XY_to_channel_Abc (X, Y[, d])
The method to compute the A matrix of a channel based on its X, Y, and d. |
amplifier_Abc (g)
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of amplifiers. |
attenuator_Abc (eta)
The (A, b, c) triple of of a tensor product of atternuators. |
attenuator_kraus_Abc (eta)
The entire family of Kraus operators of the attenuator (loss) channel as a single (A, b, c) triple. |
bargmann_eigenstate_Abc (x)
The Abc triple of a Bargmann eigenstate. |
bargmann_to_quadrature_Abc (n_modes, phi)
The (A, b, c) triple of the multi-mode kernel \(\langle \vec{p}|\vec{z} \rangle\) between bargmann representation with ABC Ansatz form and quadrature representation with ABC Ansatz. |
beamsplitter_gate_Abc (theta[, phi])
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of two-mode beamsplitter gates. |
coherent_state_Abc (x[, y])
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of pure coherent states. |
complex_fourier_transform_Abc (n_modes)
The (A, b, c) triple of the complex Fourier transform between two pairs of complex variables. Given a function \(f(z^*, z)\), the complex Fourier transform is defined as :math: hat{f} (y^*, y) = int_{mathbb{C}} frac{d^2 z}{pi} e^{yz^* - y^*z} f(z^*, z). The indices of this triple correspond to the variables \((y^*, z^*, y, z)\). |
complex_gaussian_integral_2 (Abc1, Abc2, ...)
Computes the complex Gaussian integral |
displaced_squeezed_vacuum_state_Abc (x[, y, ...])
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of displazed squeezed vacuum states. |
displacement_gate_Abc (x[, y])
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of displacement gates. |
displacement_map_s_parametrized_Abc (s, n_modes)
The (A, b, c) triple of a multi-mode s -parametrized displacement map. :math: D_s(vec{gamma}^*, vec{gamma}) = e^{frac{s}{2}|vec{gamma}|^2} D(vec{gamma}^*, vec{gamma}) = e^{frac{s}{2}|vec{gamma}|^2} e^{frac{1}{2}|vec{z}|^2} e^{vec{z}^*vec{gamma} - vec{z} vec{gamma}^*}. The indices of the final triple correspond to the variables \((\gamma_1^*, \gamma_2^*, ..., z_1, z_2, ..., \gamma_1, \gamma_2, ..., z_1^*, z_2^*, ...)\) of the Bargmann function of the s-parametrized displacement map, and correspond to out_bra, in_bra, out_ket, in_ket wires. |
fock_damping_Abc (beta)
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of Fock dampers. |
gaussian_random_noise_Abc (Y)
The triple (A, b, c) for the gaussian random noise channel. |
gdm_state_Abc (betas, symplectic)
The A,b,c parameters of a Gaussian mixed state that is defined by the action of a Guassian on a thermal state |
gket_state_Abc (symplectic)
The A,b,c parameters of a Gaussian Ket (Gket) state. |
identity_Abc (n_modes)
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of identity gates. |
quadrature_eigenstates_Abc (x, phi)
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of quadrature eigenstates. |
rotation_gate_Abc (theta)
The (A, b, c) triple of of a tensor product of rotation gates. |
sauron_state_Abc (n, epsilon)
The A,b,c parametrization of Sauron states. |
squeezed_vacuum_state_Abc (r[, phi])
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of squeezed vacuum states. |
squeezing_gate_Abc (r[, delta])
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of squeezing gates. |
symplectic2Au (S)
The inverse of au2Symplectic i.e., returns symplectic, given Au |
thermal_state_Abc (nbar)
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of thermal states. |
two_mode_squeezed_vacuum_state_Abc (r[, phi])
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of two mode squeezed vacuum states. |
twomode_squeezing_gate_Abc (r[, phi])
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of two-mode squeezing gates. |
vacuum_state_Abc (n_modes)
The (A, b, c) triple of a tensor product of vacuum states on n_modes . |