Source code for mrmustard.utils.settings

# Copyright 2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""A module containing the settings.

from typing import Any
import os
from rich import print
import rich.table
import numpy as np

from mrmustard.utils.filters import add_complex_warning_filter, remove_complex_warning_filter

__all__ = ["Settings", "settings"]

class ImmutableSetting:
    r"""A setting that becomes immutable after the first time its value is queried.

        value (any): the default value of this setting
        name (str): the name of this setting

    def __init__(self, value: Any, name: str) -> None:
        self._value = value
        self._name = name
        self._is_immutable = False

    def name(self):
        r"""The name of this setting."""
        return self._name

    def value(self):
        r"""The value of this setting."""
        self._is_immutable = True
        return self._value

    def value(self, value):
        if self._is_immutable:
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot change the value of `settings.{}`.")
        self._value = value

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] class Settings: r"""A class containing various settings that are used by Mr Mustard throughout a session. Some of these settings (such as those representing cutoff values) can be changed at any time, while others (such as the value of the Planck constant) can only be changed before being queried for the first time. .. code-block:: from mrmustard import settings >>> settings.AUTOCUTOFF_MAX_CUTOFF # check the default values 100 >>> settings.AUTOCUTOFF_MAX_CUTOFF = 150 # update to new values >>> settings.AUTOCUTOFF_MAX_CUTOFF 150 """ def __new__(cls): # singleton if not hasattr(cls, "instance"): cls.instance = super(Settings, cls).__new__(cls) return cls.instance def __init__(self): self._hbar = ImmutableSetting(2.0, "HBAR") self._debug = False self._autocutoff_probability = 0.999 # capture at least 99.9% of the probability self._autocutoff_max_cutoff = 100 self._autocutoff_min_cutoff = 1 self._circuit_decimals = 3 self._discretization_method = "iterative" # use cutoff=5 for each mode when determining if two transformations in fock repr are equal # 3 is enough to include a full step of the rec relations self._eq_transformation_cutoff = 3 self._eq_transformation_rtol_fock = 1e-3 self._eq_transformation_rtol_gauss = 1e-6 # for the detectors self._pnr_internal_cutoff = 50 self._homodyne_squeezing = 10.0 # misc self._progressbar = True self._seed = np.random.randint(0, 2**31 - 1) self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self._seed) self._default_bs_method = "vanilla" # can be 'vanilla' or 'schwinger' self._precision_bits_hermite_poly = 128 self._julia_initialized = ( False # set to True when Julia is initialized (cf. PRECISION_BITS_HERMITE_POLY.setter) ) self._complex_warning = False def _force_hbar(self, value): r"can set the value of HBAR at any time. use with caution." self._hbar._value = value @property def AUTOCUTOFF_MAX_CUTOFF(self): r"""The maximum value for autocutoff. Default is ``100``.""" return self._autocutoff_max_cutoff @AUTOCUTOFF_MAX_CUTOFF.setter def AUTOCUTOFF_MAX_CUTOFF(self, value: int): self._autocutoff_max_cutoff = value @property def AUTOCUTOFF_MIN_CUTOFF(self): r"""The minimum value for autocutoff. Default is ``1``.""" return self._autocutoff_min_cutoff @AUTOCUTOFF_MIN_CUTOFF.setter def AUTOCUTOFF_MIN_CUTOFF(self, value: int): self._autocutoff_min_cutoff = value @property def AUTOCUTOFF_PROBABILITY(self): r"""The autocutoff probability. Default is ``0.999``.""" return self._autocutoff_probability @AUTOCUTOFF_PROBABILITY.setter def AUTOCUTOFF_PROBABILITY(self, value: float): self._autocutoff_probability = value @property def CIRCUIT_DECIMALS(self): r"""The number of decimals displayed when drawing a circuit with parameters. Default is ``3``.""" return self._circuit_decimals @CIRCUIT_DECIMALS.setter def CIRCUIT_DECIMALS(self, value: int): self._circuit_decimals = value @property def COMPLEX_WARNING(self): r"""Whether tensorflow's ``ComplexWarning``s should be raised when a complex is casted to a float. Default is ``False``.""" return self._complex_warning @COMPLEX_WARNING.setter def COMPLEX_WARNING(self, value: bool): self._complex_warning = value if value: remove_complex_warning_filter() else: add_complex_warning_filter() @property def DEBUG(self): r"""Whether or not to print the vector of means and the covariance matrix alongside the html representation of a state. Default is ``False``. """ return self._debug @DEBUG.setter def DEBUG(self, value: bool): self._debug = value @property def DISCRETIZATION_METHOD(self): r"""The method used to discretize the Wigner function. Default is ``iterative``. Can be either ``'iterative'`` or ``'clenshaw'``. """ return self._discretization_method @DISCRETIZATION_METHOD.setter def DISCRETIZATION_METHOD(self, value: str): self._discretization_method = value @property def DEFAULT_BS_METHOD(self): r"""The default method for computing the transformation operated by a beam splitter in the Fock basis . Default is ``vanilla``. Can