Source code for mrmustard.physics.fock

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name

This module contains functions for performing calculations on objects in the Fock representations.

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from mrmustard import math, settings
from mrmustard.math.lattice import strategies
from mrmustard.math.caching import tensor_int_cache
from mrmustard.math.tensor_wrappers.mmtensor import MMTensor
from mrmustard.physics.bargmann import (
from mrmustard.utils.typing import ComplexTensor, Matrix, Scalar, Tensor, Vector

SQRT = np.sqrt(np.arange(1e6))

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# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ static functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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[docs] def fock_state(n: Sequence[int], cutoffs: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int]]] = None) -> Tensor: r""" The Fock array of a tensor product of one-mode ``Number`` states. Args: n: The photon numbers of the number states. cutoffs: The cutoffs of the arrays for the number states. If it is given as an ``int``, it is broadcasted to all the states. If ``None``, it defaults to ``[n1+1, n2+1, ...]``, where ``ni`` is the photon number of the ``i``th mode. Returns: The Fock array of a tensor product of one-mode ``Number`` states. """ n = math.atleast_1d(n) if cutoffs is None: cutoffs = [ni for ni in n] elif isinstance(cutoffs, int): cutoffs = [cutoffs] * len(n) if len(cutoffs) != len(n): msg = f"Expected ``len(cutoffs)={len(n)}`` but found ``{len(cutoffs)}``." raise ValueError(msg) shape = tuple([c + 1 for c in cutoffs]) array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.complex128) try: array[tuple(n)] = 1 except IndexError: msg = "Photon numbers cannot be larger than the corresponding cutoffs." raise ValueError(msg) return math.astensor(array)
[docs] def autocutoffs(cov: Matrix, means: Vector, probability: float): r"""Returns the cutoffs of a Gaussian state by computing the 1-mode marginals until the probability of the marginal is less than ``probability``. Args: cov: the covariance matrix means: the means vector probability: the cutoff probability Returns: Tuple[int, ...]: the suggested cutoffs """ M = len(means) // 2 cutoffs = [] for i in range(M): cov_i = np.array([[cov[i, i], cov[i, i + M]], [cov[i + M, i], cov[i + M, i + M]]]) means_i = np.array([means[i], means[i + M]]) # apply 1-d recursion until probability is less than 0.99 A, B, C = [math.asnumpy(x) for x in wigner_to_bargmann_rho(cov_i, means_i)] diag = math.hermite_renormalized_diagonal(A, B, C, cutoffs=[100]) # find at what index in the cumsum the probability is more than 0.99 for i, val in enumerate(np.cumsum(diag)): if val > probability: cutoffs.append(max(i + 1, settings.AUTOCUTOFF_MIN_CUTOFF)) break else: cutoffs.append(settings.AUTOCUTOFF_MAX_CUTOFF) return cutoffs
[docs] def wigner_to_fock_state( cov: Matrix, means: Vector, shape: Sequence[int], max_prob: float = 1.0, max_photons: Optional[int] = None, return_dm: bool = True, ) -> Tensor: r"""Returns the Fock representation of a Gaussian state. Use with caution: if the cov matrix is that of a mixed state, setting return_dm to False will produce nonsense. If return_dm=False, we can apply max_prob and max_photons to stop the computation of the Fock representation early, when those conditions are met. * If the state is pure it can return the state vector (ket) or the density matrix. The index ordering is going to be [i's] in ket_i * If the state is mixed it can return the density matrix. The index order is going to be [i's,j's] in dm_ij Args: cov: the Wigner covariance matrix means: the Wigner means vector shape: the shape of the tensor max_prob: the maximum probability of a the state (applies only if the ket is returned) max_photons: the maximum number of photons in the state (applies only if the ket is returned) return_dm: whether to return the density matrix (otherwise it returns