Source code for mrmustard.physics.gaussian

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This module contains functions for performing calculations on objects in the Gaussian representations.

from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from mrmustard import math, settings
from mrmustard.math.tensor_wrappers.xptensor import XPMatrix, XPVector
from mrmustard.utils.typing import Matrix, Scalar, Vector

#  ~~~~~~
#  States
#  ~~~~~~

[docs] def vacuum_cov(num_modes: int) -> Matrix: r"""Returns the real covariance matrix of the vacuum state. Args: num_modes (int): number of modes Returns: Matrix: vacuum covariance matrix """ return math.eye(num_modes * 2, dtype=math.float64) * settings.HBAR / 2
[docs] def vacuum_means(num_modes: int) -> Tuple[Matrix, Vector]: r"""Returns the real covariance matrix and real means vector of the vacuum state. Args: num_modes (int): number of modes Returns: Matrix, Vector: thermal state covariance matrix or means vector """ return displacement( math.zeros(num_modes, dtype="float64"), math.zeros(num_modes, dtype="float64"), )
[docs] def squeezed_vacuum_cov(r: Vector, phi: Vector) -> Matrix: r"""Returns the real covariance matrix and real means vector of a squeezed vacuum state. The dimension depends on the dimensions of ``r`` and ``phi``. Args: r (vector): squeezing magnitude phi (vector): squeezing angle Returns: Matrix, Vector: thermal state covariance matrix or means vector """ S = squeezing_symplectic(r, phi) return math.matmul(S, math.transpose(S)) * settings.HBAR / 2
[docs] def thermal_cov(nbar: Vector) -> Tuple[Matrix, Vector]: r"""Returns the real covariance matrix and real means vector of a thermal state. The dimension depends on the dimensions of ``nbar``. Args: nbar (vector): average number of photons per mode Returns: Matrix, Vector: thermal state covariance matrix or means vector """ g = (2 * math.atleast_1d(nbar) + 1) * settings.HBAR / 2 return math.diag(math.concat([g, g], axis=-1))
[docs] def two_mode_squeezed_vacuum_cov(r: Vector, phi: Vector) -> Matrix: r"""Returns the real covariance matrix and real means vector of a two-mode squeezed vacuum state. The dimension depends on the dimensions of ``r`` and ``phi``. Args: r (vector): squeezing magnitude phi (vector): squeezing angle Returns: Matrix: two-mode squeezed state covariance matrix Vector: two-mode squeezed state means vector """ S = two_mode_squeezing_symplectic(r, phi) return math.matmul(S, math.transpose(S)) * settings.HBAR / 2
[docs] def gaussian_cov(symplectic: Matrix, eigenvalues: Vector = None) -> Matrix: r"""Returns the covariance matrix of a Gaussian state. Args: symplectic (Tensor): symplectic matrix of a channel eigenvalues (vector): symplectic eigenvalues Returns: Tensor: covariance matrix of the Gaussian state """ if eigenvalues is None: return math.matmul(symplectic, math.transpose(symplectic)) return math.matmul( math.matmul(symplectic, math.diag(math.concat([eigenvalues, eigenvalues], axis=0))), math.transpose(symplectic), )
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Unitary transformations # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def rotation_symplectic(angle: Union[Scalar, Vector]) -> Matrix: r"""Symplectic matrix of a rotation gate. The dimension depends on the dimension of the angle. Args: angle (scalar or vector): rotation angles Returns: Tensor: symplectic matrix of a rotation gate """ angle = math.atleast_1d(angle) num_modes = angle.shape[-1] x = math.cos(angle) y = math.sin(angle) return ( math.diag(math.concat([x, x], axis=0)) + math.diag(-y, k=num_modes) + math.diag(y, k=-num_modes) )
