Source code for mrmustard.lab.abstract.transformation

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"""This module contains the implementation of the :class:`Transformation` class."""

# pylint: disable = missing-function-docstring

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from mrmustard import math, settings
from mrmustard.math.parameter_set import ParameterSet
from mrmustard.math.parameters import Constant, Variable
from mrmustard.math.tensor_networks import Tensor
from mrmustard.physics import bargmann, fock, gaussian
from mrmustard.utils.typing import RealMatrix, RealVector

from .state import State

[docs] class Transformation(Tensor): r""" Base class for all Transformations. """ def __init__( self, name: str, modes_in_ket: Optional[list[int]] = None, modes_out_ket: Optional[list[int]] = None, modes_in_bra: Optional[list[int]] = None, modes_out_bra: Optional[list[int]] = None, ): super().__init__( name=name, modes_in_ket=modes_in_ket, modes_out_ket=modes_out_ket, modes_in_bra=modes_in_bra, modes_out_bra=modes_out_bra, ) self._parameter_set = ParameterSet() def _add_parameter(self, parameter: Union[Constant, Variable]): r""" Adds a parameter to a transformation. Args: parameter: The parameter to add. """ self.parameter_set.add_parameter(parameter) self.__dict__[] = parameter @property def parameter_set(self): r""" The set of parameters for this transformation. """ return self._parameter_set
[docs] def primal(self, state: State) -> State: r"""Applies this transformation to the given ``state`` and returns the transformed state. Args: state (State): the state to transform Returns: State: the transformed state """ if state.is_gaussian: new_state = self._transform_gaussian(state, dual=False) else: new_state = self._transform_fock(state, dual=False) return new_state
[docs] def dual(self, state: State) -> State: r"""Applies the dual of this transformation to the given ``state`` and returns the transformed state. Args: state (State): the state to transform Returns: State: the transformed state """ if state.is_gaussian: new_state = self._transform_gaussian(state, dual=True) else: new_state = self._transform_fock(state, dual=True) return new_state
def _transform_gaussian(self, state: State, dual: bool) -> State: r"""Transforms a Gaussian state into a Gaussian state. Args: state (State): the state to transform dual (bool): whether to apply the dual channel Returns: State: the transformed state """ X, Y, d = self.XYd(allow_none=False) if not dual else self.XYd_dual(allow_none=False) cov, means = gaussian.CPTP( math.astensor(state.cov), math.astensor(state.means), X, Y, d, state.modes, self.modes ) new_state = State( cov=cov, means=means, modes=state.modes, _norm=state.norm ) # NOTE: assumes modes don't change return new_state @property def num_modes(self) -> int: r"""The number of modes on which the transformation acts.""" return len(self.modes) def _validate_modes(self, modes): pass @property def X_matrix(self) -> Optional[RealMatrix]: return None @property def Y_matrix(self) -> Optional[RealMatrix]: return None @property def d_vector(self) -> Optional[RealVector]: return None @property def X_matrix_dual(self) -> Optional[RealMatrix]: if (X := self.X_matrix) is None: return None return gaussian.math.inv(X) @property def Y_matrix_dual(self) -> Optional[RealMatrix]: if (Y := self.Y_matrix) is None: return None if (Xdual := self.X_matrix_dual) is None: return Y return math.matmul(math.matmul(Xdual, Y), math.transpose(Xdual)) @property def d_vector_dual(self) -> Optional[RealVector]: if (d := self.d_vector) is None: return None if (Xdual := self.X_matrix_dual) is None: return -d return -math.matmul(Xdual, d)
[docs] def bargmann(self, numpy=False): X, Y, d = self.XYd(allow_none=False) if self.is_unitary: A, B, C = bargmann.wigner_to_bargmann_U(X, d) else: A, B, C = bargmann.wigner_to_bargmann_Choi(X, Y, d) if numpy: return math.asnumpy(A), math.asnumpy(B), math.asnumpy(C) return A, B, C
