Source code for mrmustard.lab.abstract.state

# Copyright 2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""This module contains the implementation of the :class:`State` class."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import (

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm

from mrmustard import math, settings
from mrmustard.math.parameters import Constant, Variable
from mrmustard.physics import bargmann, fock, gaussian
from mrmustard.physics.wigner import wigner_discretized
from mrmustard.utils.typing import (

    from .transformation import Transformation

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] class State: # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods r"""Base class for quantum states.""" def __init__( self, cov: RealMatrix = None, means: RealVector = None, eigenvalues: RealVector = None, symplectic: RealMatrix = None, ket: ComplexTensor = None, dm: ComplexTensor = None, modes: Sequence[int] = None, cutoffs: Sequence[int] = None, _norm: float = 1.0, ): r"""Initializes the state. Supply either: * a covariance matrix and means vector * an eigenvalues array and symplectic matrix * a fock representation (ket or dm) Args: cov (Matrix): the covariance matrix means (Vector): the means vector eigenvalues (Tensor): the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix symplectic (Matrix): the symplectic matrix mapping the thermal state with given eigenvalues to this state fock (Tensor): the Fock representation modes (optional, Sequence[int]): the modes in which the state is defined cutoffs (Sequence[int], default=None): set to force the cutoff dimensions of the state _norm (float, default=1.0): the norm of the state. Warning: only set if you know what you are doing. """ self._purity = None self._fock_probabilities = None self._cutoffs = cutoffs self._cov = cov self._means = means self._eigenvalues = eigenvalues self._symplectic = symplectic self._ket = ket self._dm = dm self._norm = _norm if cov is not None and means is not None: self.is_gaussian = True self.is_hilbert_vector = np.allclose(gaussian.purity(self.cov), 1.0, atol=1e-6) self.num_modes = cov.shape[-1] // 2 elif eigenvalues is not None and symplectic is not None: self.is_gaussian = True self.is_hilbert_vector = np.allclose(eigenvalues, 2.0 / settings.HBAR) self.num_modes = symplectic.shape[-1] // 2 elif ket is not None or dm is not None: self.is_gaussian = False self.is_hilbert_vector = ket is not None self.num_modes = len(ket.shape) if ket is not None else len(dm.shape) // 2 self._purity = 1.0 if ket is not None else None else: raise ValueError( "State must be initialized with either a covariance matrix and means vector, an eigenvalues array and symplectic matrix, or a fock representation" ) self._modes = modes if modes is not None: assert ( len(modes) == self.num_modes ), f"Number of modes supplied ({len(modes)}) must match the representation dimension {self.num_modes}" def _add_parameter(self, parameter: Union[Constant, Variable]): r""" Adds a parameter to a state. Args: parameter: The parameter to add. """ if getattr(self, "_parameter_set", None) is None: msg = "Cannot add a parameter to a state with no parameter set." raise ValueError(msg) self.parameter_set.add_parameter(parameter) self.__dict__[] = parameter @property def parameter_set(self): r""" The set of parameters for this state. """ return getattr(self, "_parameter_set", None) @property def modes(self): r"""Returns the modes of the state.""" if self._modes is None: return list(range(self.num_modes)) return self._modes
[docs] def indices(self, modes) -> Union[Tuple[int], int]: r"""Returns the indices of the given modes. Args: modes (Sequence[int] or int): the modes or mode Returns: Tuple[int] or int: a tuple of indices of the given modes or the single index of a single mode """ if isinstance(modes, int): return self.modes.index(modes) return tuple(self.modes.index(m) for m in modes)
