Source code for mrmustard.physics.triples

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This module contains the ``(A, b, c)`` triples for the Fock-Bargmann representation of
various states and transformations.

from typing import Generator, Iterable, Union
from mrmustard import math, settings
from mrmustard.utils.typing import Matrix, Vector, Scalar

import numpy as np

#  ~~~~~~~~~
#  Utilities
#  ~~~~~~~~~

def _X_matrix_for_unitary(n_modes: int) -> Matrix:
    The X matrix for the order of unitaries.
    return math.cast(math.kron(math.astensor([[0, 1], [1, 0]]), math.eye(n_modes)), math.complex128)

def _vacuum_A_matrix(n_modes: int) -> Matrix:
    The A matrix of the vacuum state.
    return math.zeros((n_modes, n_modes), math.complex128)

def _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes: int) -> Vector:
    The B vector of the vacuum state.
    return math.zeros((n_modes,), math.complex128)

def _reshape(**kwargs) -> Generator:
    A utility function to reshape parameters.
    names = list(kwargs.keys())
    vars = list(kwargs.values())

    vars = [math.atleast_1d(var, math.complex128) for var in vars]
    n_modes = max(len(var) for var in vars)

    for i, var in enumerate(vars):
        if len(var) == 1:
            var = math.tile(var, (n_modes,))
            if len(var) != n_modes:
                msg = f"Parameter {names[i]} has an incompatible shape."
                raise ValueError(msg)
        yield var