the ket) Returns: Tensor: the fock representation """ if return_dm: A, B, C = wigner_to_bargmann_rho(cov, means) # NOTE: change the order of the index in AB Xmat = math.Xmat(A.shape[-1] // 2) A = math.matmul(math.matmul(Xmat, A), Xmat) B = math.matvec(Xmat, B) return math.hermite_renormalized(A, B, C, shape=shape) else: # here we can apply max prob and max photons A, B, C = wigner_to_bargmann_psi(cov, means) if max_photons is None: max_photons = sum(shape) - len(shape) if max_prob < 1.0 or max_photons < sum(shape) - len(shape): return math.hermite_renormalized_binomial( A, B, C, shape=shape, max_l2=max_prob, global_cutoff=max_photons + 1 ) return math.hermite_renormalized(A, B, C, shape=tuple(shape))
[docs] def wigner_to_fock_U(X, d, shape): r"""Returns the Fock representation of a Gaussian unitary transformation. The index order is out_l, in_l, where in_l is to be contracted with the indices of a ket, or with the left indices of a density matrix. Arguments: X: the X matrix d: the d vector shape: the shape of the tensor Returns: Tensor: the fock representation of the unitary transformation """ A, B, C = wigner_to_bargmann_U(X, d) return math.hermite_renormalized(A, B, C, shape=tuple(shape))
[docs] def wigner_to_fock_Choi(X, Y, d, shape): r"""Returns the Fock representation of a Gaussian Choi matrix. The order of choi indices is :math:`[\mathrm{out}_l, \mathrm{in}_l, \mathrm{out}_r, \mathrm{in}_r]` where :math:`\mathrm{in}_l` and :math:`\mathrm{in}_r` are to be contracted with the left and right indices of a density matrix. Arguments: X: the X matrix Y: the Y matrix d: the d vector shape: the shape of the tensor Returns: Tensor: the fock representation of the Choi matrix """ A, B, C = wigner_to_bargmann_Choi(X, Y, d) # NOTE: change the order of the index in AB Xmat = math.Xmat(A.shape[-1] // 2) A = math.matmul(math.matmul(Xmat, A), Xmat) N = B.shape[-1] // 2 B = math.concat([B[N:], B[:N]], axis=-1) return math.hermite_renormalized(A, B, C, shape=tuple(shape))
[docs] def ket_to_dm(ket: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Maps a ket to a density matrix. Args: ket: the ket Returns: Tensor: the density matrix """ return math.outer(ket, math.conj(ket))
[docs] def dm_to_ket(dm: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Maps a density matrix to a ket if the state is pure. If the state is pure :math:`\hat \rho= |\psi\rangle\langle \psi|` then the ket is the eigenvector of :math:`\rho` corresponding to the eigenvalue 1. Args: dm (Tensor): the density matrix Returns: Tensor: the ket Raises: ValueError: if ket for mixed states cannot be calculated """ is_pure_dm = np.isclose(purity(dm), 1.0, atol=1e-6) if not is_pure_dm: raise ValueError("Cannot calculate ket for mixed states.") cutoffs = dm.shape[: len(dm.shape) // 2] d = int( dm = math.reshape(dm, (d, d)) eigvals, eigvecs = math.eigh(dm) # eigenvalues and related eigenvectors are sorted in non-decreasing order, # meaning the associated eigvec to largest eigval is stored last. ket = eigvecs[:, -1] * math.sqrt(eigvals[-1]) ket = math.reshape(ket, cutoffs) return ket
[docs] def ket_to_probs(ket: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Maps a ket to probabilities. Args: ket: the ket Returns: Tensor: the probabilities vector """ return math.abs(ket) ** 2
[docs] def dm_to_probs(dm: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Extracts the diagonals of a density matrix. Args: dm: the density matrix Returns: Tensor: the probabilities vector """ return math.all_diagonals(dm, real=True)
[docs] def U_to_choi(U: Tensor, Udual: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor: r"""Converts a unitary transformation to a Choi tensor. Args: U: the unitary transformation Udual: the dual unitary transformation (optional, will use conj U if not provided) Returns: Tensor: the Choi tensor. The index order is going to be :math:`[\mathrm{out}_l, \mathrm{in}_l, \mathrm{out}_r, \mathrm{in}_r]` where :math:`\mathrm{in}_l` and :math:`\mathrm{in}_r` are to be contracted with the left and right indices of the density matrix. """ return math.outer(U, math.conj(U) if Udual is None else Udual)