@property def purity(self) -> float: """Returns the purity of the state.""" if self._purity is None: if self.is_gaussian: self._purity = gaussian.purity(self.cov) else: self._purity = fock.purity(self._dm) return self._purity @property def is_mixed(self): r"""Returns whether the state is mixed.""" return not self.is_pure @property def is_pure(self): r"""Returns ``True`` if the state is pure and ``False`` otherwise.""" return np.isclose(self.purity, 1.0, atol=1e-6) @property def means(self) -> Optional[RealVector]: r"""Returns the means vector of the state.""" return self._means @property def cov(self) -> Optional[RealMatrix]: r"""Returns the covariance matrix of the state.""" return self._cov @property def number_stdev(self) -> RealVector: r"""Returns the square root of the photon number variances (standard deviation) in each mode.""" if self.is_gaussian: return math.sqrt(math.diag_part(self.number_cov)) return math.sqrt( fock.number_variances(self.fock, is_dm=len(self.fock.shape) == self.num_modes * 2) ) @property def cutoffs(self) -> List[int]: r"""Returns the Hilbert space dimension of each mode.""" if self._cutoffs is None: if self._ket is None and self._dm is None: self._cutoffs = fock.autocutoffs( self.cov, self.means, settings.AUTOCUTOFF_PROBABILITY ) else: self._cutoffs = [ int(c) for c in ( self._ket.shape if self._ket is not None else self._dm.shape[: self.num_modes] ) ] return self._cutoffs @property def shape(self) -> List[int]: r"""Returns the shape of the state, accounting for ket/dm representation. If the state is in Gaussian representation, the shape is inferred from the first two moments of the number operator. """ # NOTE: if we initialize State(dm=pure_dm), self.fock returns the dm, which does not have shape self.cutoffs return self.cutoffs if self.is_hilbert_vector else self.cutoffs + self.cutoffs @property def fock(self) -> ComplexTensor: r"""Returns the Fock representation of the state.""" if self._dm is None and self._ket is None: _fock = fock.wigner_to_fock_state( self.cov, self.means, shape=self.shape, return_dm=not self.is_hilbert_vector, ) if self.is_mixed: self._dm = _fock self._ket = None else: self._ket = _fock self._dm = None return self._ket if self._ket is not None else self._dm @property def number_means(self) -> RealVector: r"""Returns the mean photon number for each mode.""" if self.is_gaussian: return gaussian.number_means(self.cov, self.means) return fock.number_means(tensor=self.fock, is_dm=self.is_mixed) @property def number_cov(self) -> RealMatrix: r"""Returns the complete photon number covariance matrix.""" if not self.is_gaussian: raise NotImplementedError("number_cov not yet implemented for non-gaussian states") return gaussian.number_cov(self.cov, self.means) @property def norm(self) -> float: r"""Returns the norm of the state.""" if self.is_gaussian: return self._norm return fock.norm(self.fock, not self.is_hilbert_vector) @property def probability(self) -> float: r"""Returns the probability of the state.""" norm = self.norm if self.is_pure and self._ket is not None: return norm**2 return norm
[docs] def ket( self, cutoffs: List[int] = None, max_prob: float = 1.0, max_photons: int = None, ) -> Optional[ComplexTensor]: r"""Returns the ket of the state in Fock representation or ``None`` if the state is mixed. Args: cutoffs List[int or None]: The cutoff dimensions for each mode. If a mode cutoff is ``None``, it's guessed automatically. max_prob (float): The maximum probability of the state. Defaults to 1.0. (used to stop the calculation of the amplitudes early) max_photons (int): The maximum number of photons in the state, summing over all modes (used to stop the calculation of the amplitudes early) Returns: Tensor: the ket """ if self.is_mixed: return None if cutoffs is None: cutoffs = self.cutoffs else: cutoffs = [c if c is not None else self.cutoffs[i] for i, c in enumerate(cutoffs)] # TODO: shouldn't we check if trainable instead? that's when we want to recompute fock if self.is_gaussian: self._ket = fock.wigner_to_fock_state( self.cov, self.means, shape=cutoffs, return_dm=False, max_prob=max_prob, max_photons=max_photons, ) else: # only fock representation is available if self._ket is None: # if state is pure and has a density matrix, calculate the ket if self.is_pure: self._ket = fock.dm_to_ket(self._dm) current_cutoffs = [int(s) for s in self._ket.shape] if cutoffs != current_cutoffs: paddings = [(0, max(0, new - old)) for new, old in zip(cutoffs, current_cutoffs)] if any(p != (0, 0) for p in paddings): padded = fock.math.pad(self._ket, paddings, mode="constant") else: padded = self._ket return padded[tuple(slice(s) for s in cutoffs)] return self._ket[tuple(slice(s) for s in cutoffs)]
[docs] def dm(self, cutoffs: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> ComplexTensor: r"""Returns the density matrix of the state in Fock representation. Args: cutoffs List[int]: The cutoff dimensions for each mode. If a mode cutoff is ``None``, it's automatically computed. Returns: Tensor: the density matrix """ if cutoffs is None: cutoffs = self.cutoffs else: cutoffs = [c if c is not None else self.cutoffs[i] for i, c in enumerate(cutoffs)] if self.is_pure: ket = self.ket(cutoffs=cutoffs) if ket is not None: return fock.ket_to_dm(ket) else: if self.is_gaussian: self._dm = fock.wigner_to_fock_state( self.cov, self.means, shape=cutoffs + cutoffs, return_dm=True ) elif cutoffs != (current_cutoffs := list(self._dm.shape[: self.num_modes])): paddings = [(0, max(0, new - old)) for new, old in zip(cutoffs, current_cutoffs)] if any(p != (0, 0) for p in paddings): padded = fock.math.pad(self._dm, paddings + paddings, mode="constant") else: padded = self._dm return padded[tuple(slice(s) for s in cutoffs + cutoffs)] return self._dm[tuple(slice(s) for s in cutoffs + cutoffs)]
[docs] def fock_probabilities(self, cutoffs: Sequence[int]) -> RealTensor: r"""Returns the probabilities in Fock representation. If the state is pure, they are the absolute value squared of the ket amplitudes. If the state is mixed they are the multi-dimensional diagonals of the density matrix. Args: cutoffs List[int]: the cutoff dimensions for each mode Returns: Tensor: the probabilities """ if self._fock_probabilities is None: if self.is_mixed: dm = self._fock_probabilities = fock.dm_to_probs(dm) else: ket = self.ket(cutoffs=cutoffs) self._fock_probabilities = fock.ket_to_probs(ket) return self._fock_probabilities
[docs] def primal(self, other: Union[State, Transformation]) -> State: r"""Returns the post-measurement state after ``other`` is projected onto ``self``. ``other << self`` is other projected onto ``self``. If ``other`` is a ``Transformation``, it returns the dual of the transformation applied to ``self``: ``other << self`` is like ``self >> other^dual``. Note that the returned state is not normalized. To normalize a state you can use ``mrmustard.physics.normalize``. """ # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() if isinstance(other, State): return self._project_onto_state(other) try: return other.dual(self) except AttributeError as e: raise TypeError( f"Cannot apply {other.__class__.__qualname__} to {self.__class__.__qualname__}" ) from e
def _project_onto_state(self, other: State) -> Union[State, float]: """If states are gaussian use generaldyne measurement, else use the states' Fock representation.""" # if both states are gaussian if self.is_gaussian and other.is_gaussian: return self._project_onto_gaussian(other) # either self or other is not gaussian return self._project_onto_fock(other) def _project_onto_fock(self, other: State) -> Union[State, float]: """Returns the post-measurement state of the projection between two non-Gaussian states on the remaining modes or the probability of the result. When doing homodyne sampling, returns the post-measurement state or the measument outcome if no modes remain. Args: other (State): state being projected onto self Returns: State or float: returns the conditional state on the remaining modes or the probability. """ remaining_modes = list(set(other.modes) - set(self.modes)) out_fock = self._contract_with_other(other) if len(remaining_modes) > 0: return ( State(dm=out_fock, modes=remaining_modes) if other.is_mixed or self.is_mixed else State(ket=out_fock, modes=remaining_modes) ) # return the probability (norm) of the state when there are no modes left return ( fock.math.abs(out_fock) ** 2 if other.is_pure and self.is_pure else fock.math.abs(out_fock) ) def _contract_with_other(self, other): other_cutoffs = [ None if m not in self.modes else other.cutoffs[other.indices(m)] for m in other.modes ] if hasattr(self, "_preferred_projection"): out_fock = self._preferred_projection(other, other.indices(self.modes)) else: # matching other's cutoffs self_cutoffs = [other.cutoffs[other.indices(m)] for m in self.modes] out_fock = fock.contract_states( stateA=other.ket(other_cutoffs) if other.is_pure else, stateB=self.ket(self_cutoffs) if self.is_pure else, a_is_dm=other.is_mixed, b_is_dm=self.is_mixed, modes=other.indices(self.modes), normalize=self._normalize if hasattr(self, "_normalize") else False, ) return out_fock def _project_onto_gaussian(self, other: State) -> Union[State, float]: """Returns the result of a generaldyne measurement given that states ``self`` and ``other`` are gaussian. Args: other (State): gaussian state being projected onto self Returns: State or float: returns the output conditional state on the remaining modes or the probability. """ # here `self` is the measurement device state and `other` is the incoming state # being projected onto the measurement state remaining_modes = list(set(other.modes) - set(self.modes)) _, probability, new_cov, new_means = gaussian.general_dyne( other.cov, other.means, self.cov, self.means, self.modes, ) if len(remaining_modes) > 0: return State( means=new_means, cov=new_cov, modes=remaining_modes, _norm=probability if not getattr(self, "_normalize", False) else 1.0, ) return probability def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[State]: """Iterates over the modes and their corresponding tensors.""" return (self.get_modes(i) for i in range(self.num_modes)) def __and__(self, other: State) -> State: r"""Concatenates two states.""" if not self.is_gaussian or not other.is_gaussian: # convert all to fock now # TODO: would be more efficient if we could keep pure states as kets if self.is_mixed or other.is_mixed: self_fock = other_fock = dm = fock.math.tensordot(self_fock, other_fock, [[], []]) # e.g. self has shape [1,3,1,3] and other has shape [2,2] # we want self & other to have shape [1,3,2,1,3,2] # before transposing shape is [1,3,1,3]+[2,2] self_idx = list(range(len(self_fock.shape))) other_idx = list(range(len(self_idx), len(self_idx) + len(other_fock.shape))) return State( dm=math.transpose( dm, self_idx[: len(self_idx) // 2] + other_idx[: len(other_idx) // 2] + self_idx[len(self_idx) // 2 :] + other_idx[len(other_idx) // 2 :], ), modes=self.modes + [m + max(self.modes) + 1 for m in other.modes], ) # else, all states are pure self_fock = self.ket() other_fock = other.ket() return State( ket=fock.math.tensordot(self_fock, other_fock, [[], []]), modes=self.modes + [m + max(self.modes) + 1 for m in other.modes], ) cov = gaussian.join_covs([self.cov, other.cov]) means = gaussian.join_means([self.means, other.means]) return State( cov=cov, means=means, modes=self.modes + [m + self.num_modes for m in other.modes], ) def __getitem__(self, item) -> State: "setting the modes of a state (same API of `Transformation`)" if isinstance(item, int): item = [item] elif isinstance(item, Iterable): item = list(item) else: raise TypeError("item must be int or iterable") if len(item) != self.num_modes: raise ValueError( f"there are {self.num_modes} modes (item has {len(item)} elements, perhaps you're looking for .get_modes()?)" ) self._modes = item return self