#  ~~~~~~~~~~~
#  Pure States
#  ~~~~~~~~~~~

[docs] def vacuum_state_Abc(n_modes: int) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of vacuum states on ``n_modes``. Args: n_modes: The number of modes. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the vacuum states. """ A = _vacuum_A_matrix(n_modes) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes) c = 1.0 + 0j return A, b, c
[docs] def coherent_state_Abc( x: Union[float, Iterable[float]], y: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0 ) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of pure coherent states. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. If one of the input parameters has length ``1``, it is tiled so that its length matches that of the other one. For example, passing ``x=[1,2,3]`` and ``y=1`` is equivalent to passing ``x=[1,2,3]`` and ``y=[1,1,1]``. Args: x: The real parts of the displacements, in units of :math:`\sqrt{\hbar}`. y: The imaginary parts of the displacements, in units of :math:`\sqrt{\hbar}`. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the pure coherent states. """ x, y = list(_reshape(x=x, y=y)) n_modes = len(x) A = _vacuum_A_matrix(n_modes) b = x + 1j * y c = * (x**2 + y**2))) return A, b, c
[docs] def squeezed_vacuum_state_Abc( r: Union[float, Iterable[float]], phi: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0 ) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of squeezed vacuum states. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. If one of the input parameters has length ``1``, it is tiled so that its length matches that of the other one. For example, passing ``r=[1,2,3]`` and ``phi=1`` is equivalent to passing ``r=[1,2,3]`` and ``phi=[1,1,1]``. Args: r: The squeezing magnitudes. phi: The squeezing angles. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the squeezed vacuum states. """ r, phi = list(_reshape(r=r, phi=phi)) n_modes = len(r) A = math.diag(-math.sinh(r) / math.cosh(r) * math.exp(1j * phi)) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes) c = / math.sqrt(math.cosh(r))) return A, b, c
[docs] def displaced_squeezed_vacuum_state_Abc( x: Union[float, Iterable[float]], y: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0, r: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0, phi: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0, ) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of displazed squeezed vacuum states. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. If some of the input parameters have length ``1``, they are tiled so that their length matches that of the other ones. For example, passing ``r=[1,2,3]`` and ``phi=1`` is equivalent to passing ``r=[1,2,3]`` and ``phi=[1,1,1]``. Args: r: The squeezing magnitudes. phi: The squeezing angles. x: The real parts of the displacements, in units of :math:`\sqrt{\hbar}`. y: The imaginary parts of the displacements, in units of :math:`\sqrt{\hbar}`. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the squeezed vacuum states. """ x, y, r, phi = list(_reshape(x=x, y=y, r=r, phi=phi)) A = math.diag(-math.sinh(r) / math.cosh(r) * math.exp(1j * phi)) b = (x + 1j * y) + (x - 1j * y) * math.sinh(r) / math.cosh(r) * math.exp(1j * phi) c = math.exp( -0.5 * (x**2 + y**2) - 0.5 * (x - 1j * y) ** 2 * math.sinh(r) / math.cosh(r) * math.exp(1j * phi) ) c = / math.sqrt(math.cosh(r))) return A, b, c
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Mixed States # ~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def thermal_state_Abc(nbar: Union[int, Iterable[int]]) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of thermal states. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. Args: nbar: The average numbers of photons per mode. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the thermal states. """ nbar = math.atleast_1d(nbar, math.complex128) n_modes = len(nbar) A = math.astensor([[0, 1], [1, 0]], math.complex128) A = math.kron((nbar / (nbar + 1)) * math.eye(n_modes, math.complex128), A) c =[1 / (_nbar + 1) for _nbar in nbar]) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes * 2) return A, b, c
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Unitary transformations # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def rotation_gate_Abc( theta: Union[float, Iterable[float]], ) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of of a tensor product of rotation gates. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. Args: theta: The rotation angles. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the rotation gates. """ theta = math.atleast_1d(theta, math.complex128) n_modes = len(theta) A = math.astensor([[0, 1], [1, 0]], math.complex128) A = math.kron(A, math.exp(1j * theta) * math.eye(n_modes, math.complex128)) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes * 2) c = 1.0 + 0j return A, b, c
[docs] def displacement_gate_Abc( x: Union[float, Iterable[float]], y: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0 ) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of displacement gates. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. If one of the input parameters has length ``1``, it is tiled so that its length matches that of the other one. For example, passing ``x=[1,2,3]`` and ``y=1`` is equivalent to passing ``x=[1,2,3]`` and ``y=[1,1,1]``. Args: x: The real parts of the displacements, in units of :math:`\sqrt{\hbar}`. y: The imaginary parts of the displacements, in units of :math:`\sqrt{\hbar}`. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the displacement gates. """ x, y = _reshape(x=x, y=y) n_modes = len(x) A = _X_matrix_for_unitary(n_modes) b = math.concat([x + 1j * y, -x + 1j * y], axis=0) c = math.exp(-math.sum(x**2 + y**2) / 2) return A, b, c
[docs] def squeezing_gate_Abc( r: Union[float, Iterable[float]], delta: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0 ) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of squeezing gates. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. If one of the input parameters has length ``1``, it is tiled so that its length matches that of the other one. For example, passing ``r=[1,2,3]`` and ``delta=1`` is equivalent to passing ``r=[1,2,3]`` and ``delta=[1,1,1]``. Args: r: The squeezing magnitudes. delta: The squeezing angles. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the squeezing gates. """ r, delta = _reshape(r=r, delta=delta) n_modes = len(delta) tanhr = math.diag(math.sinh(r) / math.cosh(r)) sechr = math.diag(1 / math.cosh(r)) A = math.block([[-math.exp(1j * delta) * tanhr, sechr], [sechr, math.exp(-1j * delta) * tanhr]]) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes * 2) c = / math.sqrt(math.cosh(r))) return A, b, c
[docs] def beamsplitter_gate_Abc( theta: Union[float, Iterable[float]], phi: Union[float, Iterable[float]] = 0 ) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of two-mode beamsplitter gates. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. If one of the input parameters has length ``1``, it is tiled so that its length matches that of the other one. For example, passing ``theta=[1,2,3]`` and ``phi=1`` is equivalent to passing ``theta=[1,2,3]`` and ``phi=[1,1,1]``. Args: theta: The transmissivity parameters. phi: The phase parameters. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the beamsplitter gates. """ theta, phi = _reshape(theta=theta, phi=phi) n_modes = 2 * len(theta) O_n = math.zeros((n_modes, n_modes), math.complex128) costheta = math.diag(math.cos(theta)) sintheta = math.diag(math.sin(theta)) V = math.block( [ [costheta, -math.exp(-1j * phi) * sintheta], [math.exp(1j * phi) * sintheta, costheta], ] ) A = math.block([[O_n, V], [math.transpose(V), O_n]]) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes * 2) c = 1.0 + 0j return A, b, c
