Source code for mrmustard.lab_dev.transformations.base

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This module contains the base classes for the available unitaries and channels on quantum states.

In the docstrings defining the available unitaries we provide a definition in terms of
the symplectic matrix :math:`S` and the real vector :math:`d`. For deterministic Gaussian channels,
we use the two matrices :math:`X` and :math:`Y` and the vector :math:`d`. Additionally, we
provide the ``(A, b, c)`` triples that define the transformation in the Fock Bargmann

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Sequence
from mrmustard.utils.typing import ComplexMatrix, ComplexVector
from mrmustard import math
from mrmustard.lab_dev.utils import shape_check
from mrmustard.lab_dev.wires import Wires
from mrmustard.physics.representations import Bargmann
from ..circuit_components import CircuitComponent

__all__ = ["Transformation", "Unitary", "Channel"]

[docs] class Transformation(CircuitComponent): r""" Base class for all transformations. """
[docs] def inverse(self) -> Transformation: r"""Returns the inverse of the transformation.""" if not isinstance(self.representation, Bargmann): raise NotImplementedError("Only Bargmann representation is supported.") if self.representation.ansatz.batch_size > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Batched transformations are not supported.") A, b, _ = self.dual.representation.conj().triple # apply X almost_inverse = self.__class__.from_bargmann( [0], (math.inv(A[0]), -math.inv(A[0]) @ b[0], 1 + 0j) ) almost_identity = ( self >> almost_inverse ) # TODO: this is not efficient, need to get c from formula invert_this_c = almost_identity.representation.c actual_inverse = self.__class__.from_bargmann( [0], (math.inv(A[0]), -math.inv(A[0]) @ b[0], 1 / invert_this_c) ) return actual_inverse
[docs] class Unitary(Transformation): r""" Base class for all unitary transformations. Arguments: name: The name of this transformation. modes: The modes that this transformation acts on. """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, modes: tuple[int, ...] = ()): super().__init__( name or "U" + "".join(str(m) for m in modes), modes_in_ket=modes, modes_out_ket=modes, ) def __rshift__(self, other: CircuitComponent) -> CircuitComponent: r""" Contracts ``self`` and ``other`` as it would in a circuit, adding the adjoints when they are missing. Returns a ``Unitary`` when ``other`` is a ``Unitary``, a ``Channel`` when ``other`` is a ``Channel``, and a ``CircuitComponent`` otherwise. """ ret = super().__rshift__(other) if isinstance(other, Unitary): return Unitary._from_attributes("", ret.representation, ret.wires) elif isinstance(other, Channel): return Channel._from_attributes("", ret.representation, ret.wires) return ret def __repr__(self) -> str: return super().__repr__().replace("CircuitComponent", "Unitary")
[docs] @classmethod def from_bargmann( cls, modes: Sequence[int], triple: tuple[ComplexMatrix, ComplexVector, complex], name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Unitary: A = math.astensor(triple[0]) b = math.astensor(triple[1]) c = math.astensor(triple[2]) shape_check(A, b, 2 * len(modes), "Bargmann") s = set(modes) return Unitary._from_attributes(name, Bargmann(A, b, c), Wires(set(), set(), s, s))
[docs] class Channel(Transformation): r""" Base class for all non-unitary transformations. Arguments: name: The name of this transformation. modes: The modes that this transformation acts on. """ def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, modes: tuple[int, ...] = ()): super().__init__( name or "Ch" + "".join(str(m) for m in modes), modes_in_ket=modes, modes_out_ket=modes, modes_in_bra=modes, modes_out_bra=modes, ) def __rshift__(self, other: CircuitComponent) -> CircuitComponent: r""" Contracts ``self`` and ``other`` as it would in a circuit, adding the adjoints when they are missing. Returns a ``Channel`` when ``other`` is a ``Unitary`` or a ``Channel``, and a ``CircuitComponent`` otherwise. """ ret = super().__rshift__(other) if isinstance(other, (Unitary, Channel)): return Channel._from_attributes("", ret.representation, ret.wires) return ret def __repr__(self) -> str: return super().__repr__().replace("CircuitComponent", "Channel")
[docs] @classmethod def from_bargmann( cls, modes: Sequence[int], triple: tuple[ComplexMatrix, ComplexVector, complex], name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Channel: r"""Initialize a Channel from the given Bargmann ``(A, b, c)`` triple.""" A = math.astensor(triple[0]) b = math.astensor(triple[1]) c = math.astensor(triple[2]) shape_check(A, b, 4 * len(modes), "Bargmann") s = set(modes) return Channel._from_attributes(name, Bargmann(A, b, c), Wires(s, s, s, s))