[docs] def squeezing_symplectic(r: Union[Scalar, Vector], phi: Union[Scalar, Vector]) -> Matrix: r"""Symplectic matrix of a squeezing gate. The dimension depends on the dimension of ``r`` and ``phi``. Args: r (scalar or vector): squeezing magnitude phi (scalar or vector): rotation parameter Returns: Tensor: symplectic matrix of a squeezing gate """ r = math.atleast_1d(r, math.float64) phi = math.atleast_1d(phi, math.float64) if r.shape[-1] == 1: r = math.tile(r, phi.shape) if phi.shape[-1] == 1: phi = math.tile(phi, r.shape) num_modes = phi.shape[-1] cp = math.cos(phi) sp = math.sin(phi) ch = math.cosh(r) sh = math.sinh(r) cpsh = cp * sh spsh = sp * sh return ( math.diag(math.concat([ch - cpsh, ch + cpsh], axis=0)) + math.diag(-spsh, k=num_modes) + math.diag(-spsh, k=-num_modes) )
[docs] def displacement(x: Union[Scalar, Vector], y: Union[Scalar, Vector]) -> Vector: r"""Returns the displacement vector for a displacement by :math:`alpha = x + iy`. The dimension depends on the dimensions of ``x`` and ``y``. Args: x (scalar or vector): real part of displacement (in units of :math:`\sqrt{\hbar}`) y (scalar or vector): imaginary part of displacement (in units of :math:`\sqrt{\hbar}`) Returns: Vector: displacement vector of a displacement gate """ x = math.atleast_1d(x, math.float64) y = math.atleast_1d(y, math.float64) if x.shape[-1] == 1: x = math.tile(x, y.shape) if y.shape[-1] == 1: y = math.tile(y, x.shape) return math.sqrt(2 * settings.HBAR, dtype=x.dtype) * math.concat([x, y], axis=0)
[docs] def beam_splitter_symplectic(theta: Scalar, phi: Scalar) -> Matrix: r"""Symplectic matrix of a Beam-splitter gate. The dimension is :math:`4\times 4`. Args: theta: transmissivity parameter phi: phase parameter Returns: Matrix: symplectic (orthogonal) matrix of a beam-splitter gate """ ct = math.cos(theta) st = math.sin(theta) cp = math.cos(phi) sp = math.sin(phi) zero = math.zeros_like(theta) return math.astensor( [ [ct, -cp * st, zero, -sp * st], [cp * st, ct, -sp * st, zero], [zero, sp * st, ct, -cp * st], [sp * st, zero, cp * st, ct], ] )
[docs] def mz_symplectic(phi_a: Scalar, phi_b: Scalar, internal: bool = False) -> Matrix: r"""Symplectic matrix of a Mach-Zehnder gate. It supports two conventions: * if ``internal=True``, both phases act inside the interferometer: ``phi_a`` on the upper arm, ``phi_b`` on the lower arm; * if `internal = False` (default), both phases act on the upper arm: ``phi_a`` before the first BS, ``phi_b`` after the first BS. Args: phi_a (float): first phase phi_b (float): second phase internal (bool): whether phases are in the internal arms (default is False) Returns: Matrix: symplectic (orthogonal) matrix of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer """ ca = math.cos(phi_a) sa = math.sin(phi_a) cb = math.cos(phi_b) sb = math.sin(phi_b) cp = math.cos(phi_a + phi_b) sp = math.sin(phi_a + phi_b) if internal: return 0.5 * math.astensor( [ [ca - cb, -sa - sb, sb - sa, -ca - cb], [-sa - sb, cb - ca, -ca - cb, sa - sb], [sa - sb, ca + cb, ca - cb, -sa - sb], [ca + cb, sb - sa, -sa - sb, cb - ca], ] ) return 0.5 * math.astensor( [ [cp - ca, -sb, sa - sp, -1 - cb], [-sa - sp, 1 - cb, -ca - cp, sb], [sp - sa, 1 + cb, cp - ca, -sb], [cp + ca, -sb, -sa - sp, 1 - cb], ] )
[docs] def two_mode_squeezing_symplectic(r: Scalar, phi: Scalar) -> Matrix: r"""Symplectic matrix of a two-mode squeezing gate. The dimension is :math:`4\times 4`. Args: r (float): squeezing magnitude phi (float): rotation parameter Returns: Matrix: symplectic matrix of a two-mode squeezing gate """ cp = math.cast(math.cos(phi), math.float64) sp = math.cast(math.sin(phi), math.float64) ch = math.cast(math.cosh(r), math.float64) sh = math.cast(math.sinh(r), math.float64) zero = math.cast(math.zeros_like(math.asnumpy(r)), math.float64) return math.astensor( [ [ch, cp * sh, zero, sp * sh], [cp * sh, ch, sp * sh, zero], [zero, sp * sh, ch, -cp * sh], [sp * sh, zero, -cp * sh, ch], ] )