[docs] def choi( self, cutoffs: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, dual: bool = False, ): r"""Returns the Choi representation of the transformation. If specified, ``shape`` takes precedence over ``cutoffs``. The ``shape`` is in the order ``(out_L, in_L, out_R, in_R)``. Args: cutoffs: the cutoffs of the input and output modes shape: the shape of the Choi matrix dual: whether to return the dual Choi """ N = self.num_modes if cutoffs is None: pass elif len(cutoffs) != N: raise ValueError(f"len(cutoffs) must be {self.num_modes} (got {len(cutoffs)})") shape = shape or tuple(cutoffs) * 4 if self.is_unitary: shape = shape[: 2 * self.num_modes] U = self.U(shape[: self.num_modes]) Udual = self.U(shape[self.num_modes :]) if dual: return fock.U_to_choi(U=Udual, Udual=U) return fock.U_to_choi(U=U, Udual=Udual) X, Y, d = self.XYd(allow_none=False) choi = fock.wigner_to_fock_Choi(X, Y, d, shape=shape) if dual: n = len(shape) // 4 N0 = list(range(0, n)) N1 = list(range(n, 2 * n)) N2 = list(range(2 * n, 3 * n)) N3 = list(range(3 * n, 4 * n)) choi = math.conj(math.transpose(choi, N1 + N0 + N3 + N2)) # if dual we flip out-in return choi
[docs] def XYd( self, allow_none: bool = True ) -> Tuple[Optional[RealMatrix], Optional[RealMatrix], Optional[RealVector]]: r"""Returns the ```(X, Y, d)``` triple. Override in subclasses if computing ``X``, ``Y`` and ``d`` together is more efficient. """ if allow_none: return self.X_matrix, self.Y_matrix, self.d_vector X = math.eye(2 * self.num_modes) if self.X_matrix is None else self.X_matrix Y = math.zeros_like(X) if self.Y_matrix is None else self.Y_matrix d = math.zeros_like(X[:, 0]) if self.d_vector is None else self.d_vector return X, Y, d
[docs] def XYd_dual( self, allow_none: bool = True ) -> tuple[Optional[RealMatrix], Optional[RealMatrix], Optional[RealVector]]: r"""Returns the ```(X, Y, d)``` triple of the dual of the current transformation. Override in subclasses if computing ``Xdual``, ``Ydual`` and ``ddual`` together is more efficient. """ if allow_none: return self.X_matrix_dual, self.Y_matrix_dual, self.d_vector_dual Xdual = math.eye(2 * self.num_modes) if self.X_matrix_dual is None else self.X_matrix_dual Ydual = math.zeros_like(Xdual) if self.Y_matrix_dual is None else self.Y_matrix_dual ddual = math.zeros_like(Xdual[:, 0]) if self.d_vector_dual is None else self.d_vector_dual return Xdual, Ydual, ddual
def __getitem__(self, items) -> Callable: r"""Sets the modes on which the transformation acts. Allows transformations to be used as: ``output = transf[0,1](input)``, e.g. acting on modes 0 and 1. """ # TODO: this won't work when we want to reuse the same op for different modes in a circuit. # i.e. `psi = op[0](psi); psi = op[1](psi)` is ok, but `circ = Circuit([op[0], op[1]])` won't work. if isinstance(items, int): modes = [items] elif isinstance(items, slice): modes = list(range(items.start, items.stop, items.step)) elif isinstance(items, (Sequence, Iterable)): modes = list(items) else: raise ValueError(f"{items} is not a valid slice or list of modes.") if self.is_unitary: self.change_modes(modes, modes) else: self.change_modes(modes, modes, modes, modes) return self def __rshift__(self, other: Transformation): r"""Concatenates self with other (other after self). If any of the two is a circuit, all the ops in it migrate to the new circuit that is returned. E.g., ``circ = Sgate(1.0)[0,1] >> Dgate(0.2)[0] >> BSgate(np.pi/4)[0,1]`` Args: other: another transformation Returns: Circuit: A circuit that concatenates self with other """ from mrmustard.lab.circuit import Circuit # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel ops1 = self._ops if isinstance(self, Circuit) else [self] ops2 = other._ops if isinstance(other, Circuit) else [other] return Circuit(ops1 + ops2) def __lshift__(self, other: Union[State, Transformation]): r"""Applies the dual of self to other. If other is a state, the dual of self is applied to the state. If other is a transformation, the dual of self is concatenated after other (in the dual sense). E.g. .. code-block:: Sgate(0.1) << Coherent(0.5) # state Sgate(0.1) << Dgate(0.2) # transformation Args: other: a state or a transformation Returns: State: the state transformed via the dual transformation or the transformation concatenated after other """ if isinstance(other, State): return self.dual(other) if isinstance(other, Transformation): return self >> other # so that the dual is self.dual(other.dual(x)) raise ValueError( f"{other} of type {other.__class__} is not a valid state or transformation." ) def __repr__(self): class_name = modes = self.modes parameters = {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, (Constant, Variable))} param_str_rep = [ f"{name}={repr(math.asnumpy(par.value))}" for name, par in parameters.items() ] params_str = ", ".join(sorted(param_str_rep)) return f"{class_name}({params_str}, modes = {modes})".replace("\n", "") def __str__(self): class_name = modes = self.modes return f"<{class_name} object at {hex(id(self))} acting on modes {modes}>" def _repr_markdown_(self): header = ( f"##### {self.