Source code for mrmustard.lab.abstract.measurement

# Copyright 2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

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"""This module contains the implementation of the class :class:`FockMeasurement`."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Iterable, Sequence, Union

from mrmustard import math, settings
from mrmustard.math.parameter_set import ParameterSet
from mrmustard.math.parameters import Constant, Variable
from mrmustard.utils.typing import Tensor
from .state import State

[docs] class Measurement(ABC): """this is an abstract class holding the common methods and properties that any measurement should implement Args: outcome (optional, List[float] or Tensor): the result of the measurement modes (List[int]): the modes on which the measurement is acting on """ def __init__(self, outcome: Tensor, modes: Sequence[int]) -> None: super().__init__() if modes is None: raise ValueError(f"Modes not defined for {self.__class__.__name__}.") self._modes = modes self._is_postselected = False if outcome is None else True """used to evaluate if the measurement outcome should be sampled or is already defined by the user (postselection)""" self._parameter_set = ParameterSet() def _add_parameter(self, parameter: Union[Constant, Variable]): r""" Adds a parameter to a transformation. Args: parameter: The parameter to add. """ self.parameter_set.add_parameter(parameter) self.__dict__[] = parameter @property def parameter_set(self): r""" The set of parameters for this transformation. """ return self._parameter_set @property def modes(self): r"""returns the modes being measured""" return self._modes @property def num_modes(self): r"""returns the number of modes being measured""" return len(self.modes) @property def postselected(self): r"""returns whether the measurement is postselected, i.e, a outcome has been provided""" return self._is_postselected @property @abstractmethod def outcome(self): """Returns outcome of the measurement. If no measurement has been carried out returns `None`.""" ... @abstractmethod def _measure_fock(self, other: State) -> Union[State, float]: ... @abstractmethod def _measure_gaussian(self, other: State) -> Union[State, float]: ...
[docs] def primal(self, other: State) -> Union[State, float]: """performs the measurement procedure according to the representation of the incoming state""" if other.is_gaussian: return self._measure_gaussian(other) return self._measure_fock(other)
def __lshift__(self, other) -> Union[State, float]: if isinstance(other, State): self.primal(other) raise TypeError( f"Cannot apply Measurement '{self.__qualname__}' to '{other.__qualname__}'." ) def __getitem__(self, items) -> Measurement: """Assign modes via the getitem syntax: allows measurements to be used as ``output = meas[0,1](input)``, e.g. measuring modes 0 and 1. """ if isinstance(items, int): modes = [items] elif isinstance(items, slice): modes = list(range(items.start, items.stop, items.step)) elif isinstance(items, (Sequence, Iterable)): modes = list(items) else: raise ValueError(f"{items} is not a valid slice or list of modes.") self._modes = modes return self
[docs] class FockMeasurement(Measurement): """A Fock measurement projecting onto a Fock measurement pattern. It works by representing the state in the Fock basis and then applying a stochastic channel matrix ``P(meas|n)`` to the Fock probabilities (belief propagation). It outputs the measurement probabilities and the remaining post-measurement state (if any) in the Fock basis. """ def __init__(self, outcome: Tensor, modes: Sequence[int], cutoffs: Sequence[int]) -> None: self._cutoffs = cutoffs or [settings.PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF] * len(modes) super().__init__(outcome, modes) @property def outcome(self): raise NotImplementedError def _measure_gaussian(self, other: State) -> Union[State, float]: return self._measure_fock(other) def _measure_fock(self, other: State) -> Union[State, float]: r""" Returns a tensor representing the post-measurement state in the unmeasured modes in the Fock basis. The first `N` indices of the returned tensor correspond to the Fock measurements of the `N` modes that the detector is measuring. The remaining indices correspond to the density matrix of the unmeasured modes. Args other (State): the quantum state Returns Tensor: a tensor representing the post-measurement state """ cutoffs = [] for mode in other.modes: if mode in self._modes: cutoffs.append( max(settings.PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF, other.cutoffs[other.indices(mode)]) ) else: cutoffs.append(other.cutoffs[other.indices(mode)]) if self.should_recompute_stochastic_channel() or math.any( [c > settings.PNR_INTERNAL_CUTOFF for c in other.cutoffs] ): self.recompute_stochastic_channel(cutoffs) dm = for k, (mode, stoch) in enumerate(zip(self._modes, self._internal_stochastic_channel)): # move the mode indices to the end last = [mode - k, mode + other.num_modes - 2 * k] perm = [m for m in range(dm.ndim) if m not in last] + last dm = math.transpose(dm, perm) # compute sum_m P(meas|m)rho_mm dm = math.diag_part(dm) dm = math.tensordot(dm, stoch[: self._cutoffs[k], : dm.shape[-1]], [[-1], [1]]) # put back the last len(self.modes) modes at the beginning output = math.transpose( dm, list(range(dm.ndim - len(self._modes), dm.ndim)) + list(range(dm.ndim - len(self._modes))), ) if len(output.shape) == len(self._modes): # all modes are measured output = math.real(output) # return probabilities return output # pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def should_recompute_stochastic_channel(self) -> bool: # override in subclasses """Returns `True` if the stochastic channel has to be recomputed. This method should be overriden by subclasses as needed. """ return False
[docs] def recompute_stochastic_channel(self, cutoffs: Sequence[int]) -> None: """Recomputes the stochastic channel. This method should be overriden by subclasses as needed. """ raise NotImplementedError