
class mrmustard.math.backend_manager.BackendManager[source]

Bases: object

A class to manage the different backends supported by Mr Mustard.


The backend that is being used.


The name of the backend in use.


The configured Euclidean optimizer.



The backend that is being used.


The name of the backend in use.


The configured Euclidean optimizer.

instance = Backend(numpy)

Categorical(probs, name)

Categorical distribution over integers.


Default optimizer for the Euclidean parameters.


Symplectic form.

MultivariateNormalTriL(loc, scale_tril)

Multivariate normal distribution on R^k and parameterized by a (batch of) length-k loc vector (aka "mu") and a (batch of) k x k scale matrix; covariance = scale @ scale.T where @ denotes matrix-multiplication.


The matrix \(X_n = \begin{bmatrix}0 & I_n\\ I_n & 0\end{bmatrix}.\)


The matrix \(Z_n = \begin{bmatrix}I_n & 0\\ 0 & -I_n\end{bmatrix}.\)


The absolute value of array.

add_at_modes(old, new, modes)

Adds two phase-space tensors (cov matrices, displacement vectors, etc..) on the specified modes.

all_diagonals(rho, real)

Returns all the diagonals of a density matrix.

allclose(array1, array2[, atol])

Whether two arrays are equal within tolerance.


Returns True if any element of array is True, False otherwise.

arange(start[, limit, delta, dtype])

Returns an array of evenly spaced values within a given interval.


Converts an array to a numpy array.

assign(tensor, value)

Assigns value to tensor.

astensor(array[, dtype])

Converts a numpy array to a tensor.

atleast_1d(array[, dtype])

Returns an array with at least one dimension.

atleast_2d(array[, dtype])

Returns an array with at least two dimensions.

atleast_3d(array[, dtype])

Returns an array with at least three dimensions by eventually inserting new axes at the beginning.

binomial_conditional_prob(success_prob, ...)

\(P(out|in) = binom(in, out) * (1-success_prob)**(in-out) * success_prob**out\).

block(blocks[, axes])

Returns a matrix made from the given blocks.

block_diag(mat1, mat2)

Returns a block diagonal matrix from the given matrices.

boolean_mask(tensor, mask)

Returns a tensor based on the truth value of the boolean mask.

cast(array[, dtype])

Casts array to dtype.


Changes the backend to a different one.


Computes the Cholesky decomposition of square matrices.

clip(array, a_min, a_max)

Clips array to the interval [a_min, a_max].

concat(values, axis)

Concatenates values along the given axis.


The complex conjugate of array.


Returns a constraint function for the given bounds.

convolution(array, filters[, padding, ...])

Performs a convolution on array with filters.

convolve_probs(prob, other)

Convolve two probability distributions (up to 3D) with the same shape.

convolve_probs_1d(prob, other_probs)

Convolution of a joint probability with a list of single-index probabilities.


The cosine of an array.


The hyperbolic cosine of array.


A decorator to define a function with a custom gradient.


The adjoint of array.


The determinant of matrix.

diag(array[, k])

The array made by inserting the given array along the \(k\)-th diagonal.

diag_part(array[, k])

The array of the main diagonal of array.


The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.


The eigenvalues of a tensor.

einsum(string, *tensors)

The result of the Einstein summation convention on the tensors.

euclidean_to_symplectic(S, dS_euclidean)

Convert the Euclidean gradient to a Riemannian gradient on the tangent bundle of the symplectic manifold.

euclidean_to_unitary(U, dU_euclidean)

Convert the Euclidean gradient to a Riemannian gradient on the tangent bundle of the unitary manifold.


The exponential of array element-wise.

expand_dims(array, axis)

The array with an additional dimension inserted at the given axis.


The matrix exponential of matrix.

eye(size[, dtype])

The identity matrix of size.


The identity matrix of the same shape and dtype as array.


Whether the given tensor is a tensor of the concrete backend.

gather(array, indices[, axis])

The values of the array at the given indices.

hermite_renormalized_1leftoverMode(A, B, C, ...)