[docs] def fidelity(state_a, state_b, a_ket: bool, b_ket: bool) -> Scalar: r"""Computes the fidelity between two states in Fock representation.""" if a_ket and b_ket: min_cutoffs = [slice(min(a, b)) for a, b in zip(state_a.shape, state_b.shape)] state_a = state_a[tuple(min_cutoffs)] state_b = state_b[tuple(min_cutoffs)] return math.abs(math.sum(math.conj(state_a) * state_b)) ** 2 if a_ket: min_cutoffs = [ slice(min(a, b)) for a, b in zip(state_a.shape, state_b.shape[: len(state_b.shape) // 2]) ] state_a = state_a[tuple(min_cutoffs)] state_b = state_b[tuple(min_cutoffs * 2)] a = math.reshape(state_a, -1) return math.real( math.sum(math.conj(a) * math.matvec(math.reshape(state_b, (len(a), len(a))), a)) ) if b_ket: min_cutoffs = [ slice(min(a, b)) for a, b in zip(state_a.shape[: len(state_a.shape) // 2], state_b.shape) ] state_a = state_a[tuple(min_cutoffs * 2)] state_b = state_b[tuple(min_cutoffs)] b = math.reshape(state_b, -1) return math.real( math.sum(math.conj(b) * math.matvec(math.reshape(state_a, (len(b), len(b))), b)) ) # mixed state # Richard Jozsa (1994) Fidelity for Mixed Quantum States, Journal of Modern Optics, 41:12, 2315-2323, DOI: 10.1080/09500349414552171 # trim states to have same cutoff min_cutoffs = [ slice(min(a, b)) for a, b in zip( state_a.shape[: len(state_a.shape) // 2], state_b.shape[: len(state_b.shape) // 2], ) ] state_a = state_a[tuple(min_cutoffs * 2)] state_b = state_b[tuple(min_cutoffs * 2)] return math.abs( ( math.trace( math.sqrtm( math.matmul(math.matmul(math.sqrtm(state_a), state_b), math.sqrtm(state_a)) ) ) ** 2 ) )
[docs] def number_means(tensor, is_dm: bool): r"""Returns the mean of the number operator in each mode.""" probs = math.all_diagonals(tensor, real=True) if is_dm else math.abs(tensor) ** 2 modes = list(range(len(probs.shape))) # print("aa", [modes[:k] + modes[k + 1 :] for k in range(len(modes))]) marginals = [math.sum(probs, axes=modes[:k] + modes[k + 1 :]) for k in range(len(modes))] return math.astensor( [ math.sum(marginal * math.arange(len(marginal), dtype=math.float64)) for marginal in marginals ] )
[docs] def number_variances(tensor, is_dm: bool): r"""Returns the variance of the number operator in each mode.""" probs = math.all_diagonals(tensor, real=True) if is_dm else math.abs(tensor) ** 2 modes = list(range(len(probs.shape))) marginals = [math.sum(probs, axes=modes[:k] + modes[k + 1 :]) for k in range(len(modes))] return math.astensor( [ ( math.sum(marginal * math.arange(marginal.shape[0], dtype=marginal.dtype) ** 2) - math.sum(marginal * math.arange(marginal.shape[0], dtype=marginal.dtype)) ** 2 ) for marginal in marginals ] )
[docs] def purity(dm: Tensor) -> Scalar: r"""Returns the purity of a density matrix.""" cutoffs = dm.shape[: len(dm.shape) // 2] d = int( # combined cutoffs in all modes dm = math.reshape(dm, (d, d)) dm = dm / math.trace(dm) # assumes all nonzero values are included in the density matrix return math.abs(math.sum(math.transpose(dm) * dm)) # tr(rho^2)
[docs] def validate_contraction_indices(in_idx, out_idx, M, name): r"""Validates the indices used for the contraction of a tensor.""" if len(set(in_idx)) != len(in_idx): raise ValueError(f"{name}_in_idx should not contain repeated indices.") if len(set(out_idx)) != len(out_idx): raise ValueError(f"{name}_out_idx should not contain repeated indices.") if not set(range(M)).intersection(out_idx).issubset(set(in_idx)): wrong_indices = set(range(M)).intersection(out_idx) - set(in_idx) raise ValueError( f"Indices {wrong_indices} in {name}_out_idx are trying to replace uncontracted indices." )