[docs] def quadratic_phase(s: Scalar): r"""Quadratic phase single mode gate. .. math:: P = \exp(i s q^2 / 2 \hbar) Reference: Args: s (float): interaction strength Returns: Tensor: the :math:`P(s)` matrix (in ``xxpp`` ordering) """ return math.astensor( [ [1, 0], [s, 1], ] )
[docs] def controlled_Z(g: Scalar): r"""Controlled PHASE gate of two-gaussian modes. .. math:: C_Z = \exp(ig q_1 \otimes q_2 / \hbar). Reference:, Equation 8., Equation 161. Args: g (float): interaction strength Returns: the C_Z(g) matrix (in xxpp ordering) """ return math.astensor( [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, g, 1, 0], [g, 0, 0, 1], ] )
[docs] def controlled_X(g: Scalar): r"""Controlled NOT gate of two-gaussian modes. .. math:: C_X = \exp(ig q_1 \otimes p_2). Reference:, Equation 9. Args: g (float): interaction strength Returns: the C_X(g) matrix (in xxpp ordering) """ return math.astensor( [ [1, 0, 0, 0], [g, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -g], [0, 0, 0, 1], ] )
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # CPTP channels # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def CPTP( cov: Matrix, means: Vector, X: Matrix, Y: Matrix, d: Vector, state_modes: Sequence[int], transf_modes: Sequence[int], ) -> Tuple[Matrix, Vector]: r"""Returns the cov matrix and means vector of a state after undergoing a CPTP channel. Computed as ``cov = X \cdot cov \cdot X^T + Y`` and ``d = X \cdot means + d``. If the channel is single-mode, ``modes`` can contain ``M`` modes to apply the channel to, otherwise it must contain as many modes as the number of modes in the channel. Args: cov (Matrix): covariance matrix means (Vector): means vector X (Matrix): the X matrix of the CPTP channel Y (Matrix): noise matrix of the CPTP channel d (Vector): displacement vector of the CPTP channel state_modes (Sequence[int]): modes the state is defined on transf_modes (Sequence[int]): modes on which the channel acts Returns: Tuple[Matrix, Vector]: the covariance matrix and the means vector of the state after the CPTP channel """ if not set(transf_modes).issubset(state_modes): raise ValueError( f"The channel should act on a subset of the state modes ({transf_modes} is not a subset of {state_modes})" ) # if single-mode channel, apply to all modes indicated in `modes` if X is not None and X.shape[-1] == 2: X = math.single_mode_to_multimode_mat(X, len(transf_modes)) if Y is not None and Y.shape[-1] == 2: Y = math.single_mode_to_multimode_mat(Y, len(transf_modes)) if d is not None and d.shape[-1] == 2: d = math.single_mode_to_multimode_vec(d, len(transf_modes)) indices = [ state_modes.index(i) for i in transf_modes ] # TODO: do this when calling the method instead of here? cov = math.left_matmul_at_modes(X, cov, indices) cov = math.right_matmul_at_modes(cov, math.transpose(X), indices) cov = math.add_at_modes(cov, Y, indices) means = math.matvec_at_modes(X, means, indices) means = math.add_at_modes(means, d, indices) return cov, means
[docs] def loss_XYd( transmissivity: Union[Scalar, Vector], nbar: Union[Scalar, Vector] ) -> Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, None]: r"""Returns the ``X``, ``Y`` matrices and the ``d`` vector for the noisy loss (attenuator) channel. .. math:: X = math.sqrt(transmissivity) Y = (1-transmissivity) * (2 * nbar + 1) * hbar / 2 Reference: Alessio Serafini - Quantum Continuous Variables (5.77, p. 108) Args: transmissivity (float): value of the transmissivity, must be between 0 and 1 nbar (float): photon number expectation value in the environment (0 for pure loss channel) Returns: Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, None]: the ``X``, ``Y`` matrices and the ``d`` vector for the noisy loss channel """ if math.any(transmissivity < 0) or math.any(transmissivity > 1): raise ValueError("transmissivity must be between 0 and 1") x = math.sqrt(transmissivity) X = math.diag(math.concat([x, x], axis=0)) y = (1 - transmissivity) * (2 * nbar + 1) * settings.HBAR / 2 Y = math.diag(math.concat([y, y], axis=0)) return X, Y, None
