Source code for mrmustard.lab_dev.states.states

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# pylint: disable=abstract-method

The classes representing states in quantum circuits.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from mrmustard import math
from mrmustard.physics.representations import Bargmann, Fock
from mrmustard.physics.fock import fock_state
from mrmustard.physics import triples
from .base import Ket, DM
from ..utils import make_parameter, reshape_params

__all__ = ["Coherent", "DisplacedSqueezed", "Number", "SqueezedVacuum", "Thermal", "Vacuum"]

#  ~~~~~~~~~~~
#  Pure States
#  ~~~~~~~~~~~

[docs] class Coherent(Ket): r"""The `N`-mode coherent state. If ``x`` and/or ``y`` are ``Sequence``\s, their length must be equal to `1` or `N`. If their length is equal to `1`, all the modes share the same parameters. .. code-block:: >>> from mrmustard.lab_dev import Coherent, Vacuum, Dgate >>> state = Coherent(modes=[0, 1, 2], x=[0.3, 0.4, 0.5], y=0.2) >>> assert state == Vacuum([0, 1, 2]) >> Dgate([0, 1, 2], x=[0.3, 0.4, 0.5], y=0.2) Args: modes: The modes of the coherent state. x: The `x` displacement of the coherent state. y: The `y` displacement of the coherent state. x_trainable: Whether the `x` displacement is trainable. y_trainable: Whether the `y` displacement is trainable. x_bounds: The bounds of the `x` displacement. y_bounds: The bounds of the `y` displacement. .. details:: For any :math:`\bar{\alpha} = \bar{x} + i\bar{y}` of length :math:`N`, the :math:`N`-mode coherent state displaced :math:`N`-mode vacuum state is defined by .. math:: V = \frac{\hbar}{2}I_N \text{and } r = \sqrt{2\hbar}[\text{Re}(\bar{\alpha}), \text{Im}(\bar{\alpha})]. Its ``(A,b,c)`` triple is given by .. math:: A = O_{N\text{x}N}\text{, }b=\bar{\alpha}\text{, and }c=\text{exp}\big(-|\bar{\alpha}^2|/2\big). """ def __init__( self, modes: Sequence[int], x: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, y: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, x_trainable: bool = False, y_trainable: bool = False, x_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (None, None), y_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (None, None), ): super().__init__("Coherent", modes=modes) self._add_parameter(make_parameter(x_trainable, x, "x", x_bounds)) self._add_parameter(make_parameter(y_trainable, y, "y", y_bounds)) @property def representation(self) -> Bargmann: n_modes = len(self.modes) xs, ys = list(reshape_params(n_modes, x=self.x.value, y=self.y.value)) return Bargmann(*triples.coherent_state_Abc(xs, ys))
[docs] class DisplacedSqueezed(Ket): r"""The `N`-mode displaced squeezed vacuum state. If ``x``, ``y``, ``r``, and/or ``phi`` are ``Sequence``\s, their length must be equal to `1` or `N`. If their length is equal to `1`, all the modes share the same parameters. .. code-block:: >>> from mrmustard.lab_dev import DisplacedSqueezed, Vacuum, Sgate, Dgate >>> state = DisplacedSqueezed(modes=[0, 1, 2], x=1, phi=0.2) >>> assert state == Vacuum([0, 1, 2]) >> Sgate([0, 1, 2], phi=0.2) >> Dgate([0, 1, 2], x=1) Args: modes: The modes of the coherent state. x: The displacements along the `x` axis, which represents position axis in phase space. y: The displacements along the `y` axis. r: The squeezing magnitude. phi: The squeezing angles. x_trainable: Whether `x` is a trainable variable. y_trainable: Whether `y` is a trainable variable. r_trainable: Whether `r` is trainable. phi_trainable: Whether `phi` is trainable. x_bounds: The bounds for the displacement along the `x` axis. y_bounds: The bounds for the displacement along the `y` axis, which represents momentum axis in phase space. r_bounds: The bounds of `r`. phi_bounds: The bounds of `phi`. """ def __init__( self, modes: Sequence[int], x: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, y: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, r: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, phi: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, x_trainable: bool = False, y_trainable: bool = False, r_trainable: bool = False, phi_trainable: bool = False, x_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (None, None), y_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (None, None), r_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (None, None), phi_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (None, None), ): super().__init__("DisplacedSqueezed", modes=modes) self._add_parameter(make_parameter(x_trainable, x, "x", x_bounds)) self._add_parameter(make_parameter(y_trainable, y, "y", y_bounds)) self._add_parameter(make_parameter(r_trainable, r, "r", r_bounds)) self._add_parameter(make_parameter(phi_trainable, phi, "phi", phi_bounds)) @property def representation(self) -> Bargmann: n_modes = len(self.modes) params = reshape_params( n_modes, x=self.x.value, y=self.y.value, r=self.r.value, phi=self.phi.value ) xs, ys, rs, phis = list(params) return Bargmann(*triples.displaced_squeezed_vacuum_state_Abc(xs, ys, rs, phis))