First, reorder A and B parameters of Bargmann representation to match conventions in mrmustard.math.compactFock~ Then, calculate the required renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial.

hermite_renormalized_batch(A, B, C, shape)

Renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial given by the "exponential" Taylor series of \(exp(C + Bx + 1/2*Ax^2)\) at zero, where the series has \(sqrt(n!)\) at the denominator rather than \(n!\).

hermite_renormalized_diagonal(A, B, C, cutoffs)

Firsts, reorder A and B parameters of Bargmann representation to match conventions in mrmustard.math.compactFock~ Then, calculates the required renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial.

hermite_renormalized_diagonal_batch(A, B, C, ...)

First, reorder A and B parameters of Bargmann representation to match conventions in mrmustard.math.compactFock~ Then, calculates the required renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial.


The imaginary part of array.


The inverse of tensor.


Whether the given tensor is trainable.

kron(tensor1, tensor2)

The Kroenecker product of the given tensors.

left_matmul_at_modes(a_partial, b_full, modes)

Left matrix multiplication of a partial matrix and a full matrix.


The natural logarithm of the gamma function of x.


The natural logarithm of x.

make_complex(real, imag)

Given two real tensors representing the real and imaginary part of a complex number, this operation returns a complex tensor.

map_fn(fn, elements)

Transforms elems by applying fn to each element unstacked on axis 0.


The matrix product of the given matrices.

matvec(a, b)

The matrix vector product of a (matrix) and b (vector).

matvec_at_modes(mat, vec, modes)

Matrix-vector multiplication between a phase-space matrix and a vector in the specified modes.

maximum(a, b)

The element-wise maximum of a and b.

minimum(a, b)

The element-wise minimum of a and b.

new_constant(value, name[, dtype])

Returns a new constant with the given value.

new_variable(value, bounds, name[, dtype])

Returns a new variable with the given value and bounds.


The norm of array.

ones(shape[, dtype])

Returns an array of ones with the given shape and dtype.


Returns an array of ones with the same shape and dtype as array.

outer(array1, array2)

The outer product of array1 and array2.

pad(array, paddings[, mode, constant_values])

The padded array.


The pseudo-inverse of matrix.

poisson(max_k, rate)

Poisson distribution up to max_k.

pow(x, y)

Returns \(x^y\).

prod(array[, axis])

The product of all elements in array.


A random orthogonal matrix in \(O(N)\).

random_symplectic(num_modes[, max_r])

A random symplectic matrix in Sp(2*num_modes).


a random unitary matrix in \(U(N)\)


The real part of array.

reshape(array, shape)

The reshaped array.

right_matmul_at_modes(a_full, b_partial, modes)

Right matrix multiplication of a full matrix and a partial matrix.


Rotation matrix from quadratures to complex amplitudes.

round(array, decimals)

The array rounded to the nearest integer.

set_diag(array, diag, k)

The array with the diagonal set to diag.


The sine of array.

single_mode_to_multimode_mat(mat, num_modes)

Apply the same \(2\times 2\) matrix (i.e. single-mode) to a larger number of modes.

single_mode_to_multimode_vec(vec, num_modes)

Apply the same 2-vector (i.e. single-mode) to a larger number of modes.


The hyperbolic sine of array.

solve(matrix, rhs)

The solution of the linear system \(Ax = b\).

sort(array[, axis])

Sort the array along an axis.

sqrt(x[, dtype])

The square root of x.

sqrtm(tensor[, dtype])

The matrix square root.

squeeze(tensor, axis)

Removes dimensions of size 1 from the shape of a tensor.

sum(array[, axes])

The sum of array.

tensordot(a, b, axes)

The tensordot product of a and b.

tile(array, repeats)

The tiled array.

trace(array[, dtype])

The trace of array.

transpose(a[, perm])

The transposed arrays.


Unitary to orthogonal mapping.

update_add_tensor(tensor, indices, values)

Updates a tensor in place by adding the given values.

update_tensor(tensor, indices, values)

Updates a tensor in place with the given values.

value_and_gradients(cost_fn, parameters)

The loss and gradients of the given cost function.

xlogy(x, y)

Returns 0 if x == 0 elementwise and x * log(y) otherwise.

zeros(shape[, dtype])

Returns an array of zeros with the given shape and dtype.


