Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""This module contains the implementation of optimization classes and functions
used within Mr Mustard.

from itertools import chain, groupby
from typing import List, Callable, Sequence, Union, Mapping, Dict
from mrmustard import math
from mrmustard.math.parameters import Constant, Variable
from import Callback
from import ProgressBar
from mrmustard.utils.logger import create_logger
from mrmustard.math.parameters import (
from mrmustard.lab import Circuit

__all__ = ["Optimizer"]

# pylint: disable=disallowed-name
[docs] class Optimizer: r"""An optimizer for any parametrized object: it can optimize euclidean, orthogonal and symplectic parameters. .. note:: In the future it will also include a compiler, so that it will be possible to simplify the circuit/detector/gate/etc before the optimization and also compile other types of structures like error correcting codes and encoders/decoders. """ def __init__( self, symplectic_lr: float = 0.1, unitary_lr: float = 0.1, orthogonal_lr: float = 0.1, euclidean_lr: float = 0.001, ): self.learning_rate = { update_euclidean: euclidean_lr, update_symplectic: symplectic_lr, update_unitary: unitary_lr, update_orthogonal: orthogonal_lr, } self.opt_history: List[float] = [0] self.callback_history: Dict[str, List] = {} self.log = create_logger(__name__)
[docs] def minimize( self, cost_fn: Callable, by_optimizing: Sequence[Union[Constant, Variable, Circuit]], max_steps: int = 1000, callbacks: Union[Callable, Sequence[Callable], Mapping[str, Callable]] = None, ): r"""Minimizes the given cost function by optimizing circuits and/or detectors. Args: cost_fn (Callable): a function that will be executed in a differentiable context in order to compute gradients as needed by_optimizing (list of circuits and/or detectors and/or gates): a list of elements that contain the parameters to optimize max_steps (int): the minimization keeps going until the loss is stable or max_steps are reached (if ``max_steps=0`` it will only stop when the loss is stable) callbacks (:class:`Callback`, `Callable`, or List/Dict of them): callback functions that will be executed at each step of the optimization after backprop but before gradient gets applied. It takes as arguments the optimizer itself, training step (int), the cost value, the cost function, and the trainable parameters (values & grads) dict. The optional returned dict for each step is stored in self.callback_history which is a callback-name-keyed dict with each value a list of such callback result dicts. Learn more about how to use callbacks to have finer control of the optimization process in the :mod:`.callbacks` module. """ callbacks = self._coerce_callbacks(callbacks) try: self._minimize(cost_fn, by_optimizing, max_steps, callbacks) except KeyboardInterrupt: # graceful exit"Optimizer execution halted due to keyboard interruption.") raise self.OptimizerInterruptedError() from None
def _minimize(self, cost_fn, by_optimizing, max_steps, callbacks): # finding out which parameters are trainable from the ops trainable_params = self._get_trainable_params(by_optimizing) cost_fn_modified = False orig_cost_fn = cost_fn bar = ProgressBar(max_steps) with bar: while not self.should_stop(max_steps): cost, grads = self.compute_loss_and_gradients(cost_fn, trainable_params.values()) trainables = {tag: (x, dx) for (tag, x), dx in zip(trainable_params.items(), grads)} if cost_fn_modified: self.callback_history["orig_cost"].append(orig_cost_fn()) new_cost_fn, new_grads = self._run_callbacks( callbacks=callbacks, cost_fn=cost_fn, cost=cost, trainables=trainables, ) self.apply_gradients(trainable_params.values(), new_grads or grads) self.opt_history.append(cost) bar.step(math.asnumpy(cost)) if callable(new_cost_fn): cost_fn = new_cost_fn if not cost_fn_modified: cost_fn_modified = True self.callback_history["orig_cost"] = self.opt_history.copy()
[docs] def apply_gradients(self, trainable_params, grads): """Apply gradients to variables. This method group parameters by variable type (euclidean, symplectic, orthogonal) and applies the corresponding update method for each variable type. Update methods are registered on :mod:`parameter_update` module. """ grouped_items = sorted( zip(grads, trainable_params), key=lambda x: hash(getattr(x[1], "update_fn", update_euclidean)), ) grouped_items = { key: list(result) for key, result in groupby( grouped_items, key=lambda x: hash(getattr(x[1], "update_fn", update_euclidean)) ) } for grads_vars in grouped_items.values(): update_fn = getattr(grads_vars[0][1], "update_fn", update_euclidean) params_lr = self.learning_rate[update_fn] # extract value (tensor) from the parameter object and group with grad grads_and_vars = [(grad, p.value) for grad, p in grads_vars] update_fn(grads_and_vars, params_lr)
