Source code for mrmustard.physics.bargmann

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This module contains functions for performing calculations on objects in the Bargmann representations.
import numpy as np

from mrmustard import math, settings
from mrmustard.physics.husimi import pq_to_aadag, wigner_to_husimi

[docs] def cayley(X, c): r"""Returns the Cayley transform of a matrix: :math:`cay(X) = (X - cI)(X + cI)^{-1}` Args: c (float): the parameter of the Cayley transform X (Tensor): a matrix Returns: Tensor: the Cayley transform of X """ I = math.eye(X.shape[0], dtype=X.dtype) return math.solve(X + c * I, X - c * I)
[docs] def wigner_to_bargmann_rho(cov, means): r"""Converts the wigner representation in terms of covariance matrix and mean vector into the Bargmann `A,B,C` triple for a density matrix (i.e. for `M` modes, `A` has shape `2M x 2M` and `B` has shape `2M`). The order of the rows/columns of A and B corresponds to a density matrix with the usual ordering of the indices. Note that here A and B are defined with respect to the literature. """ N = cov.shape[-1] // 2 A = math.matmul(math.Xmat(N), cayley(pq_to_aadag(cov), c=0.5)) Q, beta = wigner_to_husimi(cov, means) b = math.solve(Q, beta) B = math.conj(b) num_C = math.exp(-0.5 * math.sum(math.conj(beta) * b)) detQ = math.det(Q) den_C = math.sqrt(detQ, dtype=num_C.dtype) C = num_C / den_C return A, B, C
[docs] def wigner_to_bargmann_psi(cov, means): r"""Converts the wigner representation in terms of covariance matrix and mean vector into the Bargmann A,B,C triple for a Hilbert vector (i.e. for M modes, A has shape M x M and B has shape M). """ N = cov.shape[-1] // 2 A, B, C = wigner_to_bargmann_rho(cov, means) return A[N:, N:], B[N:], math.sqrt(C)
# NOTE: c for th psi is to calculated from the global phase formula.
[docs] def wigner_to_bargmann_Choi(X, Y, d): r"""Converts the wigner representation in terms of covariance matrix and mean vector into the Bargmann `A,B,C` triple for a channel (i.e. for M modes, A has shape 4M x 4M and B has shape 4M).""" N = X.shape[-1] // 2 I2 = math.eye(2 * N, dtype=X.dtype) XT = math.transpose(X) xi = 0.5 * (I2 + math.matmul(X, XT) + 2 * Y / settings.HBAR) detxi = math.det(xi) xi_inv = math.inv(xi) A = math.block( [ [I2 - xi_inv, math.matmul(xi_inv, X)], [math.matmul(XT, xi_inv), I2 - math.matmul(math.matmul(XT, xi_inv), X)], ] ) I = math.eye(N, dtype="complex128") o = math.zeros_like(I) R = math.block( [[I, 1j * I, o, o], [o, o, I, -1j * I], [I, -1j * I, o, o], [o, o, I, 1j * I]] ) / np.sqrt(2) A = math.matmul(math.matmul(R, A), math.dagger(R)) A = math.matmul(math.Xmat(2 * N), A) b = math.matvec(xi_inv, d) B = math.matvec(math.conj(R), math.concat([b, -math.matvec(XT, b)], axis=-1)) / math.sqrt( settings.HBAR, dtype=R.dtype ) C = math.exp(-0.5 * math.sum(d * b) / settings.HBAR) / math.sqrt(detxi, dtype=b.dtype) # now A and B have order [out_r, in_r out_l, in_l]. return A, B, math.cast(C, "complex128")
[docs] def wigner_to_bargmann_U(X, d): r"""Converts the wigner representation in terms of covariance matrix and mean vector into the Bargmann `A,B,C` triple for a unitary (i.e. for `M` modes, `A` has shape `2M x 2M` and `B` has shape `2M`). """ N = X.shape[-1] // 2 A, B, C = wigner_to_bargmann_Choi(X, math.zeros_like(X), d) return A[2 * N :, 2 * N :], B[2 * N :], math.sqrt(C)