Returns an array of zeros with the same shape and dtype as array.

Categorical(probs, name)[source]

Categorical distribution over integers.

  • probs (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The unnormalized probabilities of a set of Categorical distributions.

  • name (str) – The name prefixed to operations created by this class.


instance of tfp.distributions.Categorical class

Return type:



Default optimizer for the Euclidean parameters.

static J(num_modes)[source]

Symplectic form.

MultivariateNormalTriL(loc, scale_tril)[source]

Multivariate normal distribution on R^k and parameterized by a (batch of) length-k loc vector (aka “mu”) and a (batch of) k x k scale matrix; covariance = scale @ scale.T where @ denotes matrix-multiplication.

  • loc (Tensor) – if this is set to None, loc is implicitly 0

  • scale_tril (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – lower-triangular Tensor with non-zero diagonal elements


instance of tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalTriL

Return type:


static Xmat(num_modes)[source]

The matrix \(X_n = \begin{bmatrix}0 & I_n\\ I_n & 0\end{bmatrix}.\)


num_modes (int) – positive integer


The \(2N\times 2N\) array

static Zmat(num_modes)[source]

The matrix \(Z_n = \begin{bmatrix}I_n & 0\\ 0 & -I_n\end{bmatrix}.\)


num_modes (int) – A positive integer representing the number of modes.


The \(2N\times 2N\) array


The absolute value of array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the absolute value of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The absolute value of the given array.

add_at_modes(old, new, modes)[source]

Adds two phase-space tensors (cov matrices, displacement vectors, etc..) on the specified modes.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]

all_diagonals(rho, real)[source]

Returns all the diagonals of a density matrix.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]

allclose(array1, array2, atol=1e-09)[source]

Whether two arrays are equal within tolerance.

The two arrays are compaired element-wise.

  • array1 (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – An array.

  • array2 (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – Another array.

  • atol – The absolute tolerance.

Return type:



Whether two arrays are equal within tolerance.


ValueError – If the shape of the two arrays do not match.


Returns True if any element of array is True, False otherwise.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to check.

Return type:



True if any element of array is True, False otherwise.

arange(start, limit=None, delta=1, dtype=None)[source]

Returns an array of evenly spaced values within a given interval.

  • start (int) – The start of the interval.

  • limit (int) – The end of the interval.

  • delta (int) – The step size.

  • dtype (Any) – The dtype of the returned array.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array of evenly spaced values.


Converts an array to a numpy array.


tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The tensor to convert.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The corresponidng numpy array.

assign(tensor, value)[source]

Assigns value to tensor.

  • tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The tensor to assign to.

  • value (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The value to assign.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The tensor with value assigned

astensor(array, dtype=None)[source]

Converts a numpy array to a tensor.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The numpy array to convert.

  • dtype – The dtype of the tensor. If None, the returned tensor is of type float.


The tensor with dtype.

atleast_1d(array, dtype=None)[source]

Returns an array with at least one dimension.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to convert.

  • dtype – The data type of the array. If None, the returned array is of the same type as the given one.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array with at least one dimension.

atleast_2d(array, dtype=None)[source]

Returns an array with at least two dimensions.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to convert.

  • dtype – The data type of the array. If None, the returned array is of the same type as the given one.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array with at least two dimensions.

atleast_3d(array, dtype=None)[source]

Returns an array with at least three dimensions by eventually inserting new axes at the beginning. Note this is not the way atleast_3d works in numpy and tensorflow, where it adds at the beginning and/or end.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to convert.

  • dtype – The data type of the array. If None, the returned array is of the same type as the given one.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array with at least three dimensions.

binomial_conditional_prob(success_prob, dim_out, dim_in)[source]

\(P(out|in) = binom(in, out) * (1-success_prob)**(in-out) * success_prob**out\).

block(blocks, axes=(-2, -1))[source]

Returns a matrix made from the given blocks.

  • blocks (List[List[ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]]]) – A list of lists of compatible blocks.

  • axes – The axes to stack the blocks along.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The matrix made of blocks.

block_diag(mat1, mat2)[source]

Returns a block diagonal matrix from the given matrices.

