes: int): r"""Apply the same 2-vector (i.e. single-mode) to a larger number of modes.""" if vec.shape[-1] != 2: raise ValueError("vec must be 2-dimensional (i.e. single-mode)") x, y = vec[..., -2], vec[..., -1] vec = self.concat([self.tile([x], [num_modes]), self.tile([y], [num_modes])], axis=-1) return vec
[docs] def single_mode_to_multimode_mat(self, mat: Tensor, num_modes: int): r"""Apply the same :math:`2\times 2` matrix (i.e. single-mode) to a larger number of modes.""" if mat.shape[-2:] != (2, 2): raise ValueError("mat must be a single-mode (2x2) matrix") mat = self.diag( self.tile(self.expand_dims(mat, axis=-1), (1, 1, num_modes)), k=0 ) # shape [2,2,N,N] mat = self.reshape(self.transpose(mat, (0, 2, 1, 3)), [2 * num_modes, 2 * num_modes]) return mat
[docs] @staticmethod @lru_cache() def Xmat(num_modes: int): r"""The matrix :math:`X_n = \begin{bmatrix}0 & I_n\\ I_n & 0\end{bmatrix}.` Args: num_modes (int): positive integer Returns: The :math:`2N\times 2N` array """ I = np.identity(num_modes) O = np.zeros((num_modes, num_modes)) return np.block([[O, I], [I, O]])
[docs] @staticmethod @lru_cache() def rotmat(num_modes: int): "Rotation matrix from quadratures to complex amplitudes." I = np.identity(num_modes) return np.sqrt(0.5) * np.block([[I, 1j * I], [I, -1j * I]])
[docs] @staticmethod @lru_cache() def J(num_modes: int): """Symplectic form.""" I = np.identity(num_modes) O = np.zeros_like(I) return np.block([[O, I], [-I, O]])
[docs] def add_at_modes( self, old: Tensor, new: Optional[Tensor], modes: Sequence[int] ) -> Tensor: # NOTE: To be deprecated (XPTensor) """Adds two phase-space tensors (cov matrices, displacement vectors, etc..) on the specified modes.""" if new is None: return old shape = getattr(old, "shape", ()) N = (shape[-1] if shape != () else 0) // 2 indices = modes + [m + N for m in modes] return self.update_add_tensor( old, list(product(*[indices] * len(new.shape))), self.reshape(new, -1) )
[docs] def left_matmul_at_modes( self, a_partial: Tensor, b_full: Tensor, modes: Sequence[int] ) -> Tensor: # NOTE: To be deprecated (XPTensor) r"""Left matrix multiplication of a partial matrix and a full matrix. It assumes that that ``a_partial`` is a matrix operating on M modes and that ``modes`` is a list of ``M`` integers, i.e., it will apply ``a_partial`` on the corresponding ``M`` modes of ``b_full`` from the left. Args: a_partial: The :math:`2M\times 2M` array b_full: The :math:`2N\times 2N` array modes: A list of ``M`` modes to perform the multiplication on Returns: The :math:`2N\times 2N` array """ if a_partial is None: return b_full N = b_full.shape[-1] // 2 indices = self.astensor(modes + [m + N for m in modes], dtype="int32") b_rows = self.gather(b_full, indices, axis=0) b_rows = self.matmul(a_partial, b_rows) return self.update_tensor(b_full, indices[:, None], b_rows)
[docs] def right_matmul_at_modes( self, a_full: Tensor, b_partial: Tensor, modes: Sequence[int] ) -> Tensor: # NOTE: To be deprecated (XPTensor) r"""Right matrix multiplication of a full matrix and a partial matrix. It assumes that that ``b_partial`` is a matrix operating on ``M`` modes and that ``modes`` is a list of ``M`` integers, i.e., it will apply ``b_partial`` on the corresponding M modes of ``a_full`` from the right. Args: a_full: The :math:`2N\times 2N` array b_partial: The :math:`2M\times 2M` array modes: A list of `M` modes to perform the multiplication on Returns: The :math:`2N\times 2N` array """ return self.transpose( self.left_matmul_at_modes(self.transpose(b_partial), self.transpose(a_full), modes) )
[docs] def matvec_at_modes( self, mat: Optional[Tensor], vec: Tensor, modes: Sequence[int] ) -> Tensor: # NOTE: To be deprecated (XPTensor) """Matrix-vector multiplication between a phase-space matrix and a vector in the specified modes.""" if mat is None: return vec N = vec.shape[-1] // 2 indices = self.astensor(modes + [m + N for m in modes], dtype="int32") updates = self.matvec(mat, self.gather(vec, indices, axis=0)) return self.update_tensor(vec, indices[:, None], updates)