[docs] def apply_kraus_to_ket(kraus, ket, kraus_in_modes, kraus_out_modes=None): r"""Applies a kraus operator to a ket. It assumes that the ket is indexed as left_1, ..., left_n. The kraus op has indices that contract with the ket (kraus_in_modes) and indices that are left over (kraus_out_modes). The final index order will be sorted (note that an index appearing in both kraus_in_modes and kraus_out_modes will replace the original index). Args: kraus (array): the kraus operator to be applied ket (array): the ket to which the operator is applied kraus_in_modes (list of ints): the indices (counting from 0) of the kraus operator that contract with the ket kraus_out_modes (list of ints): the indices (counting from 0) of the kraus operator that are leftover Returns: array: the resulting ket with indices as kraus_out_modes + uncontracted ket indices """ if kraus_out_modes is None: kraus_out_modes = kraus_in_modes if not set(kraus_in_modes).issubset(range(ket.ndim)): raise ValueError("kraus_in_modes should be a subset of the ket indices.") # check that there are no repeated indices in kraus_in_modes and kraus_out_modes (separately) validate_contraction_indices(kraus_in_modes, kraus_out_modes, ket.ndim, "kraus") ket = MMTensor(ket, axis_labels=[f"in_left_{i}" for i in range(ket.ndim)]) kraus = MMTensor( kraus, axis_labels=[f"out_left_{i}" for i in kraus_out_modes] + [f"in_left_{i}" for i in kraus_in_modes], ) # contract the operator with the ket. # now the leftover indices are in the order kraus_out_modes + uncontracted ket indices kraus_ket = kraus @ ket # sort kraus_ket.axis_labels by the int at the end of each label. # Each label is guaranteed to have a unique int at the end. new_axis_labels = sorted(kraus_ket.axis_labels, key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1])) return kraus_ket.transpose(new_axis_labels).tensor
[docs] def apply_kraus_to_dm(kraus, dm, kraus_in_modes, kraus_out_modes=None): r"""Applies a kraus operator to a density matrix. It assumes that the density matrix is indexed as left_1, ..., left_n, right_1, ..., right_n. The kraus operator has indices that contract with the density matrix (kraus_in_modes) and indices that are leftover (kraus_out_modes). `kraus` will contract from the left and from the right with the density matrix. For right contraction the kraus op is conjugated. Args: kraus (array): the operator to be applied dm (array): the density matrix to which the operator is applied kraus_in_modes (list of ints): the indices (counting from 0) of the kraus operator that contract with the density matrix kraus_out_modes (list of ints): the indices (counting from 0) of the kraus operator that are leftover (default None, in which case kraus_out_modes = kraus_in_modes) Returns: array: the resulting density matrix """ if kraus_out_modes is None: kraus_out_modes = kraus_in_modes if not set(kraus_in_modes).issubset(range(dm.ndim // 2)): raise ValueError("kraus_in_modes should be a subset of the density matrix indices.") # check that there are no repeated indices in kraus_in_modes and kraus_out_modes (separately) validate_contraction_indices(kraus_in_modes, kraus_out_modes, dm.ndim // 2, "kraus") dm = MMTensor( dm, axis_labels=[f"left_{i}" for i in range(dm.ndim // 2)] + [f"right_{i}" for i in range(dm.ndim // 2)], ) kraus = MMTensor( kraus, axis_labels=[f"out_left_{i}" for i in kraus_out_modes] + [f"left_{i}" for i in kraus_in_modes], ) kraus_conj = MMTensor( math.conj(kraus.tensor), axis_labels=[f"out_right_{i}" for i in kraus_out_modes] + [f"right_{i}" for i in kraus_in_modes], ) # contract the kraus operator with the density matrix from the left and from the right. k_dm_k = kraus @ dm @ kraus_conj # now the leftover indices are in the order: # out_left_modes + uncontracted left indices + uncontracted right indices + out_right_modes # sort k_dm_k.axis_labels by the int at the end of each label, first left, then right N = k_dm_k.tensor.ndim // 2 left = sorted(k_dm_k.axis_labels[:N], key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1])) right = sorted(k_dm_k.axis_labels[N:], key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1])) return k_dm_k.transpose(left + right).tensor