  • mat1 (ndarray[Tuple[int, int], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – A matrix.

  • mat2 (ndarray[Tuple[int, int], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – A matrix.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, int], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


A block diagonal matrix from the given matrices.

boolean_mask(tensor, mask)[source]

Returns a tensor based on the truth value of the boolean mask.

  • tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – A tensor.

  • mask (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – A boolean mask.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


A tensor based on the truth value of the boolean mask.

cast(array, dtype=None)[source]

Casts array to dtype.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to cast.

  • dtype – The data type to cast to. If None, the returned array is the same as the given one.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array cast to dtype.


Changes the backend to a different one.


name (str) – The name of the new backend.

Return type:



Computes the Cholesky decomposition of square matrices.


input (Tensor) –


tensor with the same type as input

Return type:


clip(array, a_min, a_max)[source]

Clips array to the interval [a_min, a_max].

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to clip.

  • a_min (float) – The minimum value.

  • a_max (float) – The maximum value.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The clipped array.

concat(values, axis)[source]

Concatenates values along the given axis.

  • values (Sequence[ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]]) – The values to concatenate.

  • axis (int) – The axis along which to concatenate.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The concatenated values.


The complex conjugate of array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the complex conjugate of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The complex conjugate of the given array.


Returns a constraint function for the given bounds.

A constraint function will clip the value to the interval given by the bounds.


The upper and/or lower bounds can be None, in which case the constraint function will not clip the value.


bounds (Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]) – The bounds of the constraint.

Return type:



The constraint function.

convolution(array, filters, padding=None, data_format='NWC')[source]

Performs a convolution on array with filters.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to convolve.

  • filters (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The filters to convolve with.

  • padding (Optional[str]) – The padding mode.

  • data_format – The data format of the array.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The convolved array.

convolve_probs(prob, other)[source]

Convolve two probability distributions (up to 3D) with the same shape.

Note that the output is not guaranteed to be a complete joint probability, as it’s computed only up to the dimension of the base probs.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]

convolve_probs_1d(prob, other_probs)[source]

Convolution of a joint probability with a list of single-index probabilities.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The cosine of an array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the cosine of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The cosine of array.


The hyperbolic cosine of array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the hyperbolic cosine of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The hyperbolic cosine of array.


A decorator to define a function with a custom gradient.


The adjoint of array. This operation swaps the first and second half of the indexes and then conjugates the matrix.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the adjoint of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The adjoint of array


The determinant of matrix.


matrix (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The matrix to take the determinant of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The determinant of matrix.

diag(array, k=0)[source]

The array made by inserting the given array along the \(k\)-th diagonal.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to insert.

  • k (int) – The k-th diagonal to insert array into.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array with array inserted into the k-th diagonal.

diag_part(array, k=0)[source]

The array of the main diagonal of array.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to extract the main diagonal of.

  • k (int) – The diagonal to extract.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array of the main diagonal of array.


The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.


tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The tensor to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of tensor.


The eigenvalues of a tensor.


tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The tensor to calculate the eigenvalues of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The eigenvalues of tensor.

einsum(string, *tensors)[source]

The result of the Einstein summation convention on the tensors.

  • string (str) – The string of the Einstein summation convention.

  • tensors – The tensors to perform the Einstein summation on.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The result of the Einstein summation convention.

euclidean_to_symplectic(S, dS_euclidean)[source]

Convert the Euclidean gradient to a Riemannian gradient on the tangent bundle of the symplectic manifold.

Implemented from:

Wang J, Sun H, Fiori S. A Riemannian‐steepest‐descent approach for optimization on the real symplectic group. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2018 Jul 30;41(11):4273-86.

  • S (Matrix) – symplectic matrix

  • dS_euclidean (Matrix) – Euclidean gradient tensor


symplectic gradient tensor

Return type:


euclidean_to_unitary(U, dU_euclidean)[source]

Convert the Euclidean gradient to a Riemannian gradient on the tangent bundle of the unitary manifold.

Implemented from:

Y Yao, F Miatto, N Quesada - arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.06069, 2022.

