

Returns an array with at least three dimensions by eventually inserting new axes at the beginning. Note this is not the way atleast_3d works in numpy and tensorflow, where it adds at the beginning and/or end.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to convert.

  • dtype – The data type of the array. If None, the returned array is of the same type as the given one.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array with at least three dimensions.