The optimizer module contains all logic for parameter and circuit optimization in Mr Mustard.

The Optimizer uses Adam underneath the hood for Euclidean parameters and a custom Symplectic optimizer for Gaussian gates and states and an Orthogonal optimizer for interferometers.

We can turn any simulation in Mr Mustard into an optimization by marking which parameters we wish to be trainable. Let’s take a simple example: Finding the optimal beamsplitter transmission to get Hong-Ou-Mandel dip on the many-photon setting.

import numpy as np

from mrmustard import math
from mrmustard.lab.gates import S2gate, BSgate
from mrmustard.lab.states import Vacuum
from mrmustard.lab.circuit import Circuit
from import Optimizer

r = np.arcsinh(1.0)
s2_0 = S2gate(r=r, phi=0.0, phi_trainable=True)[0, 1]
s2_1 = S2gate(r=r, phi=0.0, phi_trainable=True)[2, 3]
bs = BSgate(
        theta=np.arccos(np.sqrt(k / (i + k))) + 0.1 * np.random.normal(),
    )[1, 2]

circ = Circuit([s2_0, s2_1, bs])
state_in = Vacuum(num_modes=4)

i, k = 2, 2
cutoff = 1 + i + k

def cost_fn():
    return math.abs((state_in >> circ).ket(cutoffs=[cutoff] * 4)[i, 1, i + k - 1, k]) ** 2

opt = Optimizer(euclidean_lr=0.01)
opt.minimize(cost_fn, by_optimizing=[circ], max_steps=300)

Then, we can see the optimized value of the parameters, for example

np.cos(bs.theta.value) ** 2


Optimizer([symplectic_lr, unitary_lr, ...])

An optimizer for any parametrized object: it can optimize euclidean, orthogonal and symplectic parameters.

TensorboardCallback([tag, steps_per_call, ...])

Callback for enabling Tensorboard tracking of optimization progresses.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of,