__class__.__qualname__} on modes {self.modes}\n" "|Parameters|dtype|Value|Bounds|Shape|Trainable|\n" "| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |\n" ) body = "" with np.printoptions(precision=6, suppress=True): parameters = { k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, (Constant, Variable)) } for name, par in parameters.items(): par_value = repr(math.asnumpy(par.value)).replace("\n", "<br>") body += ( f"| {name}" f"| {}" f"| {par_value}" f"| {str(getattr(par.value, 'bounds', 'None'))}" f"| {par.value.shape}" f"| {str(math.is_trainable(par.value))}" "|\n" ) return header + body
[docs] class Unitary(Transformation): r""" A unitary transformation. Args: name: The name of this unitary. modes: The modes that this unitary acts on. """ def __init__(self, name: str, modes: list[int]): super().__init__(name=name, modes_in_ket=modes, modes_out_ket=modes) self.is_unitary = True
[docs] def value(self, shape: Tuple[int]): return self.U(shape=shape)
def _transform_fock(self, state: State, dual=False) -> State: op_idx = [state.modes.index(m) for m in self.modes] U = self.U(cutoffs=[state.cutoffs[i] for i in op_idx]) if state.is_hilbert_vector: return State(ket=fock.apply_kraus_to_ket(U, state.ket(), op_idx), modes=state.modes) return State(dm=fock.apply_kraus_to_dm(U,, op_idx), modes=state.modes)
[docs] def U( self, cutoffs: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ): r"""Returns the unitary representation of the transformation. If specified, ``shape`` takes precedence over ``cutoffs``. ``shape`` is in the order ``(out, in)``. Note that for a unitary transformation on N modes, ``len(cutoffs)`` is ``N`` and ``len(shape)`` is ``2N``. Args: cutoffs: the cutoffs of the input and output modes shape: the shape of the unitary matrix Returns: ComplexTensor: the unitary matrix in Fock representation """ if cutoffs is None: pass elif len(cutoffs) != self.num_modes: raise ValueError(f"len(cutoffs) must be {self.num_modes} (got {len(cutoffs)})") shape = shape or tuple(cutoffs) * 2 X, _, d = self.XYd(allow_none=False) return fock.wigner_to_fock_U(X, d, shape=shape)
def __eq__(self, other): r"""Returns ``True`` if the two transformations are equal.""" if not isinstance(other, Unitary): return False if not (self.is_gaussian and other.is_gaussian): return np.allclose( self.U(cutoffs=[settings.EQ_TRANSFORMATION_CUTOFF] * 2 * self.num_modes), other.U(cutoffs=[settings.EQ_TRANSFORMATION_CUTOFF] * 2 * self.num_modes), rtol=settings.EQ_TRANSFORMATION_RTOL_FOCK, ) sX, sY, sd = self.XYd(allow_none=False) oX, oY, od = other.XYd(allow_none=False) assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(sY), 0) assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(oY), 0) return np.allclose(sX, oX) and np.allclose(sd, od)
[docs] class Channel(Transformation): r""" A quantum channel. Args: name: The name of this channel. modes: The modes that this channel acts on. """ def __init__(self, name: str, modes: list[int]): super().__init__( name=name, modes_in_ket=modes, modes_out_ket=modes, modes_in_bra=modes, modes_out_bra=modes, ) self.is_unitary = False def _transform_fock(self, state: State, dual: bool = False) -> State: op_idx = [state.modes.index(m) for m in self.modes] choi = self.choi(cutoffs=[state.cutoffs[i] for i in op_idx], dual=dual) if state.is_hilbert_vector: return State(dm=fock.apply_choi_to_ket(choi, state.ket(), op_idx), modes=state.modes) return State(dm=fock.apply_choi_to_dm(choi,, op_idx), modes=state.modes)
[docs] def value(self, shape: Tuple[int]): return self.choi(shape=shape)
def __eq__(self, other): r"""Returns ``True`` if the two transformations are equal.""" if not isinstance(other, Channel): return False if not (self.is_gaussian and other.is_gaussian): return np.allclose( self.choi(cutoffs=[settings.EQ_TRANSFORMATION_CUTOFF] * 4 * self.num_modes), other.choi(cutoffs=[settings.EQ_TRANSFORMATION_CUTOFF] * 4 * self.num_modes), rtol=settings.EQ_TRANSFORMATION_RTOL_FOCK, ) sX, sY, sd = self.XYd(allow_none=False) oX, oY, od = other.XYd(allow_none=False) return np.allclose(sX, oX) and np.allclose(sY, oY) and np.allclose(sd, od)