[docs] def amp_XYd(gain: Union[Scalar, Vector], nbar: Union[Scalar, Vector]) -> Matrix: r"""Returns the ``X``, ``Y`` matrices and the d vector for the noisy amplifier channel. .. math:: X = math.sqrt(gain) Y = (gain-1) * (2 * nbar + 1) * hbar / 2 Reference: Alessio Serafini - Quantum Continuous Variables (5.77, p. 111) The quantum limited amplifier channel is recovered for ``nbar = 0.0``. Args: gain (float): value of the gain > 1 nbar (float): photon number expectation value in the environment (0 for quantum limited amplifier) Returns: Tuple[Matrix, Vector]: the ``X``, ``Y`` matrices and the ``d`` vector for the noisy amplifier channel. """ if math.any(gain < 1): raise ValueError("Gain must be larger than 1") x = math.sqrt(gain) X = math.diag(math.concat([x, x], axis=0)) y = (gain - 1) * (2 * nbar + 1) * settings.HBAR / 2 Y = math.diag(math.concat([y, y], axis=0)) return X, Y, None
[docs] def noise_Y(noise: Union[Scalar, Vector]) -> Matrix: r"""Returns the ``X``, ``Y`` matrices and the d vector for the additive noise channel ``(Y = noise * (\hbar / 2) * I)`` Args: noise (float): number of photons in the thermal state Returns: Tuple[None, Matrix, None]: the ``X``, ``Y`` matrices and the ``d`` vector of the noise channel. """ return math.diag(math.concat([noise, noise], axis=0)) * settings.HBAR / 2
[docs] def compose_channels_XYd( X1: Matrix, Y1: Matrix, d1: Vector, X2: Matrix, Y2: Matrix, d2: Vector ) -> Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, Vector]: r"""Returns the combined ``X``, ``Y``, and ``d`` for two CPTP channels. Args: X1 (Matrix): the ``X`` matrix of the first CPTP channel Y1 (Matrix): the ``Y`` matrix of the first CPTP channel d1 (Vector): the displacement vector of the first CPTP channel X2 (Matrix): the ``X`` matrix of the second CPTP channel Y2 (Matrix): the ``Y`` matrix of the second CPTP channel d2 (Vector): the displacement vector of the second CPTP channel Returns: Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, Vector]: the combined ``X``, ``Y``, and ``d`` matrices """ if X1 is None: X = X2 elif X2 is None: X = X1 else: X = math.matmul(X2, X1) if Y1 is None: Y = Y2 elif Y2 is None: Y = Y1 else: Y = math.matmul(math.matmul(X2, Y1), X2) + Y2 if d1 is None: d = d2 elif d2 is None: d = d1 else: d = math.matmul(X2, d1) + d2 return X, Y, d
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # non-TP channels # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def general_dyne( cov: Matrix, means: Vector, proj_cov: Matrix, proj_means: Optional[Vector] = None, modes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ) -> Tuple[Scalar, Matrix, Vector]: r"""Returns the results of a general-dyne measurement. If ``proj_means`` are not provided (as ``None``), they are sampled from the probability distribution. Args: cov (Matrix): covariance matrix of the state being measured [units of `2\hbar`] means (Vector): means vector of the state being measured [units of `\sqrt(\hbar)`] proj_cov (Matrix): covariance matrix of the state being projected onto [units of `2\hbar`] proj_means (Optional Vector): means vector of the state being projected onto (i.e. the measurement outcome) [units of `\sqrt(\hbar)`]. If not provided, the means vector is sampled from the generaldyne probability distribution. modes (Optional Sequence[int]): modes being measured (modes are indexed from 0 to num_modes-1), if modes are not provided then the first modes (according to the size of ``cov``) are measured. Returns: Tuple[Scalar, Scalar, Matrix, Vector]: outcome (sampled means vector of the measured subsystem) [units of `\sqrt(\hbar)`], oucome probability [units of `\hbar**N`], post-measurement covariace [units of `2\hbar`] post-measurement means vector [units of `\sqrt{\hbar}`]. """ N, M = cov.shape[-1] // 2, proj_cov.shape[-1] // 2 # Bmodes are the modes being measured and Amodes are the leftover modes Bmodes = modes or list(range(M)) Amodes = list(set(list(range(N))) - set(Bmodes)) A, B, AB = partition_cov(cov, Amodes) a, b = partition_means(means, Amodes) reduced_cov = B + proj_cov # covariances are divided by 2 to match tensorflow and MrMustard conventions # (MrMustard uses Serafini convention where `sigma_MM = 2 sigma_TF`) if proj_means is None: pdf = math.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc=b, scale_tril=math.cholesky(reduced_cov / 2)) outcome = ( pdf.sample(dtype=cov.dtype) if proj_means is None else math.cast(proj_means, cov.dtype) ) prob = pdf.prob(outcome) else: # If the projector is already given: proj_means # use the formula 5.139 in Serafini - Quantum Continuous Variables # fixed by -0.5 on the exponential, added hbar and removed pi due to different convention outcome = proj_means prob = ( settings.HBAR**M * math.exp( -0.5 * math.sum(math.solve(reduced_cov, (proj_means - b)) * (proj_means - b)) ) / math.sqrt(math.det(reduced_cov)) ) # calculate conditional output state of unmeasured modes num_remaining_modes = N - M if num_remaining_modes == 0: return outcome, prob, None, None AB_inv = math.matmul(AB, math.inv(reduced_cov)) new_cov = A - math.matmul(AB_inv, math.transpose(AB)) new_means = a + math.matvec(AB_inv, outcome - b) return outcome, prob, new_cov, new_means
# ~~~~~~~~~ # utilities # ~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def number_means(cov: Matrix, means: Vector) -> Vector: r"""Returns the photon number means vector given a Wigner covariance matrix and a means vector. Args: cov: the Wigner covariance matrix means: the Wigner means vector Returns: Vector: the photon number means vector """ N = means.shape[-1] // 2 return ( means[:N] ** 2 + means[N:] ** 2 + math.diag_part(cov[:N, :N]) + math.diag_part(cov[N:, N:]) - settings.HBAR ) / (2 * settings.HBAR)
[docs] def number_cov(cov: Matrix, means: Vector) -> Matrix: r"""Returns the photon number covariance matrix given a Wigner covariance matrix and a means vector. Args: cov: the Wigner covariance matrix means: the Wigner means vector Returns: Matrix: the photon number covariance matrix """ N = means.shape[-1] // 2 mCm = cov * means[:, None] * means[None, :] dd = math.diag(math.diag_part(mCm[:N, :N] + mCm[N:, N:] + mCm[:N, N:] + mCm[N:, :N])) / ( 2 * settings.HBAR**2 # TODO: sum(diag_part) is better than diag_part(sum) ) CC = (cov**2 + mCm) / (2 * settings.HBAR**2) return ( CC[:N, :N] + CC[N:, N:] + CC[:N, N:] + CC[N:, :N] + dd - 0.25 * math.eye(N, dtype=CC.dtype) )
[docs] def trace(cov: Matrix, means: Vector, Bmodes: Sequence[int]) -> Tuple[Matrix, Vector]: r"""Returns the covariances and means after discarding the specified modes. Args: cov (Matrix): covariance matrix means (Vector): means vector Bmodes (Sequence[int]): modes to discard Returns: Tuple[Matrix, Vector]: the covariance matrix and the means vector after discarding the specified modes """ N = len(cov) // 2 Aindices = math.astensor( [i for i in range(N) if i not in Bmodes] + [i + N for i in range(N) if i not in Bmodes], dtype=math.int32, ) A_cov_block = math.gather(math.gather(cov, Aindices, axis=0), Aindices, axis=1) A_means_vec = math.gather(means, Aindices) return A_cov_block, A_means_vec