  • U (Matrix) – unitary matrix

  • dU_euclidean (Matrix) – Euclidean gradient tensor


unitary gradient tensor

Return type:



The exponential of array element-wise.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the exponential of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The exponential of array.

expand_dims(array, axis)[source]

The array with an additional dimension inserted at the given axis.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to expand.

  • axis (int) – The axis to insert the new dimension.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array with an additional dimension inserted at the given axis.


The matrix exponential of matrix.


matrix (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The matrix to take the exponential of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The exponential of matrix.

eye(size, dtype=None)[source]

The identity matrix of size.

  • size (int) – The size of the identity matrix

  • dtype – The data type of the identity matrix. If None, the returned matrix is of type float.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The identity matrix.


The identity matrix of the same shape and dtype as array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to create the identity matrix of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The identity matrix.


Whether the given tensor is a tensor of the concrete backend.


value (Any) – A value.

Return type:



Whether given value is a tensor of the concrete backend.

gather(array, indices, axis=None)[source]

The values of the array at the given indices.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to gather values from.

  • indices (Batch[int]) – The indices to gather values from.

  • axis (Optional[int]) – The axis to gather values from.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The values of the array at the given indices.

hermite_renormalized_1leftoverMode(A, B, C, cutoffs)[source]

First, reorder A and B parameters of Bargmann representation to match conventions in mrmustard.math.compactFock~ Then, calculate the required renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]

hermite_renormalized_batch(A, B, C, shape)[source]

Renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial given by the “exponential” Taylor series of \(exp(C + Bx + 1/2*Ax^2)\) at zero, where the series has \(sqrt(n!)\) at the denominator rather than \(n!\). It computes all the amplitudes within the tensor of given shape in case of B is a batched vector with a batched diemnsion on the last index.

  • A (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The A matrix.

  • B (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The batched B vector with its batch dimension on the last index.

  • C (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The C scalar.

  • shape (Tuple[int]) – The shape of the final tensor.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The batched Hermite polynomial of given shape.

hermite_renormalized_diagonal(A, B, C, cutoffs)[source]

Firsts, reorder A and B parameters of Bargmann representation to match conventions in mrmustard.math.compactFock~ Then, calculates the required renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]

hermite_renormalized_diagonal_batch(A, B, C, cutoffs)[source]

First, reorder A and B parameters of Bargmann representation to match conventions in mrmustard.math.compactFock~ Then, calculates the required renormalized multidimensional Hermite polynomial. Same as hermite_renormalized_diagonal but works for a batch of different B’s.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The imaginary part of array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the imaginary part of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The imaginary part of array


The inverse of tensor.


tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The tensor to take the inverse of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The inverse of tensor


Whether the given tensor is trainable.


tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The tensor to train.

Return type:



Whether the given tensor can be trained.

kron(tensor1, tensor2)[source]

The Kroenecker product of the given tensors.

  • tensor1 (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – A tensor.

  • tensor2 (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – Another tensor.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The Kroenecker product.

left_matmul_at_modes(a_partial, b_full, modes)[source]

Left matrix multiplication of a partial matrix and a full matrix.

It assumes that that a_partial is a matrix operating on M modes and that modes is a list of M integers, i.e., it will apply a_partial on the corresponding M modes of b_full from the left.

  • a_partial (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The \(2M\times 2M\) array

  • b_full (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The \(2N\times 2N\) array

  • modes (Sequence[int]) – A list of M modes to perform the multiplication on

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The \(2N\times 2N\) array


The natural logarithm of the gamma function of x.


x (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the natural logarithm of the gamma function of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The natural logarithm of the gamma function of x


The natural logarithm of x.


x (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the natural logarithm of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The natural logarithm of x

make_complex(real, imag)[source]

Given two real tensors representing the real and imaginary part of a complex number, this operation returns a complex tensor. The input tensors must have the same shape.

  • real (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The real part of the complex number.

  • imag (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The imaginary part of the complex number.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The complex array real + 1j * imag.

map_fn(fn, elements)[source]

Transforms elems by applying fn to each element unstacked on axis 0.

  • fn (func) – The callable to be performed. It accepts one argument, which will have the same (possibly nested) structure as elems.