@staticmethod def _get_trainable_params(trainable_items, root_tag: str = "optimized"): """Traverses all instances of gates, states, detectors, or trainable items that belong to the backend and return a dict of trainables of the form `{tags: trainable_parameters}` where the `tags` are traversal paths of collecting all parent tags for reaching each parameter. """ trainables = [] for i, item in enumerate(trainable_items): owner_tag = f"{root_tag}[{i}]" if isinstance(item, Circuit): for j, op in enumerate(item.ops): tag = f"{owner_tag}:{item.__class__.__qualname__}/_ops[{j}]" tagged_vars = op.parameter_set.tagged_variables(tag) trainables.append(tagged_vars.items()) elif hasattr(item, "parameter_set"): tag = f"{owner_tag}:{item.__class__.__qualname__}" tagged_vars = item.parameter_set.tagged_variables(tag) trainables.append(tagged_vars.items()) elif math.from_backend(item) and math.is_trainable(item): # the created parameter is wrapped into a list because the case above # returns a list, hence ensuring we have a list of lists tag = f"{owner_tag}:{math.__class__.__name__}/{getattr(item, 'name', item.__class__.__name__)}" trainables.append([(tag, Variable(item, name="from _backend"))]) return dict(chain(*trainables)) @staticmethod def _group_vars_and_grads_by_type(trainable_params, grads): """Groups `trainable_params` and `grads` by type into a dict of the form `{"euclidean": [...], "orthogonal": [...], "symplectic": [...]}, "unitary": [...]`.""" sorted_grads_and_vars = sorted( zip(grads, trainable_params), key=lambda grads_vars: grads_vars[1].type ) grouped = { key: list(result) for key, result in groupby( sorted_grads_and_vars, key=lambda grads_vars: grads_vars[1].type ) } return grouped
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_loss_and_gradients(cost_fn: Callable, parameters: List[Variable]): r"""Uses the backend to compute the loss and gradients of the parameters given a cost function. This functions is a wrapper around the backend optimizer to extract tensors from `parameters` and correctly compute the loss and gradients. Results of the calculation are associated back again with the given parameters. Args: cost_fn (Callable with no args): The cost function. parameters (List[Variable]): The variables to optimize. Returns: tuple(Tensor, List[Tensor]): The loss and the gradients. """ param_tensors = [p.value for p in parameters] loss, grads = math.value_and_gradients(cost_fn, param_tensors) return loss, grads
[docs] def should_stop(self, max_steps: int) -> bool: r"""Returns ``True`` if the optimization should stop (either because the loss is stable or because the maximum number of steps is reached).""" if max_steps != 0 and len(self.opt_history) > max_steps: return True if len(self.opt_history) > 20: # if cost varies less than 10e-6 over 20 steps if ( sum(abs(self.opt_history[-i - 1] - self.opt_history[-i]) for i in range(1, 20)) < 1e-6 ):"Loss looks stable, stopping here.") return True return False
@staticmethod def _coerce_callbacks(callbacks): r"""Coerce callbacks into dict and validate them.""" if callbacks is None: callbacks = {} elif callable(callbacks): callbacks = { callbacks.tag if isinstance(callbacks, Callback) else callbacks.__name__: callbacks } elif isinstance(callbacks, Sequence): callbacks = { cb.tag if isinstance(cb, Callback) else cb.__name__: cb for cb in callbacks } elif not isinstance(callbacks, Mapping): raise TypeError( f"Argument `callbacks` expected to be a callable or a list/dict of callables, got {type(callbacks)}." ) if any(not callable(cb) for cb in callbacks.values()): raise TypeError("Not all provided callbacks is callable.") return callbacks def _run_callbacks(self, callbacks, cost_fn, cost, trainables): """Iteratively calls all callbacks and applies the necessary updates.""" new_cost_fn, new_grads = None, None for cb_tag, cb in callbacks.items(): if cb_tag not in self.callback_history: self.callback_history[cb_tag] = [] cb_result = cb( optimizer=self, cost_fn=cost_fn if new_cost_fn is None else new_cost_fn, cost=cost, trainables=trainables, ) if not isinstance(cb_result, (Mapping, type(None))): raise TypeError( f"The expected return type of callback functions is dict, got {type(cb_result)}." ) new_cost_fn = cb_result.pop("cost_fn", None) if "grads" in cb_result: new_grads = cb_result["grads"] trainables = { tag: (x, dx) for (tag, (x, _)), dx in zip(trainables.items(), new_grads) } if cb_result is not None and cb_result: self.callback_history[cb_tag].append(cb_result) return new_cost_fn, new_grads class OptimizerInterruptedError(Exception): """A helper class to quietly stop execution without printing a traceback.""" def _render_traceback_(self): pass