[docs] def apply_choi_to_dm( choi: ComplexTensor, dm: ComplexTensor, choi_in_modes: Sequence[int], choi_out_modes: Sequence[int] = None, ): r"""Applies a choi operator to a density matrix. It assumes that the density matrix is indexed as left_1, ..., left_n, right_1, ..., right_n. The choi operator has indices that contract with the density matrix (choi_in_modes) and indices that are left over (choi_out_modes). `choi` will contract choi_in_modes from the left and from the right with the density matrix. Args: choi (array): the choi operator to be applied dm (array): the density matrix to which the choi operator is applied choi_in_modes (list of ints): the input modes of the choi operator that contract with the density matrix choi_out_modes (list of ints): the output modes of the choi operator Returns: array: the resulting density matrix """ if choi_out_modes is None: choi_out_modes = choi_in_modes if not set(choi_in_modes).issubset(range(dm.ndim // 2)): raise ValueError("choi_in_modes should be a subset of the density matrix indices.") # check that there are no repeated indices in kraus_in_modes and kraus_out_modes (separately) validate_contraction_indices(choi_in_modes, choi_out_modes, dm.ndim // 2, "choi") dm = MMTensor( dm, axis_labels=[f"in_left_{i}" for i in range(dm.ndim // 2)] + [f"in_right_{i}" for i in range(dm.ndim // 2)], ) choi = MMTensor( choi, axis_labels=[f"out_left_{i}" for i in choi_out_modes] + [f"in_left_{i}" for i in choi_in_modes] + [f"out_right_{i}" for i in choi_out_modes] + [f"in_right_{i}" for i in choi_in_modes], ) # contract the choi matrix with the density matrix. # now the leftover indices are in the order out_left_modes + out_right_modes + uncontracted left indices + uncontracted right indices choi_dm = choi @ dm # sort choi_dm.axis_labels by the int at the end of each label, first left, then right left_labels = [label for label in choi_dm.axis_labels if "left" in label] left = sorted(left_labels, key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1])) right_labels = [label for label in choi_dm.axis_labels if "right" in label] right = sorted(right_labels, key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1])) return choi_dm.transpose(left + right).tensor
[docs] def apply_choi_to_ket(choi, ket, choi_in_modes, choi_out_modes=None): r"""Applies a choi operator to a ket. It assumes that the ket is indexed as left_1, ..., left_n. The choi operator has indices that contract with the ket (choi_in_modes) and indices that are left over (choi_out_modes). `choi` will contract choi_in_modes from the left and from the right with the ket. Args: choi (array): the choi operator to be applied ket (array): the ket to which the choi operator is applied choi_in_modes (list of ints): the indices of the choi operator that contract with the ket choi_out_modes (list of ints): the indices of the choi operator that re leftover Returns: array: the resulting ket """ if choi_out_modes is None: choi_out_modes = choi_in_modes if not set(choi_in_modes).issubset(range(ket.ndim)): raise ValueError("choi_in_modes should be a subset of the ket indices.") # check that there are no repeated indices in kraus_in_modes and kraus_out_modes (separately) validate_contraction_indices(choi_in_modes, choi_out_modes, ket.ndim, "choi") ket = MMTensor(ket, axis_labels=[f"left_{i}" for i in range(ket.ndim)]) ket_dual = MMTensor(math.conj(ket.tensor), axis_labels=[f"right_{i}" for i in range(ket.ndim)]) choi = MMTensor( choi, axis_labels=[f"out_left_{i}" for i in choi_out_modes] + [f"left_{i}" for i in choi_in_modes] + [f"out_right_{i}" for i in choi_out_modes] + [f"right_{i}" for i in choi_in_modes], ) # contract the choi matrix with the ket and its dual, like choi @ |ket><ket| # now the leftover indices are in the order out_left_modes + out_right_modes + uncontracted left indices + uncontracted right indices choi_ket = choi @ ket @ ket_dual # sort choi_ket.axis_labels by the int at the end of each label, first left, then right left_labels = [label for label in choi_ket.axis_labels if "left" in label] left = sorted(left_labels, key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1])) right_labels = [label for label in choi_ket.axis_labels if "right" in label] right = sorted(right_labels, key=lambda x: int(x.split("_")[-1])) return choi_ket.transpose(left + right).tensor