[docs] def bargmann(self, numpy=False) -> Optional[tuple[ComplexMatrix, ComplexVector, complex]]: r"""Returns the Bargmann representation of the state. If numpy=True, returns the numpy arrays instead of the backend arrays. """ if self.is_gaussian: if self.is_pure: A, B, C = bargmann.wigner_to_bargmann_psi(self.cov, self.means) else: A, B, C = bargmann.wigner_to_bargmann_rho(self.cov, self.means) else: return None if numpy: return math.asnumpy(A), math.asnumpy(B), math.asnumpy(C) return A, B, C
[docs] def get_modes(self, item) -> State: r"""Returns the state on the given modes.""" if isinstance(item, int): item = [item] elif isinstance(item, Iterable): item = list(item) else: raise TypeError("item must be int or iterable") if item == self.modes: return self if not set(item) & set(self.modes): raise ValueError( f"Failed to request modes {item} for state {self} on modes {self.modes}." ) item_idx = [self.modes.index(m) for m in item] if self.is_gaussian: cov, _, _ = gaussian.partition_cov(self.cov, item_idx) means, _ = gaussian.partition_means(self.means, item_idx) return State(cov=cov, means=means, modes=item) fock_partitioned = fock.trace(, keep=item_idx) return State(dm=fock_partitioned, modes=item)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements r"""Returns whether the states are equal.""" if self.num_modes != other.num_modes: return False if not np.isclose(self.purity, other.purity, atol=1e-6): return False if self.is_gaussian and other.is_gaussian: if not np.allclose(self.means, other.means, atol=1e-6): return False if not np.allclose(self.cov, other.cov, atol=1e-6): return False return True try: return np.allclose( self.ket(cutoffs=other.cutoffs), other.ket(cutoffs=other.cutoffs), atol=1e-6, ) except TypeError: return np.allclose(,, atol=1e-6, ) def __rshift__(self, other: Transformation) -> State: r"""Applies other (a Transformation) to self (a State), e.g., ``Coherent(x=0.1) >> Sgate(r=0.1)``.""" if issubclass(other.__class__, State): raise TypeError( f"Cannot apply {other.__class__.__qualname__} to a state. Are you looking for the << operator?" ) return other.primal(self) def __lshift__(self, other: State): r"""Implements projection onto a state or the dual transformation applied on a state. E.g., ``self << other`` where other is a ``State`` and ``self`` is either a ``State`` or a ``Transformation``. """ return other.primal(self) def __add__(self, other: State): r"""Implements a mixture of states (only available in fock representation for the moment).""" if not isinstance(other, State): raise TypeError(f"Cannot add {other.__class__.__qualname__} to a state") warnings.warn("mixing states forces conversion to fock representation", UserWarning) return State( + def __rmul__(self, other): r"""Implements multiplication by a scalar from the left. E.g., ``0.5 * psi``. """ if self.is_gaussian: warnings.warn( "scalar multiplication forces conversion to fock representation", UserWarning, ) if self.is_pure: return State(ket=self.ket() * other) return State( * other) if self._dm is not None: return State( * other, modes=self.modes) if self._ket is not None: return State(ket=self.ket() * other, modes=self.modes) raise ValueError("No fock representation available") def __truediv__(self, other): r"""Implements division by a scalar from the left. E.g. ``psi / 0.5`` """ if self.is_gaussian: warnings.warn("scalar division forces conversion to fock representation", UserWarning) if self.is_pure: return State(ket=self.ket() / other) return State( / other) if self._dm is not None: return State( / other, modes=self.modes) if self._ket is not None: return State(ket=self.ket() / other, modes=self.modes) raise ValueError("No fock representation available") @staticmethod def _format_probability(prob: float) -> str: if prob < 0.001: return f"{100*prob:.3e} %" else: return f"{prob:.3%}" def _repr_markdown_(self): table = ( f"#### {self.__class__.__qualname__}\n\n" + "| Purity | Probability | Num modes | Bosonic size | Gaussian | Fock |\n" + "| :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: |\n" + f"| {self.purity :.2e} | " + self._format_probability(self.probability) + f" | {self.num_modes} | {'1' if self.is_gaussian else 'N/A'} | {'✅' if self.is_gaussian else '❌'} | {'✅' if self._ket is not None or self._dm is not None else '❌'} |" ) if self.num_modes == 1: mikkel_plot(math.asnumpy( if settings.DEBUG: detailed_info = f"\ncov={repr(self.cov)}\n" + f"means={repr(self.means)}\n" return f"{table}\n{detailed_info}" return table