  • elements (Tensor) – A tensor or (possibly nested) sequence of tensors, each of which will be unstacked along their first dimension. func will be applied to the nested sequence of the resulting slices.


applied func on elements

Return type:



The matrix product of the given matrices.


matrices (ndarray[Tuple[int, int], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The matrices to multiply.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The matrix product

matvec(a, b)[source]

The matrix vector product of a (matrix) and b (vector).

  • a (ndarray[Tuple[int, int], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The matrix to multiply

  • b (ndarray[Tuple[int], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The vector to multiply

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The matrix vector product of a and b

matvec_at_modes(mat, vec, modes)[source]

Matrix-vector multiplication between a phase-space matrix and a vector in the specified modes.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]

maximum(a, b)[source]

The element-wise maximum of a and b.

  • a (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The first array to take the maximum of

  • b (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The second array to take the maximum of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The element-wise maximum of a and b

minimum(a, b)[source]

The element-wise minimum of a and b.

  • a (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The first array to take the minimum of

  • b (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The second array to take the minimum of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The element-wise minimum of a and b

new_constant(value, name, dtype=None)[source]

Returns a new constant with the given value.

  • value (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The value of the new constant

  • name (str) – name of the new constant

  • dtype (type) – dtype of the array

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The new constant

new_variable(value, bounds, name, dtype=None)[source]

Returns a new variable with the given value and bounds.

  • value (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The value of the new variable.

  • bounds (Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]) – The bounds of the new variable.

  • name (str) – The name of the new variable.

  • dtype – dtype of the new variable. If None, casts it to float.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The new variable.


The norm of array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the norm of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The norm of array

ones(shape, dtype=None)[source]

Returns an array of ones with the given shape and dtype.

  • shape (tuple) – shape of the array

  • dtype (type) – dtype of the array. If None, the returned array is of type float.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array of ones


Returns an array of ones with the same shape and dtype as array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the shape and dtype of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array of ones

outer(array1, array2)[source]

The outer product of array1 and array2.

  • array1 (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The first array to take the outer product of

  • array2 (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The second array to take the outer product of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The outer product of array1 and array2

pad(array, paddings, mode='CONSTANT', constant_values=0)[source]

The padded array.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to pad

  • paddings (tuple) – paddings to apply

  • mode (str) – mode to apply the padding

  • constant_values (int) – constant values to use for padding

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The padded array


The pseudo-inverse of matrix.


matrix (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The matrix to take the pseudo-inverse of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The pseudo-inverse of matrix

poisson(max_k, rate)[source]

Poisson distribution up to max_k.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]

pow(x, y)[source]

Returns \(x^y\). Broadcasts x and y if necessary. :type x: ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]] :param x: The base :type y: ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]] :param y: The exponent

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The \(x^y\)

prod(array, axis=None)[source]

The product of all elements in array.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array of elements to calculate the product of.

  • axis – The axis along which a product is performed. If None, it calculates the product of all elements in array.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The product of the elements in array.

static random_orthogonal(N)[source]

A random orthogonal matrix in \(O(N)\).

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]

random_symplectic(num_modes, max_r=1.0)[source]

A random symplectic matrix in Sp(2*num_modes).

Squeezing is sampled uniformly from 0.0 to max_r (1.0 by default).

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


a random unitary matrix in \(U(N)\)

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The real part of array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the real part of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The real part of array

reshape(array, shape)[source]

The reshaped array.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to reshape

  • shape (tuple) – shape to reshape the array to

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The reshaped array

right_matmul_at_modes(a_full, b_partial, modes)[source]

Right matrix multiplication of a full matrix and a partial matrix.

It assumes that that b_partial is a matrix operating on M modes and that modes is a list of M integers, i.e., it will apply b_partial on the corresponding M modes of a_full from the right.