[docs] def contract_states( stateA, stateB, a_is_dm: bool, b_is_dm: bool, modes: List[int], normalize: bool ): r"""Contracts two states in the specified modes. Assumes that the modes of B are a subset of the modes of A. Args: stateA: the first state stateB: the second state a_is_dm: whether the first state is a density matrix. b_is_dm: whether the second state is a density matrix. modes: the modes on which to contract the states. normalize: whether to normalize the result Returns: Tensor: the contracted state tensor (subsystem of ``A``). Either ket or dm. """ if a_is_dm: if b_is_dm: # a DM, b DM dm = apply_choi_to_dm(choi=stateB, dm=stateA, choi_in_modes=modes, choi_out_modes=[]) else: # a DM, b ket dm = apply_kraus_to_dm( kraus=math.conj(stateB), dm=stateA, kraus_in_modes=modes, kraus_out_modes=[], ) else: if b_is_dm: # a ket, b DM dm = apply_kraus_to_dm( kraus=math.conj(stateA), dm=stateB, kraus_in_modes=modes, kraus_out_modes=[], ) else: # a ket, b ket ket = apply_kraus_to_ket( kraus=math.conj(stateB), ket=stateA, kraus_in_modes=modes, kraus_out_modes=[], ) try: return dm / math.sum(math.all_diagonals(dm, real=False)) if normalize else dm except NameError: return ket / math.norm(ket) if normalize else ket
[docs] def normalize(fock: Tensor, is_dm: bool): r"""Returns the normalized ket state. Args: fock (Tensor): the state to be normalized is_dm (optioanl bool): whether the input tensor is a density matrix Returns: Tensor: the normalized state """ if is_dm: return fock / math.sum(math.all_diagonals(fock, real=False)) return fock / math.sum(math.norm(fock))
[docs] def norm(state: Tensor, is_dm: bool): r""" Returns the norm of a ket or the trace of the density matrix. Note that the "norm" is intended as the float number that is used to normalize the state, and depends on the representation. Hence different numbers for different representations of the same state (:math:`|amp|` for ``ket`` and :math:`|amp|^2` for ``dm``). """ if is_dm: return math.sum(math.all_diagonals(state, real=True)) return math.abs(math.norm(state))
[docs] def is_mixed_dm(dm): r"""Evaluates if a density matrix represents a mixed state.""" cutoffs = dm.shape[: len(dm.shape) // 2] square = math.reshape(dm, (int(, -1)) return not np.isclose(math.sum(square * math.transpose(square)), 1.0)
[docs] def trace(dm, keep: List[int]): r"""Computes the partial trace of a density matrix. The indices of the density matrix are in the order (out0, ..., outN-1, in0, ..., inN-1). The indices to keep are a subset of the N 'out' indices (they count for the 'in' indices as well). Args: dm: the density matrix keep: the modes to keep (0-based) """ dm = MMTensor( dm, axis_labels=[ f"out_{i}" if i in keep else f"contract_{i}" for i in range(len(dm.shape) // 2) ] + [f"in_{i}" if i in keep else f"contract_{i}" for i in range(len(dm.shape) // 2)], ) return dm.contract().tensor
[docs] @tensor_int_cache def oscillator_eigenstate(q: Vector, cutoff: int) -> Tensor: r"""Harmonic oscillator eigenstate wavefunction `\psi_n(q) = <n|q>`. Args: q (Vector): a vector containing the q points at which the function is evaluated (units of \sqrt{\hbar}) cutoff (int): maximum number of photons Returns: Tensor: a tensor of size ``len(q)*cutoff``. Each entry with index ``[i, j]`` represents the eigenstate evaluated with number of photons ``i`` evaluated at position ``q[j]``, i.e., `\psi_i(q_j)`. .. details:: .. admonition:: Definition :class: defn The q-quadrature eigenstates are defined as .. math:: \psi_n(x) = 1/sqrt[2^n n!](\frac{\omega}{\pi \hbar})^{1/4} \exp{-\frac{\omega}{2\hbar} x^2} H_n(\sqrt{\frac{\omega}{\pi}} x) where :math:`H_n(x)` is the (physicists) `n`-th Hermite polynomial. """ omega_over_hbar = math.cast(1 / settings.HBAR, "float64") x_tensor = math.sqrt(omega_over_hbar) * math.cast(q, "float64") # unit-less vector # prefactor term (\Omega/\hbar \pi)**(1/4) * 1 / sqrt(2**n) prefactor = (omega_over_hbar / np.pi) ** (1 / 4) * math.sqrt( math.pow(1 / 2, math.arange(0, cutoff)) ) # Renormalized physicist hermite polys: Hn / sqrt(n!) R = -np.array([[2 + 0j]]) # to get the physicist polys def f_hermite_polys(xi): poly = math.hermite_renormalized( R, 2 * math.astensor([xi], "complex128"), 1 + 0j, (cutoff,) ) return math.cast(poly, "float64") hermite_polys = math.map_fn(f_hermite_polys, x_tensor) # (real) wavefunction psi = math.exp(-(x_tensor**2 / 2)) * math.transpose(prefactor * hermite_polys) return psi