def mikkel_plot( rho: np.ndarray, xbounds: Tuple[int] = (-6, 6), ybounds: Tuple[int] = (-6, 6), **kwargs, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements """Plots the Wigner function of a state given its density matrix. Args: rho (np.ndarray): density matrix of the state xbounds (Tuple[int]): range of the x axis ybounds (Tuple[int]): range of the y axis Keyword args: resolution (int): number of points used to calculate the wigner function xticks (Tuple[int]): ticks of the x axis xtick_labels (Optional[Tuple[str]]): labels of the x axis; if None uses default formatter yticks (Tuple[int]): ticks of the y axis ytick_labels (Optional[Tuple[str]]): labels of the y axis; if None uses default formatter grid (bool): whether to display the grid cmap (matplotlib.colormap): colormap of the figure Returns: tuple: figure and axes """ plot_args = { "resolution": 200, "xticks": (-5, 0, 5), "xtick_labels": None, "yticks": (-5, 0, 5), "ytick_labels": None, "grid": False, "cmap": cm.RdBu, } plot_args.update(kwargs) if plot_args["xtick_labels"] is None: plot_args["xtick_labels"] = plot_args["xticks"] if plot_args["ytick_labels"] is None: plot_args["ytick_labels"] = plot_args["yticks"] q, ProbX = fock.quadrature_distribution(rho) p, ProbP = fock.quadrature_distribution(rho, np.pi / 2) xvec = np.linspace(*xbounds, plot_args["resolution"]) pvec = np.linspace(*ybounds, plot_args["resolution"]) W, X, P = wigner_discretized(rho, xvec, pvec) ### PLOTTING ### fig, ax = plt.subplots( 2, 2, figsize=(6, 6), gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": [2, 1], "height_ratios": [1, 2]}, ) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) # Wigner function ax[1][0].contourf(X, P, W, 120, cmap=plot_args["cmap"], vmin=-abs(W).max(), vmax=abs(W).max()) ax[1][0].set_xlabel("x", fontsize=12) ax[1][0].set_ylabel("p", fontsize=12) ax[1][0].get_xaxis().set_ticks(plot_args["xticks"]) ax[1][0].xaxis.set_ticklabels(plot_args["xtick_labels"]) ax[1][0].get_yaxis().set_ticks(plot_args["yticks"]) ax[1][0].yaxis.set_ticklabels(plot_args["ytick_labels"], rotation="vertical", va="center") ax[1][0].tick_params(direction="in") ax[1][0].set_xlim(xbounds) ax[1][0].set_ylim(ybounds) ax[1][0].grid(plot_args["grid"]) # X quadrature probability distribution ax[0][0].fill(q, ProbX, color=plot_args["cmap"](0.5)) ax[0][0].plot(q, ProbX, color=plot_args["cmap"](0.8)) ax[0][0].get_xaxis().set_ticks(plot_args["xticks"]) ax[0][0].xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax[0][0].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax[0][0].tick_params(direction="in") ax[0][0].set_ylabel("Prob(x)", fontsize=12) ax[0][0].set_xlim(xbounds) ax[0][0].set_ylim([0, 1.1 * max(ProbX)]) ax[0][0].grid(plot_args["grid"]) # P quadrature probability distribution ax[1][1].fill(ProbP, p, color=plot_args["cmap"](0.5)) ax[1][1].plot(ProbP, p, color=plot_args["cmap"](0.8)) ax[1][1].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax[1][1].get_yaxis().set_ticks(plot_args["yticks"]) ax[1][1].yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax[1][1].tick_params(direction="in") ax[1][1].set_xlabel("Prob(p)", fontsize=12) ax[1][1].set_xlim([0, 1.1 * max(ProbP)]) ax[1][1].set_ylim(ybounds) ax[1][1].grid(plot_args["grid"]) # Density matrix ax[0][1].matshow(abs(rho), cmap=plot_args["cmap"], vmin=-abs(rho).max(), vmax=abs(rho).max()) ax[0][1].set_title("abs(ρ)", fontsize=12) ax[0][1].tick_params(direction="in") ax[0][1].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax[0][1].get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax[0][1].set_aspect("auto") ax[0][1].set_ylabel(f"cutoff = {len(rho)}", fontsize=12) ax[0][1].yaxis.set_label_position("right") return fig, ax