[docs] def partition_cov(cov: Matrix, Amodes: Sequence[int]) -> Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, Matrix]: r"""Partitions the covariance matrix into the ``A`` and ``B`` subsystems and the AB coherence block. Args: cov (Matrix): the covariance matrix Amodes (Sequence[int]): the modes of system ``A`` Returns: Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, Matrix]: the cov of ``A``, the cov of ``B`` and the AB block """ N = cov.shape[-1] // 2 Bindices = math.cast( [i for i in range(N) if i not in Amodes] + [i + N for i in range(N) if i not in Amodes], "int32", ) Aindices = math.cast(Amodes + [i + N for i in Amodes], "int32") A_block = math.gather(math.gather(cov, Aindices, axis=1), Aindices, axis=0) B_block = math.gather(math.gather(cov, Bindices, axis=1), Bindices, axis=0) AB_block = math.gather(math.gather(cov, Bindices, axis=1), Aindices, axis=0) return A_block, B_block, AB_block
[docs] def partition_means(means: Vector, Amodes: Sequence[int]) -> Tuple[Vector, Vector]: r"""Partitions the means vector into the ``A`` and ``B`` subsystems. Args: means (Vector): the means vector Amodes (Sequence[int]): the modes of system ``A`` Returns: Tuple[Vector, Vector]: the means of ``A`` and the means of ``B`` """ N = len(means) // 2 Bindices = math.cast( [i for i in range(N) if i not in Amodes] + [i + N for i in range(N) if i not in Amodes], "int32", ) Aindices = math.cast(Amodes + [i + N for i in Amodes], "int32") return math.gather(means, Aindices), math.gather(means, Bindices)
[docs] def purity(cov: Matrix) -> Scalar: r"""Returns the purity of the state with the given covariance matrix. Args: cov (Matrix): the covariance matrix Returns: float: the purity """ return 1 / math.sqrt(math.det((2 / settings.HBAR) * cov))
[docs] def symplectic_eigenvals(cov: Matrix) -> Any: r"""Returns the sympletic eigenspectrum of a covariance matrix. For a pure state, we expect the sympletic eigenvalues to be 1. Args: cov (Matrix): the covariance matrix Returns: List[float]: the sympletic eigenvalues """ J = math.J(cov.shape[-1] // 2) # create a sympletic form M = math.matmul(1j * J, cov * (2 / settings.HBAR)) vals = math.eigvals(M) # compute the eigenspectrum return math.abs(vals[::2]) # return the even eigenvalues # TODO: sort?
[docs] def von_neumann_entropy(cov: Matrix) -> float: r"""Returns the Von Neumann entropy. For a pure state, we expect the Von Neumann entropy to be 0. Reference: (, Equations 46-47. Args: cov (Matrix): the covariance matrix Returns: float: the Von Neumann entropy """ def g(x): return math.xlogy((x + 1) / 2, (x + 1) / 2) - math.xlogy((x - 1) / 2, (x - 1) / 2 + 1e-9) symp_vals = symplectic_eigenvals(cov) entropy = math.sum(g(symp_vals)) return entropy
[docs] def fidelity(mu1: Vector, cov1: Matrix, mu2: Vector, cov2: Matrix) -> float: r"""Returns the fidelity of two gaussian states. Reference: `arXiv:2102.05748 <>`_, equations 95-99. Note that we compute the square of equation 98. Args: mu1 (Vector): the means vector of state 1 mu2 (Vector): the means vector of state 2 cov1 (Matrix): the covariance matrix of state 1 cov1 (Matrix): the covariance matrix of state 2 Returns: float: the fidelity """ cov1 = math.cast(cov1 / settings.HBAR, "complex128") # convert to units where hbar = 1 cov2 = math.cast(cov2 / settings.HBAR, "complex128") # convert to units where hbar = 1 mu1 = math.cast(mu1, "complex128") mu2 = math.cast(mu2, "complex128") deltar = (mu2 - mu1) / math.sqrt( settings.HBAR, dtype=mu1.dtype ) # convert to units where hbar = 1 J = math.J(cov1.shape[0] // 2) I = math.eye(cov1.shape[0]) J = math.cast(J, "complex128") I = math.cast(I, "complex128") cov12_inv = math.inv(cov1 + cov2) V = math.transpose(J) @ cov12_inv @ ((1 / 4) * J + cov2 @ J @ cov1) W = -2 * (V @ (1j * J)) W_inv = math.inv(W) matsqrtm = math.sqrtm( I - W_inv @ W_inv ) # this also handles the case where the input matrix is close to zero f0_top = math.det((matsqrtm + I) @ (W @ (1j * J))) f0_bot = math.det(cov1 + cov2) f0 = math.sqrt(f0_top / f0_bot) # square of equation 98 dot = math.sum( math.transpose(deltar) * math.matvec(cov12_inv, deltar) ) # computing (mu2-mu1)/sqrt(hbar).T @ cov12_inv @ (mu2-mu1)/sqrt(hbar) _fidelity = f0 * math.exp((-1 / 2) * dot) # square of equation 95 return math.real(_fidelity)
[docs] def physical_partial_transpose(cov: Matrix, modes: Sequence[int]) -> Matrix: r"""Returns the covariance matrix that corresponds to applying the partial transposition on the density matrix of a given set of modes. Reference: ` <>`_, Equation 1, 5. Args: cov (Matrix): the covariance matrix modes (Sequence[int]): the modes of system on which transposition is applied Returns: Matrix: the covariance matrix corresponding to the partially transposed state """ m, _ = cov.shape num_modes = m // 2 mat = [1.0] * m for i in modes: mat[i + num_modes] = -1.0 mat = math.astensor(mat, dtype="float64") return cov * mat[:, None] * mat[None, :]
[docs] def log_negativity(cov: Matrix) -> float: r"""Returns the log_negativity of a Gaussian state. Reference: ` <>`_ , Equation 57, 61. Args: cov (Matrix): the covariance matrix Returns: float: the log-negativity """ vals = symplectic_eigenvals(cov) / (settings.HBAR / 2) vals_filtered = math.boolean_mask( vals, vals < 1.0 ) # Get rid of terms that would lead to zero contribution. if len(vals_filtered) > 0: return -math.sum( math.log(vals_filtered) / math.cast(math.log(2.0), dtype=vals_filtered.dtype) ) return 0
[docs] def join_covs(covs: Sequence[Matrix]) -> Tuple[Matrix, Vector]: r"""Joins the given covariance matrices into a single covariance matrix. Args: covs (Sequence[Matrix]): the covariance matrices Returns: Matrix: the joined covariance matrix """ modes = list(range(len(covs[0]) // 2)) cov = XPMatrix.from_xxpp(covs[0], modes=(modes, modes), like_1=True) for _, c in enumerate(covs[1:]): modes = list(range(cov.num_modes, cov.num_modes + c.shape[-1] // 2)) cov = cov @ XPMatrix.from_xxpp(c, modes=(modes, modes), like_1=True) return cov.to_xxpp()
[docs] def join_means(means: Sequence[Vector]) -> Vector: r"""Joins the given means vectors into a single means vector. Args: means (Sequence[Vector]): the means vectors Returns: Vector: the joined means vector """ mean = XPVector.from_xxpp(means[0], modes=list(range(len(means[0]) // 2))) for _, m in enumerate(means[1:]): mean = mean + XPVector.from_xxpp( m, modes=list(range(mean.num_modes, mean.num_modes + len(m) // 2)) ) return mean.to_xxpp()
[docs] def symplectic_inverse(S: Matrix) -> Matrix: r"""Returns the inverse of a symplectic matrix. Args: S (Matrix): the symplectic matrix Returns: Matrix: the inverse of the symplectic matrix """ S = math.reshape(S, (S.shape[0] // 2, 2, S.shape[1] // 2, 2)) S = math.transpose(S, (1, 3, 0, 2)) return math.block( [ [math.transpose(S[1, 1]), -math.transpose(S[0, 1])], [-math.transpose(S[1, 0]), math.transpose(S[0, 0])], ] )
[docs] def XYd_dual(X: Matrix, Y: Matrix, d: Vector): r"""Returns the dual channel ``(X, Y, d)``. Args: X (Matrix): the ``X`` matrix Y (Matrix): the ``Y`` noise matrix d (Vector): the displacement vector Returns: Tuple[Matrix, Matrix, Vector]: ``(X_dual, Y_dual, d_dual)`` """ X_dual = math.inv(X) if X is not None else None Y_dual = Y d_dual = d if Y is not None: Y_dual = ( math.matmul(X_dual, math.matmul(Y, math.transpose(X_dual))) if X_dual is not None else Y ) if d is not None: d_dual = math.matvec(X_dual, d) if X_dual is not None else d return X_dual, Y_dual, d_dual