  • a_full (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The \(2N\times 2N\) array

  • b_partial (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The \(2M\times 2M\) array

  • modes (Sequence[int]) – A list of M modes to perform the multiplication on

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The \(2N\times 2N\) array

static rotmat(num_modes)[source]

Rotation matrix from quadratures to complex amplitudes.

round(array, decimals)[source]

The array rounded to the nearest integer.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to round

  • decimals (int) – number of decimals to round to

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array rounded to the nearest integer

set_diag(array, diag, k)[source]

The array with the diagonal set to diag.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to set the diagonal of

  • diag (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The diagonal to set

  • k (int) – diagonal to set

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array with the diagonal set to diag


The sine of array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the sine of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The sine of array

single_mode_to_multimode_mat(mat, num_modes)[source]

Apply the same \(2\times 2\) matrix (i.e. single-mode) to a larger number of modes.

single_mode_to_multimode_vec(vec, num_modes)[source]

Apply the same 2-vector (i.e. single-mode) to a larger number of modes.


The hyperbolic sine of array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the hyperbolic sine of

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The hyperbolic sine of array

solve(matrix, rhs)[source]

The solution of the linear system \(Ax = b\).

  • matrix (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The matrix \(A\)

  • rhs (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The vector \(b\)

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The solution \(x\)

sort(array, axis=-1)[source]

Sort the array along an axis.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to sort

  • axis (int) – (optional) The axis to sort along. Defaults to last axis.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


A sorted version of the array in acending order.

sqrt(x, dtype=None)[source]

The square root of x.

  • x (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the square root of

  • dtypedtype of the output array.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The square root of x

sqrtm(tensor, dtype=None)[source]

The matrix square root.

  • tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The tensor to take the matrix square root of.

  • dtype – The dtype of the output tensor. If None, the output is of type math.complex128.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The square root of x

squeeze(tensor, axis)[source]

Removes dimensions of size 1 from the shape of a tensor.

  • tensor (Tensor) – the tensor to squeeze

  • axis (Optional[List[int]]) – if specified, only squeezes the dimensions listed, defaults to []


tensor with one or more dimensions of size 1 removed

Return type:


sum(array, axes=None)[source]

The sum of array.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the sum of

  • axes (tuple) – axes to sum over


The sum of array

tensordot(a, b, axes)[source]

The tensordot product of a and b.

  • a (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The first array to take the tensordot product of

  • b (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The second array to take the tensordot product of

  • axes (Sequence[int]) – The axes to take the tensordot product over

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The tensordot product of a and b

tile(array, repeats)[source]

The tiled array.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to tile

  • repeats (tuple) – number of times to tile the array along each axis

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The tiled array

trace(array, dtype=None)[source]

The trace of array.

  • array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the trace of

  • dtype (type) – dtype of the output array

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The trace of array

transpose(a, perm=None)[source]

The transposed arrays.

  • a (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to transpose

  • perm (tuple) – permutation to apply to the array


The transposed array


Unitary to orthogonal mapping.


U – The unitary matrix in U(n)


The orthogonal matrix in \(O(2n)\)

update_add_tensor(tensor, indices, values)[source]

Updates a tensor in place by adding the given values.

  • tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The tensor to update

  • indices (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The indices to update

  • values (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The values to add

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The updated tensor

update_tensor(tensor, indices, values)[source]

Updates a tensor in place with the given values.

  • tensor (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The tensor to update

  • indices (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The indices to update

  • values (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The values to update

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The updated tensor

value_and_gradients(cost_fn, parameters)[source]

The loss and gradients of the given cost function.

  • cost_fn (callable) – cost function to compute the loss and gradients of

  • parameters (dict) – parameters to compute the loss and gradients of


loss and gradients (dict) of the given cost function

Return type:


xlogy(x, y)[source]

Returns 0 if x == 0 elementwise and x * log(y) otherwise.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]

zeros(shape, dtype=None)[source]

Returns an array of zeros with the given shape and dtype.

  • shape (Sequence[int]) – The shape of the array.

  • dtype – The dtype of the array. If None, the returned array is of type float.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array of zeros.


Returns an array of zeros with the same shape and dtype as array.


array (ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]) – The array to take the shape and dtype of.

Return type:

ndarray[Tuple[int, ...], Union[TypeVar(R, float16, float32, float64), TypeVar(C, complex64, complex128), TypeVar(Z, int16, int32, int64), TypeVar(N, uint16, uint32, uint64)]]


The array of zeros.