[docs] def identity_Abc(n_modes: int) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of identity gates. Args: n_modes: The number of modes. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the identities. """ O_n = math.zeros((n_modes, n_modes), math.complex128) I_n = math.reshape( math.diag(math.asnumpy([1.0 + 0j for _ in range(n_modes)])), (n_modes, n_modes) ) A = math.block([[O_n, I_n], [I_n, O_n]]) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes * 2) c = 1.0 + 0j return A, b, c
# ~~~~~~~~~~ # Channels # ~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def attenuator_Abc(eta: Union[float, Iterable[float]]) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of of a tensor product of atternuators. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. Args: eta: The values of the transmissivities. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the attenuator channels. Raises: ValueError: If ``eta`` is larger than `1` or smaller than `0`. """ eta = math.atleast_1d(eta, math.complex128) n_modes = len(eta) for e in eta: if math.real(e) > 1 or math.real(e) < 0: msg = "Transmissivity must be a float in the interval ``[0, 1]``" raise ValueError(msg) O_n = math.zeros((n_modes, n_modes), math.complex128) eta1 = math.diag(math.sqrt(eta)).reshape((n_modes, n_modes)) eta2 = math.eye(n_modes) - math.diag(eta).reshape((n_modes, n_modes)) A = math.block( [ [O_n, eta1, O_n, O_n], [eta1, O_n, O_n, eta2], [O_n, O_n, O_n, eta1], [O_n, eta2, eta1, O_n], ] ) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes * 4) c = 1.0 + 0j return A, b, c
[docs] def amplifier_Abc(g: Union[float, Iterable[float]]) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of amplifiers. The number of modes depends on the length of the input parameters. Args: g: The values of the gains. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the amplifier channels. Raises: ValueError: If ``g`` is smaller than `1`. """ g = math.atleast_1d(g, math.complex128) n_modes = len(g) for g_val in g: if math.real(g_val) < 1: msg = "Found amplifier with gain ``g`` smaller than `1`." raise ValueError(msg) g = math.atleast_1d(g, math.complex128) n_modes = len(g) O_n = math.zeros((n_modes, n_modes), math.complex128) g1 = math.diag(math.astensor([1 / math.sqrt(g)])).reshape((n_modes, n_modes)) g2 = math.diag(math.astensor([1 - 1 / g])).reshape((n_modes, n_modes)) A = math.block( [ [O_n, g1, g2, O_n], [g1, O_n, O_n, O_n], [g2, O_n, O_n, g1], [O_n, O_n, g1, O_n], ] ) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes * 4) c = / g) return A, b, c
[docs] def fock_damping_Abc(n_modes: int) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a tensor product of Fock dampers. Args: n_modes: The number of modes. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the Fock damping channels. """ A = _X_matrix_for_unitary(n_modes * 2) b = _vacuum_B_vector(n_modes * 4) c = 1.0 + 0j return A, b, c
[docs] def bargmann_to_quadrature_Abc(n_modes: int) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the multi-mode kernel :math:`\langle \vec{p}|\vec{z} \rangle` between quadrature representation with ABC Ansatz form and Bargmann representation with ABC Ansatz. The kernel can be considered as a Unitary-like component: the out_ket wires are related to the real variable :math:`\vec{p}` in quadrature representation and the in_ket wires are related to the complex variable :math:`\vec{z}`. The indices of the triple correspond to the variables :math:`(\vec{z}, \vec{p})` of the kernel here and it is used to transform from quadrature representation in Bargmann. If one wants to transformation from quadrature representation to Bargmann representation, the kernel will be the `dual` of this component. Args: n_modes: The number of modes. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the map from bargmann representation with ABC Ansatz to quadrature representation with ABC Ansatz. """ hbar = settings.HBAR In = math.eye(n_modes, math.complex128) A = math.block( [ [In, -1j * math.cast(math.sqrt(2 / hbar, math.complex128) * In, math.complex128)], [ -1j * math.cast(math.sqrt(2 / hbar, math.complex128) * In, math.complex128), -1 / hbar * In, ], ] ) b = _vacuum_B_vector(2 * n_modes) # Reorder it as a Unitary full_order = math.arange(n_modes * 2) order = list( math.cast(math.concat((full_order[n_modes:], full_order[:n_modes]), axis=0), math.int32) ) A = math.astensor(math.asnumpy(A)[order, :][:, order]) c = (1.0 + 0j) / (np.pi * hbar) ** (0.25 * n_modes) return A, b, c
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Maps between representations # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def displacement_map_s_parametrized_Abc(s: int, n_modes: int) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of a multi-mode ``s``\-parametrized displacement map. :math: D_s(\vec{\gamma}^*, \vec{\gamma}) = e^{\frac{s}{2}|\vec{\gamma}|^2} D(\vec{\gamma}^*, \vec{\gamma}) = e^{\frac{s}{2}|\vec{\gamma}|^2} e^{\frac{1}{2}|\vec{z}|^2} e^{\vec{z}^*\vec{\gamma} - \vec{z} \vec{\gamma}^*}. The indices of the final triple correspond to the variables :math:`(\gamma_1^*, \gamma_2^*, ..., z_1, z_2, ..., \gamma_1, \gamma_2, ..., z_1^*, z_2^*, ...)` of the Bargmann function of the s-parametrized displacement map, and correspond to ``out_bra, in_bra, out_ket, in_ket`` wires. Args: s: The phase space parameter n_modes: the number of modes for this map. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the multi-mode ``s``-parametrized dispalcement map :math:`D_s(\gamma)`. """ A = math.block( [ [(s - 1) / 2 * math.Xmat(num_modes=n_modes), -math.Zmat(num_modes=n_modes)], [-math.Zmat(num_modes=n_modes), math.Xmat(num_modes=n_modes)], ] ) order_list = math.arange(4 * n_modes) # [0,3,1,2] order_list = list( math.cast( math.concat( ( math.concat((order_list[:n_modes], order_list[3 * n_modes :]), axis=0), order_list[n_modes : 3 * n_modes], ), axis=0, ), math.int32, ) ) A = math.astensor(math.asnumpy(A)[order_list, :][:, order_list]) b = _vacuum_B_vector(4 * n_modes) c = 1.0 + 0j return math.astensor(A), b, c
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Kraus operators # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def attenuator_kraus_Abc(eta: float) -> Union[Matrix, Vector, Scalar]: r""" The entire family of Kraus operators of the attenuator (loss) channel as a single ``(A, b, c)`` triple. The last index is the "bond" index which should be summed/integrated over. Args: eta: The value of the transmissivity. Returns: The ``(A, b, c)`` triple of the kraus operators of the attenuator (loss) channel. """ costheta = math.sqrt(eta) sintheta = math.sqrt(1 - eta) A = math.astensor( [[0, costheta, 0], [costheta, 0, -sintheta], [0, -sintheta, 0]], math.complex128 ) b = _vacuum_B_vector(3) c = 1.0 + 0j return A, b, c