[docs] @lru_cache def estimate_dx(cutoff, period_resolution=20): r"""Estimates a suitable quadrature discretization interval `dx`. Uses the fact that Fock state `n` oscillates with angular frequency :math:`\sqrt{2(n + 1)}`, which follows from the relation .. math:: \psi^{[n]}'(q) = q - sqrt(2*(n + 1))*\psi^{[n+1]}(q) by setting q = 0, and approximating the oscillation amplitude by `\psi^{[n+1]}(0) Ref: Args cutoff (int): Fock cutoff period_resolution (int): Number of points used to sample one Fock wavefunction oscillation. Larger values yields better approximations and thus smaller `dx`. Returns (float): discretization value of quadrature """ fock_cutoff_frequency = np.sqrt(2 * (cutoff + 1)) fock_cutoff_period = 2 * np.pi / fock_cutoff_frequency dx_estimate = fock_cutoff_period / period_resolution return dx_estimate
[docs] @lru_cache def estimate_xmax(cutoff, minimum=5): r"""Estimates a suitable quadrature axis length Args cutoff (int): Fock cutoff minimum (float): Minimum value of the returned xmax Returns (float): maximum quadrature value """ if cutoff == 0: xmax_estimate = 3 else: # maximum q for a classical particle with energy n=cutoff classical_endpoint = np.sqrt(2 * cutoff) # approximate probability of finding particle outside classical region excess_probability = 1 / (7.464 * cutoff ** (1 / 3)) # Emperical factor that yields reasonable results A = 5 xmax_estimate = classical_endpoint * (1 + A * excess_probability) return max(minimum, xmax_estimate)
[docs] @lru_cache def estimate_quadrature_axis(cutoff, minimum=5, period_resolution=20): """Generates a suitable quadrature axis. Args cutoff (int): Fock cutoff minimum (float): Minimum value of the returned xmax period_resolution (int): Number of points used to sample one Fock wavefunction oscillation. Larger values yields better approximations and thus smaller dx. Returns (array): quadrature axis """ xmax = estimate_xmax(cutoff, minimum=minimum) dx = estimate_dx(cutoff, period_resolution=period_resolution) xaxis = np.arange(-xmax, xmax, dx) xaxis = np.append(xaxis, xaxis[-1] + dx) xaxis = xaxis - np.mean(xaxis) # center around 0 return xaxis
[docs] def quadrature_distribution( state: Tensor, quadrature_angle: float = 0.0, x: Vector = None, ): r"""Given the ket or density matrix of a single-mode state, it generates the probability density distribution :math:`\tr [ \rho |x_\phi><x_\phi| ]` where `\rho` is the density matrix of the state and |x_\phi> the quadrature eigenvector with angle `\phi` equal to ``quadrature_angle``. Args: state (Tensor): single mode state ket or density matrix quadrature_angle (float): angle of the quadrature basis vector x (Vector): points at which the quadrature distribution is evaluated Returns: tuple(Vector, Vector): coordinates at which the pdf is evaluated and the probability distribution """ dims = len(state.shape) if dims > 2: raise ValueError( "Input state has dimension {state.shape}. Make sure is either a single-mode ket or dm." ) is_dm = dims == 2 cutoff = state.shape[0] if not np.isclose(quadrature_angle, 0.0): # rotate mode to the homodyne basis theta = -math.arange(cutoff) * quadrature_angle Ur = math.diag(math.make_complex(math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta))) state = ( math.einsum("ij,jk,kl->il", Ur, state, math.dagger(Ur)) if is_dm else math.matvec(Ur, state) ) if x is None: x = np.sqrt(settings.HBAR) * math.new_constant(estimate_quadrature_axis(cutoff), "q_tensor") psi_x = math.cast(oscillator_eigenstate(x, cutoff), "complex128") pdf = ( math.einsum("nm,nj,mj->j", state, psi_x, psi_x) if is_dm else math.abs(math.einsum("n,nj->j", state, psi_x)) ** 2 ) return x, math.cast(pdf, "float64")
