The lab module is all you need to construct and simulate photonic circuits. It contains the items you’d find in a lab:
states (Vacuum, Coherent, SqueezedVacuum, Thermal, etc.)
transformations (Sgate, BSgate, LossChannel, etc.)
detectors (PNRDetector, Homodyne, etc.)
the Circuit class
The additive noise channel. |
The noisy amplifier channel. |
The noisy attenuator channel. |
Beam splitter gate. |
Controlled X gate. |
Controlled Z gate. |
Represents a quantum circuit: a set of operations to be applied on quantum states. |
The N-mode coherent state. |
Displacement gate. |
The N-mode displaced squeezed state. |
The N-mode Fock state. |
The N-mode Gaussian state parametrized by a symplectic matrix and N symplectic eigenvalues. |
Generaldyne measurement on given modes. |
A generic N-mode Gaussian unitary transformation with zero displacement. |
Heterodyne measurement on given modes. |
Homodyne measurement on given modes. |
N-mode interferometer. |
Mach-Zehnder gate. |
Photon Number Resolving detector. |
Quadratic phase gate. |
The phase noise channel. |
N-mode interferometer parametrized by an NxN orthogonal matrix (or 2N x 2N block-diagonal orthogonal matrix). |
Rotation gate. |
Two-mode squeezing gate. |
Squeezing gate. |
The N-mode squeezed vacuum state. |
Base class for quantum states. |
The 2-mode squeezed vacuum state. |
The N-mode thermal state. |
Threshold detector: any Fock component other than vacuum counts toward a click in the detector. |
The N-mode vacuum state. |