be either ``'vanilla'`` or ``'schwinger'``. """ return self._default_bs_method @DEFAULT_BS_METHOD.setter def DEFAULT_BS_METHOD(self, value: str): self._default_bs_method = value @property def EQ_TRANSFORMATION_CUTOFF(self): r"""The cutoff used when comparing two transformations via the Choi–Jamiolkowski isomorphism. Default is ``3``.""" return self._eq_transformation_cutoff @EQ_TRANSFORMATION_CUTOFF.setter def EQ_TRANSFORMATION_CUTOFF(self, value: int): self._eq_transformation_cutoff = value @property def EQ_TRANSFORMATION_RTOL_FOCK(self): r"""The relative tolerance used when comparing two transformations via the Choi–Jamiolkowski isomorphism. Default is ``1e-3``.""" return self._eq_transformation_rtol_fock @EQ_TRANSFORMATION_RTOL_FOCK.setter def EQ_TRANSFORMATION_RTOL_FOCK(self, value: float): self._eq_transformation_rtol_fock = value @property def EQ_TRANSFORMATION_RTOL_GAUSS(self): r"""The relative tolerance used when comparing two transformations on Gaussian states. Default is ``1e-6``.""" return self._eq_transformation_rtol_gauss @EQ_TRANSFORMATION_RTOL_GAUSS.setter def EQ_TRANSFORMATION_RTOL_GAUSS(self, value: float): self._eq_transformation_rtol_gauss = value @property def HBAR(self): r"""The value of the Planck constant. Default is ``2``. Cannot be changed after its value is queried for the first time. """ return self._hbar.value @HBAR.setter def HBAR(self, value: float): self._hbar.value = value @property def HOMODYNE_SQUEEZING(self): r"""The value of squeezing for homodyne measurements. Default is ``10``.""" return self._homodyne_squeezing @HOMODYNE_SQUEEZING.setter def HOMODYNE_SQUEEZING(self, value: float): self._homodyne_squeezing = value @property def PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF(self): r"""The cutoff used when computing the output of a PNR detection. Default is ``50``.""" return self._pnr_internal_cutoff @PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF.setter def PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF(self, value: int): self._pnr_internal_cutoff = value @property def PROGRESSBAR(self): r"""Whether or not to display the progress bar when performing training. Default is ``True``.""" return self._progressbar @PROGRESSBAR.setter def PROGRESSBAR(self, value: bool): self._progressbar = value @property def SEED(self): r"""Returns the seed value if set, otherwise returns a random seed.""" if self._seed is None: self._seed = np.random.randint(0, 2**31 - 1) self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self._seed) return self._seed @SEED.setter def SEED(self, value: int): self._seed = value self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self._seed) @property def PRECISION_BITS_HERMITE_POLY(self): r""" The number of bits used to represent a single Fock amplitude when calculating Hermite polynomials. Default is 128 (i.e. the Fock representation has dtype complex128). Currently allowed values: 128, 256, 384, 512 """ return self._precision_bits_hermite_poly @PRECISION_BITS_HERMITE_POLY.setter def PRECISION_BITS_HERMITE_POLY(self, value: int): allowed_values = [128, 256, 384, 512] if value not in allowed_values: raise ValueError( f"precision_bits_hermite_poly must be one of the following values: {allowed_values}" ) self._precision_bits_hermite_poly = value if ( value != 128 and not self._julia_initialized ): # initialize Julia when precision > complex128 and if it wasn't initialized before from julia.api import LibJulia # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # the next line must be run before "from julia import Main as Main_julia" LibJulia.load().init_julia( ["--compiled-modules=no", "--project=julia_pkg"] ) # also loads julia environment # the next line must be run after "LibJulia.load().init_julia()" from julia import Main as Main_julia # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel # import Julia functions utils_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) Main_julia.include("../math/lattice/strategies/julia/getPrecision.jl") Main_julia.include("../math/lattice/strategies/julia/vanilla.jl") Main_julia.include("../math/lattice/strategies/julia/compactFock/helperFunctions.jl") Main_julia.include("../math/lattice/strategies/julia/compactFock/diagonal_amps.jl") Main_julia.include("../math/lattice/strategies/julia/compactFock/diagonal_grad.jl") Main_julia.include( "../math/lattice/strategies/julia/compactFock/singleLeftoverMode_amps.jl" ) Main_julia.include( "../math/lattice/strategies/julia/compactFock/singleLeftoverMode_grad.jl" ) self._julia_initialized = True # use rich.table to print the settings def __repr__(self) -> str: r"""Returns a string representation of the settings.""" # attributes that should not be displayed in the table not_displayed = ["rng"] table = rich.table.Table(title="MrMustard Settings") table.add_column("Setting") table.add_column("Value") for key, val in self.__dict__.items(): if key in not_displayed: continue key = key.upper()[1:] value = str(val._value) if isinstance(val, ImmutableSetting) else str(val) table.add_row(key, value) print(table) return ""
settings = Settings() """Settings object."""