[docs] class Number(Ket): r"""The `N`-mode number state. .. code-block:: >>> from mrmustard.lab_dev import Number >>> state = Number(modes=[0, 1], n=[10, 20]) >>> assert state.modes == [0, 1] Args: modes: The modes of the number state. n: The number of photons in each mode. cutoffs: The cutoffs for the various modes. If ``cutoffs`` is given as an ``int``, it is broadcasted to all the states. If ``None``, it defaults to ``[n1+1, n2+1, ...]``, where ``ni`` is the photon number of the ``i``th mode. .. details:: For any :math:`\bar{n} = (n_1,\:\ldots,\:n_N)`, the :math:`N`-mode number state is defined by .. math:: \ket{\bar{n}} = \ket{n_1}\otimes\ldots\otimes\ket{n_N}\:, where :math:`\ket{n_j}` is the eigenstate of the number operator on mode `j` with eigenvalue :math:`n_j`. """ def __init__( self, modes: Sequence[int], n: Union[int, Sequence[int]], cutoffs: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__("N", modes=modes) self._n = math.atleast_1d(n) if len(self._n) == 1: self._n = math.tile(self._n, [len(modes)]) if len(self._n) != len(modes): msg = f"Length of ``n`` must be 1 or {len(modes)}, found {len(self._n)}." raise ValueError(msg) self._cutoffs = math.atleast_1d(cutoffs) if cutoffs else self.n if len(self._cutoffs) == 1: self._cutoffs = math.tile(self._cutoffs, [len(modes)]) if len(self._cutoffs) != len(modes): msg = f"Length of ``cutoffs`` must be 1 or {len(modes)}, found {len(self._cutoffs)}." raise ValueError(msg) @property def representation(self) -> Fock: return Fock(fock_state(self.n, self.cutoffs)) @property def cutoffs(self): r""" The cutoffs. """ return self._cutoffs @property def n(self): r""" The number of photons in each mode. """ return self._n
[docs] class SqueezedVacuum(Ket): r"""The `N`-mode squeezed vacuum state. If ``r`` and/or ``phi`` are ``Sequence``\s, their length must be equal to `1` or `N`. If their length is equal to `1`, all the modes share the same parameters. .. code-block:: >>> from mrmustard.lab_dev import SqueezedVacuum, Vacuum, Sgate >>> state = SqueezedVacuum(modes=[0, 1, 2], r=[0.3, 0.4, 0.5], phi=0.2) >>> assert state == Vacuum([0, 1, 2]) >> Sgate([0, 1, 2], r=[0.3, 0.4, 0.5], phi=0.2) Args: modes: The modes of the coherent state. r: The squeezing magnitude. phi: The squeezing angles. r_trainable: Whether `r` is trainable. phi_trainable: Whether `phi` is trainable. r_bounds: The bounds of `r`. phi_bounds: The bounds of `phi`. """ def __init__( self, modes: Sequence[int], r: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, phi: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 0.0, r_trainable: bool = False, phi_trainable: bool = False, r_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (None, None), phi_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (None, None), ): super().__init__("SqueezedVacuum", modes=modes) self._add_parameter(make_parameter(r_trainable, r, "r", r_bounds)) self._add_parameter(make_parameter(phi_trainable, phi, "phi", phi_bounds)) @property def representation(self) -> Bargmann: n_modes = len(self.modes) rs, phis = list(reshape_params(n_modes, r=self.r.value, phi=self.phi.value)) return Bargmann(*triples.squeezed_vacuum_state_Abc(rs, phis))
[docs] class Vacuum(Ket): r""" The `N`-mode vacuum state. .. code-block :: >>> from mrmustard.lab_dev import Vacuum >>> state = Vacuum([1, 2]) >>> assert state.modes == [1, 2] Args: modes: A list of modes. .. details:: The :math:`N`-mode vacuum state is defined by .. math:: V = \frac{\hbar}{2}I_N \text{and } r = \bar{0}_N. Its ``(A,b,c)`` triple is given by .. math:: A = O_{N\text{x}N}\text{, }b = O_N\text{, and }c = 1. """ def __init__( self, modes: Sequence[int], ) -> None: super().__init__("Vac", modes=modes) @property def representation(self) -> Bargmann: n_modes = len(self.modes) return Bargmann(*triples.vacuum_state_Abc(n_modes))
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Mixed States # ~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] class Thermal(DM): r""" The `N`-mode thermal state. If ``nbar`` is a ``Sequence``, its length must be equal to `1` or `N`. If its length is equal to `1`, all the modes share the same ``nbar``. .. code-block :: >>> from mrmustard.lab_dev import Vacuum >>> state = Thermal([1, 2], nbar=3) >>> assert state.modes == [1, 2] Args: modes: A list of modes. nbar: The expected number of photons in each mode. nbar_trainable: Whether ``nbar`` is trainable. nbar_bounds: The bounds of ``nbar``. """ def __init__( self, modes: Sequence[int], nbar: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 0, nbar_trainable: bool = False, nbar_bounds: Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] = (0, None), ) -> None: super().__init__("Thermal", modes=modes) self._add_parameter(make_parameter(nbar_trainable, nbar, "nbar", nbar_bounds)) @property def representation(self) -> Bargmann: n_modes = len(self.modes) nbars = list(reshape_params(n_modes, nbar=self.nbar.value))[0] return Bargmann(*triples.thermal_state_Abc(nbars))