[docs] def sample_homodyne(state: Tensor, quadrature_angle: float = 0.0) -> Tuple[float, float]: r"""Given a single-mode state, it generates the pdf of :math:`\tr [ \rho |x_\phi><x_\phi| ]` where `\rho` is the reduced density matrix of the state. Args: state (Tensor): ket or density matrix of the state being measured quadrature_angle (float): angle of the quadrature distribution Returns: tuple(float, float): outcome and probability of the outcome """ dims = len(state.shape) if dims > 2: raise ValueError( "Input state has dimension {state.shape}. Make sure is either a single-mode ket or dm." ) x, pdf = quadrature_distribution(state, quadrature_angle) probs = pdf * (x[1] - x[0]) # draw a sample from the distribution pdf = math.Categorical(probs=probs, name="homodyne_dist") sample_idx = pdf.sample() homodyne_sample = math.gather(x, sample_idx) probability_sample = math.gather(probs, sample_idx) return homodyne_sample, probability_sample
@math.custom_gradient def displacement(x, y, shape, tol=1e-15): r"""creates a single mode displacement matrix""" alpha = math.asnumpy(x) + 1j * math.asnumpy(y) if np.sqrt(x * x + y * y) > tol: gate = strategies.displacement(tuple(shape), alpha) else: gate = math.eye(max(shape), dtype="complex128")[: shape[0], : shape[1]] ret = math.astensor(gate, if math.backend_name == "numpy": return ret def grad(dL_dDc): dD_da, dD_dac = strategies.jacobian_displacement(math.asnumpy(gate), alpha) dL_dac = np.sum(np.conj(dL_dDc) * dD_dac + dL_dDc * np.conj(dD_da)) dLdx = 2 * np.real(dL_dac) dLdy = 2 * np.imag(dL_dac) return math.astensor(dLdx, dtype=x.dtype), math.astensor(dLdy, dtype=y.dtype) return ret, grad @math.custom_gradient def beamsplitter(theta: float, phi: float, shape: Sequence[int], method: str): r"""Creates a beamsplitter tensor with given cutoffs using a numba-based fock lattice strategy. Args: theta (float): transmittivity angle of the beamsplitter phi (float): phase angle of the beamsplitter cutoffs (int,int): cutoff dimensions of the two modes """ if method == "vanilla": bs_unitary = strategies.beamsplitter(shape, math.asnumpy(theta), math.asnumpy(phi)) elif method == "schwinger": bs_unitary = strategies.beamsplitter_schwinger( shape, math.asnumpy(theta), math.asnumpy(phi) ) else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown beamsplitter method {method}. Options are 'vanilla' and 'schwinger'." ) ret = math.astensor(bs_unitary, if math.backend_name == "numpy": return ret def vjp(dLdGc): dtheta, dphi = strategies.beamsplitter_vjp( math.asnumpy(bs_unitary), math.asnumpy(math.conj(dLdGc)), math.asnumpy(theta), math.asnumpy(phi), ) return math.astensor(dtheta, dtype=theta.dtype), math.astensor(dphi, dtype=phi.dtype) return ret, vjp @math.custom_gradient def squeezer(r, phi, shape): r"""creates a single mode squeezer matrix using a numba-based fock lattice strategy""" sq_unitary = strategies.squeezer(shape, math.asnumpy(r), math.asnumpy(phi)) ret = math.astensor(sq_unitary, if math.backend_name == "numpy": return ret def vjp(dLdGc): dr, dphi = strategies.squeezer_vjp( math.asnumpy(sq_unitary), math.asnumpy(math.conj(dLdGc)), math.asnumpy(r), math.asnumpy(phi), ) return math.astensor(dr, dtype=r.dtype), math.astensor(dphi, phi.dtype) return ret, vjp @math.custom_gradient def squeezed(r, phi, shape): r"""creates a single mode squeezed state using a numba-based fock lattice strategy""" sq_ket = strategies.squeezed(shape, math.asnumpy(r), math.asnumpy(phi)) ret = math.astensor(sq_ket, if math.backend_name == "numpy": return ret def vjp(dLdGc): dr, dphi = strategies.squeezed_vjp( math.asnumpy(sq_ket), math.asnumpy(math.conj(dLdGc)), math.asnumpy(r), math.asnumpy(phi), ) return math.astensor(dr, dtype=r.dtype), math.astensor(dphi, phi.dtype) return ret, vjp