[docs] def all_diagonals(self, rho: Tensor, real: bool) -> Tensor: """Returns all the diagonals of a density matrix.""" cutoffs = rho.shape[: rho.ndim // 2] rho = self.reshape(rho, (int(, int( diag = self.diag_part(rho) if real: return self.real(self.reshape(diag, cutoffs)) return self.reshape(diag, cutoffs)
[docs] def poisson(self, max_k: int, rate: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Poisson distribution up to ``max_k``.""" k = self.arange(max_k) rate = self.cast(rate, k.dtype) return self.exp(k * self.log(rate + 1e-9) - rate - self.lgamma(k + 1.0))
[docs] def binomial_conditional_prob(self, success_prob: Tensor, dim_out: int, dim_in: int): """:math:`P(out|in) = binom(in, out) * (1-success_prob)**(in-out) * success_prob**out`.""" in_ = self.arange(dim_in)[None, :] out_ = self.arange(dim_out)[:, None] return ( self.cast(binom(in_, out_), in_.dtype) * self.pow(success_prob, out_) * self.pow(1.0 - success_prob, self.maximum(in_ - out_, 0.0)) )
[docs] def convolve_probs_1d(self, prob: Tensor, other_probs: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor: """Convolution of a joint probability with a list of single-index probabilities.""" if prob.ndim > 3 or len(other_probs) > 3: raise ValueError("cannot convolve arrays with more than 3 axes") if not all((q.ndim == 1 for q in other_probs)): raise ValueError("other_probs must contain 1d arrays") if not all((len(q) == s for q, s in zip(other_probs, prob.shape))): raise ValueError("The length of the 1d prob vectors must match shape of prob") q = other_probs[0] for q_ in other_probs[1:]: q = q[..., None] * q_[(None,) * q.ndim + (slice(None),)] return self.convolve_probs(prob, q)
[docs] def convolve_probs(self, prob: Tensor, other: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Convolve two probability distributions (up to 3D) with the same shape. Note that the output is not guaranteed to be a complete joint probability, as it's computed only up to the dimension of the base probs. """ if prob.ndim > 3 or other.ndim > 3: raise ValueError("cannot convolve arrays with more than 3 axes") if not prob.shape == other.shape: raise ValueError("prob and other must have the same shape") prob_padded = self.pad(prob, [(s - 1, 0) for s in other.shape]) other_reversed = other[(slice(None, None, -1),) * other.ndim] return self.convolution( prob_padded[None, ..., None], other_reversed[..., None, None], data_format="N" + ("HD"[: other.ndim - 1])[::-1] + "WC", # TODO: rewrite this to be more readable (do we need it?) )[0, ..., 0]
[docs] def euclidean_to_symplectic(self, S: Matrix, dS_euclidean: Matrix) -> Matrix: r"""Convert the Euclidean gradient to a Riemannian gradient on the tangent bundle of the symplectic manifold. Implemented from: Wang J, Sun H, Fiori S. A Riemannian‐steepest‐descent approach for optimization on the real symplectic group. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2018 Jul 30;41(11):4273-86. Args: S (Matrix): symplectic matrix dS_euclidean (Matrix): Euclidean gradient tensor Returns: Matrix: symplectic gradient tensor """ Jmat = self.J(S.shape[-1] // 2) Z = self.matmul(self.transpose(S), dS_euclidean) return 0.5 * (Z + self.matmul(self.matmul(Jmat, self.transpose(Z)), Jmat))
[docs] def euclidean_to_unitary(self, U: Matrix, dU_euclidean: Matrix) -> Matrix: r"""Convert the Euclidean gradient to a Riemannian gradient on the tangent bundle of the unitary manifold. Implemented from: Y Yao, F Miatto, N Quesada - arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.06069, 2022. Args: U (Matrix): unitary matrix dU_euclidean (Matrix): Euclidean gradient tensor Returns: Matrix: unitary gradient tensor """ Z = self.matmul(self.conj(self.transpose(U)), dU_euclidean) return 0.5 * (Z - self.conj(self.transpose(Z)))