
mrmustard.training.trainer.map_trainer(trainer=<function train_device>, tasks=1, pbar=True, unblock=False, num_cpus=None, **kwargs)[source]

Maps multiple training tasks across multiple workers using ray.

In practice, the most common use case is to ignore the keywords trainer (as it defaults to train_device()), pbar, unblock, etc. and just concentrate on tasks and **kwargs which passes arguments to the wrapper functions that contain the task execution logic, as well as the Optimizer and its Optimizer.minimize().

For example, with the default trainer train_device(), two user-defined functions are used for wrapping up user logic:

  • A device_factory (optional) that wraps around the logic for making circuits/states to be optimized; it is expected to return a single, or list of, :class:`Circuit`(s).

  • A cost_fn (required) that takes the circuits made and additional keyword arguments and returns a backprop-able scalar cost.

Refer to the kwargs section below for more available options.

  • trainer (callable) – The function containing the training loop to be distributed, whose fixed arguments are to be passed by **kwargs and task-specific arguments iterated through tasks. Provide only when custom evaluation/training logic is needed. Defaults to train_device().

  • tasks (Union[int, Sequence, Mapping]) – Number of repeats or collection of task-specific training config arguments feeding into train_device(). Refer to kwargs below for the available options. Defaults to 1 which runs trainer exactly once.

  • pbar (bool) – Whether to show a progress bar, available only in blocking mode (i.e. unblock==False). Defaults to True.

  • unblock (bool) – Whether to unblock the process and returns a getter function returning the available results. Defaults to False.

  • num_cpus (int) – Number of cpu workers to initialize ray. Defaults to the number of virtual cores.

  • kwargs

    Additional arguments containing fixed training config kwargs feeding into trainer. For the default trainer train_device(), available options are:

    • cost_fn (callable):

      The optimized cost function to be distributed. It’s expected to accept the output of device_factory as *args as well as user-defined **kwargs, and returns a scalar cost. Its user-defined **kwargs will be passed from this function’s **kwargs which must include all its required arguments.

    • device_factory (callable):

      Function that (partially) takes kwargs and returns a device, or list/dict of devices. If None, cost_fn will be assumed to take no positional argument (for example, when device-making is contained in cost_fn). Defaults to None.

    • metric_fns (Union[Sequence[callable], Mapping[callable], callable]):

      Optional collection of functions that takes the output of device_factory after optimization and returns arbitrary evaluation/information.

    • return_kwargs (bool):

      Whether to include input config kwargs in the output dict. Defualts to True.

    • skip_opt (bool):

      Whether to skip the optimization and directly calculate cost.

    • tag (str):

      Optional label of the training task associated with the kwargs to be included in the output dict.

    • any kwargs to cost_fn: exluding the output of device_factory.

    • any kwargs to device_factory: e.g. x, r, theta, etc.

    • any kwargs to Optimizer: e.g. euclidean_lr.

    • any kwargs to Optimizer.minimize: excluding cost_fn and by_optimizing, e.g. max_steps.

Union[List, Dict]: The collection of results from each training task. Returns
  • a list if tasks is provided as an int or a list; or

  • a dict with the same keys if tasks is provided as a dict.


from mrmustard.lab import Vacuum, Dgate, Ggate, Gaussian
from mrmustard.physics import fidelity
from mrmustard.training.trainer import map_trainer

def make_circ(x=0.):
    return Ggate(num_modes=1, symplectic_trainable=True) >> Dgate(x=x, x_trainable=True, y_trainable=True)

def cost_fn(circ=make_circ(0.1), y_targ=0.):
    target = Gaussian(1) >> Dgate(-1.5, y_targ)
    s = Vacuum(1) >> circ
    return -fidelity(s, target)

# Use case 0: Calculate the cost of a randomly initialized circuit 5 times without optimizing it.
results_0 = map_trainer(

# Use case 1: Run circuit optimization 5 times on randomly initialized circuits.
results_1 = map_trainer(

# Use case 2: Run 2 sets of circuit optimization with custom parameters passed as list.
results_2 = map_trainer(
        {'x': 0.1, 'euclidean_lr': 0.005, 'max_steps': 50},
        {'x': -0.7, 'euclidean_lr': 0.1, 'max_steps': 2},

# Use case 3: Run 2 sets of circuit optimization with custom parameters passed as dict with extra metric functions for evaluating the final optimized circuit.
results_3 = map_trainer(
    'my-job': {'x': 0.1, 'euclidean_lr': 0.005, 'max_steps': 50},
    'my-other-job': {'x': -0.7, 'euclidean_lr': 0.1, 'max_steps': 2},
    'is_gaussian': lambda c: c.is_gaussian,
    'foo': lambda _: 17.
